THlE UNIVE~RSITY OF MICHIAN DAILY. GREAT HAT. SALE I H-ALLER'S THIS WEEK ONLY, I JEW LRY 111" $5.00 Youman .Hats, now--------- ---- -------- ------$3.89 00$4.00 Rouelofs Hats, now - - - - - - $3.58 STORE 0$2.50 Stif Hats, now--- -------- --------------- $1.90_______________ $2.00 Stiff Hats, now---------------- --------------$1.50 you (lid not receive a cam- $4.00 Fe~doraCHats,---------------------------- PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY era s a hrismas reset, $3,011 Fedora Hats,no - - - - - - $19 eraas50Chistasdresnt Hats, now--- -------- ------------------1.00 and get the best service. 0o$1.50FFedor ",wards. ; ~~ Ave. Telephone 106. $5.00 to $10.00 gets a pretty s No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann Arbor, Mich.BanbOfcatPtes'hrmy good one.. Full instructionss 'swith them. Books about ow o song aepo IHE AN N ARBOR SAVINGS DANK rthem for tihe askingX V r( ____ nyad es. rce: R apita1 Stock,W,M,. Surels. M100 tpr ger, eta..und, 40 r. Reseurces. 11,100,00} a--- I YoZ-pad CtlaueF~li - Oranized under the Geseral Bsskisg Laws 5 ~ 5URIEIL5G. 11 Fultn atfthis State. Receives deposits, buys asd f StreeeYork ieillaexclhanure the priscipal cities of thle , :-PHARMCY , nited States. 0raftncashed spec proper CAL KINS -- PARAC. o ____ v ' Identificatios. Safety depesit boes e to rest. ., w ..OFFICERS: Christian Mach Pres.; W. 0. aaa@a~aaaa'aaasaaaaaa~aaaasuai I arriman, Vice-Pres.; nChas E. tHiscock, ________________________________Cashier: 1M. J. Feltzs sstant51Cashier -i 'V You ff...Perhaps a pattiicilar frieiid for reinessi- brance. What coldlie equal to haviiig that box tillid with ,MOSI El [ 1UELL[N1"1 Chocolates and Bon Bons. Elegant boxes aod a few eltbo- rate tines, packed neatly, iii all si ,'s, to he sent by mnsil and guatrlntenid to lease the most di cii lin tting tt E. V. HANGSTERFER, Coefectionery ot every decritption. COR. 4TH &WASH, 26 S0. STATE. Be Sure You're night On Footwear. where'slotasif tricks is tile trade and they're practiced mare thlan you think, but not ,cre. This sx at ei yon sure you're' rilnt This store guarantees you a'state event- menteofenvery dollar you putinteosshoes we sell. Itoi a osid Sh~oe Store, full of good Soers illprices ear dues. Goodl tubbers tole, if you nat th~em. W. C. Rein hardt, 42 S. Main Street. Your Tailor! Have you seen those nobby Suits Mil ward is turning out. )AILWARD 40 State St. Great Nov elty-Pocket Kinescope ar Living Phoitegraph.i.PActs like Vita- scope or Kinetoncepe. Three subjects out. The "Quarrel," "Billy turbe's Funny Story" .and "The Skirt Danet."' Lots of fun. Postpaid for 25 cents. terulIn Novety Co., 112 Dearberu at., ohlcago, Ill. r Dress Suit Cases... HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE SILK HAT Canvas, Leatheroid, Sole FRSoATOALB N 11.1ize180 Upoital, $1115,00. Surplus and Prefits, W0,000 Leather, New Styles and Tascs eea bnigbusielsss. eitte I'sof eredit. Triroriulgs, Largest Stock E. 1) I1 NNE. Pres.tHARISON SOUtLF Vice Pre: itn City......5. W. PCLARKSO0N .shier. BOXES ------------- 1 x am hrunirdank GS OODSPEEDY Ll i.an114SursOn 30 treria. C'apitalS0 1,10 .Surpfs' 150c 5. Transact QOODSP ED'S generanl iuLieg business. It . K Sln'S Pr's . ' is' G , e Vice P're' 15 South Main Street. luRss ii Ooi.'.I inCtshier. 'JNIVER6niTY NOTES. lA' lil(lt RAND 1':iIA ttOI'SR. Lowneys Chocolates. P. Wadw.abiy,'', s l). Hot Lunches. I~~~~~~~~T< entverlSehnv'15 d pOI pop~lullar 1 111051 Stoles 11est II'ls. lls11ll'5 Sd~tl~lliesi haseel11111 briit. TUTTLE'S. 45 S. State St. 11150111 l A. o. th i,' si'. Ic si' 1111' 111 is ii s il l l's e otry as'T eyi IO Iiii-sliii illi- islAi''ls'5l' Ii'1111 1lile fry 115Il l''HPO'S O PN S. ie hihar en sted l he llllill I ir l l v'i I n d(1,( t'aIIlOeni i, Sidri'sWn A U U LAIG JW LR lii . 1 1 1.1l~5. " i I 11111st 0 illilfl s is', ae biuni to' 1 .1111. 1by . . lii., 11011111 iii.ill the01 1111 1 f pro fe'si on, ai s ell r PA O AD .C O M s ON 'lii(l i f. 'iii b 11111 ad i gi ll tui 1111 the ii i II li i le, elle I iu }i~i''i bo, ilioly 01'lisi' ilg h ier y llillii 1115:'111' h bld e lll s i ned f orty , e~nes, I oNSO PINS 'til'115111 Il~illl' ii lllllI111(1Iif l l 'SI is col. bros Stilgaieo'rgeev tory Oerluoy A oI~t 'llll'once 11t 01'ia stwih e cill.225DiISONST I'. lile rl ' .4cel aln nle 11 l'111 'i''l 11 I' 111 151 ls e n di es11 lg Au enlrnet' ' anleiiin t'acsll.lni l 'iso ~s ol n £' l olIt.he MfU S " W PT U .pes * nose litic e l Sby li.Lll1)' Vo . ,rchy. il~llllt lcl's st 1illmpusi, 1, 0 111 lit~s 'i 1lirhe ltlhEs'. get ,fl.1)i ) 1. o ll , flai'it5a.1ervr forh )in'ythe r 'u PIA lO AN lliaMPS TI ON.ues o T'h''lCihessCit. S. ta st rl.1illli hi'i' I te a haeelate BesheirRare. tibrly f the' ll''5il'l lil'll11lil'ib ll tlliig.I ;E JOL}-Y"&,O .. ; by Slls~l. F o . Stu tateCos. eroysermny 'aii'l raciceasI 111-' '111 tilwereili CilICll d frt l 'ilet or11an illeion r ce i s,--tovi i n ed. ,iv ole oo!'(i' t th Grnd oera anJuts alleiidsa ofrgSanitariumn ertiilr llllalie x l i' iilltPhys ic lls is 0(1thsla. Fo1 11 ). i e osf oraew P py s Poular4:15 e Ill.ll 'revail,'.35),i50lll~l ilno'fandiCold'LuncSesiatsar l sc& uC . et oflIt.i. helii illll'iirhat l a -; _ - -- S.j .ren1 '24oolt B n os. S ~ E S' 11111)11r licelo th '1eve o1!55 ll. il lo i''n fr ____ J______________________________ ._ ili'ii' 0 ive llil;15 ~stli~l~il Se- 20 S. 4,y~StaeStSae Bok uudx~oithel l or lli'ill'leilli Ah ll r cand iatesfor thet1111 teal .1nghe I