THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY. # a oodname is of 11u0h171 10000 bpori- f V al . a c hante gaining of :71few itori labliohrd Daily (Sundays excepte~d) daring the College year, at Board of Control Meeting. THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ThrIotughIatmisitake itttite -olitotlig -Orrtee: Titest bailditg, 79 S. Matn Si tyb- roottt the attiele on tlte Boardl of ('onl- tweea Liberty atnd William Sta. -trol Ineeling, written lt upfor e y'tei' ANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOAS, it. laly' edilti, lw-itsiot iiisertedl. Ani BUSINESS itANAGER edi~itil yesterdl:my iraiirflly eotered 0. tI hANS II.the tubject, but lie i'lttrl is gim-ot to- E. L. GOrntrt,'9EDLITOR.S v is I da- 1 , titimtee of recordl. P M.L o l it. 11. 0. tttmett''It B.e 15 i-a r i.H t.tmrio t . Titomoitttlt :1te moelofS'ril itida It. Mi. GwtnEN, 91.Aihltetit Editor. I iii ile1011itlooi ASSOCtIATEt EDIOTORS Kiowlttonto cons1ier l te11rules1pro- l W.V. I. ttaie~s'li. S. W. Sitil,'it " I- -acd by theo I 'liii igli el tilei of e Fi. A. PiOl, '9t1:. Loaisetilitie, '99. tiN'luelii il'toe 1111ii W., 11 moeil, '9t. littler Latmbl, 1100. 1ls oelhr1o 1 ~lettltto A. Al Snaib,'9. C. ull,;r., 9 t. Ce1 111l111 ii 1e'tt i 11 ' tilii lt'tc . Th I - i (tie",j Q' , I I A GOOD CASJE wina the jury of shtoe buyers and it's 00rs by a heavy mtajority. Footiwear shonld be lop quality. The feet rant stantdattyting else. Pricer should bo low, so as to keep ltestoe tax within boundtts.Yoil won't feel our thio priesbitt they wtill tnako yott feel pleatedi. Thtere are no corn growet's like hati ohoes. Colle to us and get stiiig itiat you caniwiea' yotirself, itioteati of the shoe wearing your foot. L. GRUVNER, N R.MaDi att f fort ii:: etltge year, itiita IerIIto (I ie-yI before 1oit'c looitay.ii tii-o y:,tliielumc- ftil e ie irei0 llyOlei i h ol tos Il l thr lily tt-erittot.nit: thato:: fth - ltolli ii'r lti ii Lion mulietit-it ill 'l'ilit'th'h lll 111111- 1( iii: ha e ;lralt t ( I'l 1a-t'1l foeN,r a iledito the editor bttolil4 thai. li te tticlay lpr ifi lit'thtolitilil a toltitteill'si sp a tCil'a theyti ttil x t ~to yt 's ttI 'til Sub(.rpt~ns ay )-elef, a Th Daly ure liihat t iltl llt' co iii's oiii :1 ' Witli loes iat l fC ulcrtlE,1' wil col- we trlt l o :, t t li llrol(ril ilI l ter aifavor blilt por'ilitriprtiltly 1t t1his htmic. Ayfaiure sti r ier''stto letltt' t pr till'l 4((t 01" l'e 1'lh 11i .11 atIheipropoill-ltr ii iplity we5tiit (tt itt wer11111 iti- tlt4 1t i t illliti' itthgtim liiti1'ti110ii0111t111li verting Ready. il"11, rwuanre.rLUn mt n r~rt rrrt fliJrU LfLnnrrrnnnrannnrmrr d u :rurs ru- No tine like the present to buy your- Oruiri : Sself an Overcoat. We take strcfk 1Feb. 1 st. T 'his means that we have cut the pice fon Ovec(fats f 1001 three to five dollars each. SIt would1( be a aooll trade if youi did not in- letrnt end to use it until next season. I I oI~s arClothio ousn~ i 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET. dru' 1011 101 uuitlttlti0L'lDn.FUuuztslxla-uuuu.nt1101e .ru~uxnau:-: -b Bigger, Brighter, Grander Than ever. Omn atScatlc of Xltigni- (mdc fat' Sutrpassoig lattSeaon's !Sucmeses. ]Every Act mm Featutre ammii cievy m'fom'ier mmmi Artist. f So stiffer tisit -t.I coen ftiotmm. 'he rulebt -i'll t to~wilt. tbettintg atttiou i-t: t tu lhrigitdiug 1111:- temil in Avstmetrim -olligi' iitil'tirc. forwardlitco.urii'olinedti eit r n Wvay or h' le othie, utuif soi'i-ptiiii,-' showlalititlli ally blitlet I1,111m imumieme.- itmthlie college atotii ug thils m'mit shuldtititht lie tsiittiitd imto impholdit, ,oly 'omne whieht.tilt ciltit-huihal btit- 11011 t-cmmm,-onsist'etly minlttti,it sihoultd be rigidly uiiereit to, Thlt Unhiverty regretlosig thitsevitces G of Ferbert, teimhilge: anmd (*atrr, buti titilhl, 'l rit i hih I toil ly tthem egt :iiA.h . t etttl -md he itheidWiniemrwl iih.'h 1 tug I i-nut-ti.s thise moy til ]MostBtten wliiii;areall.Wash: imtgtu-mi n ifhitM. aidMrsofMglletr-, gola andtie iece Monthiiam lyve at Dily; oenyfwce, m Reward erdy $1. r ]loo.hnickes oshreetsioparr yil- fbmrltac ltt, lgian1(bid.haib, $3. Ann Arbor. Light Infantry's SECOND ANNUAL MA]VIIVOTH Light Infantry Armory ! JANUARY 1210O 16 INCLUSIVE, VP I !. r G i The LUtCIKY CURVE af the GEO.B PARKER FountainPe Siphont IF etertasto Ite tr Pe Wha BlimRalBearings ar theBicycle. AprfmectPead warranted Py the Parker E'en ComantemyJanesvtlle, Wis. J. C. FREUD, '99, 47 S. University Ave. R 1 I LL THE PHOTOGRAPHEtRcU. roomaALOads Alt VIGpouahtmnrts first cmlas. Washington Blocmk, Imparted and damaestic cigars, Ladies'artis- Ann Arbor. stairs. J. R. Trohanawshl a S. State at,