r THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Black Bull Underwear, Ypsilanti Union Suits for Meu' A&ND Y PSIL.ANTI CEEBRATED S WEVTE+RS Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann Arbor. Call and examine before buying. 28 and 30 South Mains. , MICHIGAN GCllTxAL %Time Table (issed) 'Spt. 27 1596. N. Y. Speciasl--4 5.8 Ml ---_. 5843 Kastern Erx-- 10 17 N. S. Limited.--. 9 25 Atlantic Ex----- 7 35i Pa(Ifl Ex-1--II1 . ON.Express---- 40 Westeen Ex-_1 55 G. B. Express --11 (5 Chi. Nt. Er-- 151 0. W. Beixt iS, 11. W. HAYES,, Gi.P. &T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor RAILROAD. " Thori jsTble, Oct.- 27, 189)6. 73 a. Ins. X7:30 a. a). as3 p. i:5 p.n. *Run bSetwseen Assn Arboerind Toledooldy, All 1.rains daily sexcist PSssd~a.y. E. S. G1L)WRF,17 Agent W. 1H. BENNETT 03. 1'. A. 'oledo, 0. THE KINDERBARDEN BILIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS Wholesale Cigars. Tobsacos arsd Cigarettes. Cor. Main and "Liberty Sts. ,d~/ A ~ ~ "r. lir Hone is Really Complete Wittiost a sew 2897 Mtodel urlGuitar, Mandolin,I Banjo or Zither. srcrhae1osled down11 era result ofth Ia a l sat rmneitas-a fithe-verylastest dsigns Frm $0g.00 Upwarsd. lllsewwIV a-ur 71adalialis a rasdical deaueill ise frst fre.1 9 s vei s s Itssssis the nea e1,1 dai- i es ass d lgtst AfnoIs isss lassinaltesssad- iits s.n apoals I rr;a l aL frdrndssssiaes- rieisby-all fist-s World 1 lo s z issexcl siey by tihs eIs zr 0.'r n ssdola "na i n ingportilab of 1v iesr 100. 55. 05.s .n5 fisssl on recip of app15icatsils If~ss ouse scal alr. A1da ltll sntproves wsith age antd noises a gist tht7 ine-s int va.lae ax tte years go by. It. it aly Nssth mtastimstscost. LYVON & lEA Y, C07?. WARiAt AVE7. & ADAMS ST. C"ICAGO. SUPPLIES i E Among the Colleges.x as s9.ssslc II\V vriev, N. Y. 1 isiiEi s7 siil 'r s , NOR11bo5' i'9lsii c(1lii Irs. IC hill .ill- Slillitry I s, ix is lol. I1 is ls (d 111'sl i sl u lsis issl l sol saIl {rhss 1,5 V~lell ".lo is s ills C ssof :7I 1757.74. issl scsl sils-s (If 'siTo11N.052, ,iii ii, iI 5 a ILIsII 5 ss' l 91,7(0.72. 15 51115 ' isis Il'()1 1?" il sl11(' tI-sisiss-. Is- tt C_ 'ihe1 ll l ir 110 Ist. iss i l( 1iii lsir lltllilll". ll s tslss Ol lli -A i( . f t,' a s 'l ill s hel si sh11 he tl~ c (ss' 11)1si 1- i iiia liss'iiisii .bilils'tIs y .baas i iliis nf 3 id 1 ,711oll s .9 i s (5111- 55r 111c toi rliiro-wi~it e. huis'75 l lI s.s a ;I jItl isil s l.11(, c ll lsisliT e 5 5ct rr lls 9rt1si sli s' st e lls idr ii Io sl 11190ill loflth 1is 555 1' the ilg I ill ('issss tsiss sb -uslivesarc itrII a ;"I; s f ls ' lsll l , 1. i o hreis .Isi 5- Ill i ]ill'- Ol:i. CHll oil ha1 Is l a 911 ) i - )) Ii 1.5 1 ll ' j laysi lel ifs. ,ll l; ckis glll'Il' 555() 55, 52, o 1 ili, ( ~ o Illilil' ltiliglt- 5111toIll 'iisy hiss' asl- 55151', (Iis Is fsvs . O, lss5 xi'1fiNoDo !s1. 1 f U. OF M. CALENDAR. .lsiisscl~t.ssJani.I11. N 1). Ill., law loc,- iss--ros t-i.1,s1Aadsiasil 5\ wel rii.f ' soslisssl -Ilis. Il. 18.societies. St 5'ln5srll5 .l.Jsi. l.1: 1.S 1. 11. il 17 :isI Musi~lic"ls 1eforeiiiheiPil's Wl siixL,.iis I,- 15 p. is.. Room _'I-sr Ii llsisssi i sa f Iri lA - 4 IN eOlh lesqOrLs sssr o led ai d tolssi A sistus.S Th - 73lelt r sais oe a The OisltgSleepoig Grie rIltvsIseowem ledoad oxilaxambus. lsts W.Va. Yiullmaon 8tltpet's betwesen Clumbuxss THE ONLY LINE wilhO.ttirinseach eayd ,r between To~leoianed Columsal . THE ONL5.5LINE7 with a3Ptranssrsscwt l f, Sda'a s3 lssbatenTloa nd Elosdlmlsa I. IITHE ONLYIN.- ithellStrains essch wayti1ut E betweroed-o513, Bowling Ges--o_ uss Findlay. fTHEOLY LINE 11th92ttPristea w.) :;.=t between oIlesdo ssd Charleston,97. W THE ONLY DIREC~T LIN' between 'n Tw THE POet ixAR 1IN56 cenToledo,-FPD rialBucyus,Granville adewak train, etc.,s-Will be ehsfil ri s h.ed by y Agofsthse Oioiall IraLine 1 ~TOLEDO, OHIO jGrand-OpEia I1cuse,. R A. W.;firem0n. n1 IIs -r'5515 ent5'1115155151 'tlsis ( - Prices, - M~c, 5Cc and '75,2- THE E CLLARS, j ANN .ARB OR. MICH. This Space is ResevedI ( Faculty Notices. ' work iin l'leori I si1711111' edto 1 o II?. fosi Ils' srl7.llls tihsll (1 9 I.-N.N II ,)h1'. 13r1 for the i r I fr a lie Cos t Ottraldiegr Leasse Bssl.l, ls.9a'k, l. ittseax ssld ensd ise511559saptrsnd IfSi tld't liI]1(Eter1"mo I U speeiat ssle.. Exery reqsiteforenn'es xx55d-l' siissl iti os j Gol rt.tisket. Ts~eatsad Iield. Gya- toi Irolsf. C.'. ( 'x1 17.1softhle t'iljlI'l'l tosxssimumtos'.dad oxtftl. Comsplete ! C' talost ofS' t ndSu s~s Irsme- Spsasee II i lillso , be'forel'e'10 , ' it '070571' III free. ' rho Name ttse Goatntet' " llilsssarI'lh will bs'eN'fred'ill15 111' A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Sisuoo't' eltcool. If six I(1011not igisify Nesw York. Chieago, Platlaeeplels. ltheir iten'tiono sbyllssthattie 1 1 (.1118(1 _____________________________ Avill be offI'reds. I'. 5'.4lr 01 Subscribe for the.Dailyl Subseribe for the Daily. - HARTFORD, CONN. p ~ 1... F? Advertise in THlE DAILY-