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January 12, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-12

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(J W IL11 , INTER-SOCIETY DEBATE.I the baseball and football teamns will ibe THREE GOOD MEN OUT.
- disussedi The meting will be inter- f
Leading Tailor websters W"n the Last lPrelim. aig n hol ewelatedd erbert, Iennin~er, Carr Lost to
iayContest. List of Prizes. Next Year's Teaml.
Athe ORE latolof the prelinonres fl' the Its o fIres fee s The eto'new trles adoptedlbyil' Bors
- - I 'titattn tit~tol' woo trIO lst nttltt, Oirbgonesin uo has been Slightyin- 10Ito ottsdynglt(ta't
r1'htla'go (ebasetwas 'O~f tis Ittr 10 0as tontlo a follos 1111 trltttitgur' 011(1 Core fr lts bis
'fULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY, t''1 <ttIltniew tasto, evtt'ssof h
;n 111l'lersoltllllltsoclt ittttO 1t it'tragg l oin11te arsity herefer. To y
1'I tlltt't'-aellldte1b11010to slellO I e slir, ttlle digolll 1113111 .11 l tlslhs'l lllde'tote rob'aais
NO 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. tt11reeteptet 'telo (f the lw (lo ean,. Cnitasly l i ineltl, oe1 ea.111r, ognwotp. il c et
1 or1105e besttpotllutsill Its eleff.
0 As 1101011i 'lt It 1 stdis do ist soyed 1(zin 5515'e 51ear.
SO P !IItrtttl't'lhrs111aitge 1 I'FIor'le bit.of I l. 31 5511 (entry Junior Promenade Cornnitee.
0 S terO A tP 1 0s jtarmett r (111' 011 11'sir its td t'larssrIss-trs- Migate os ss.Vt tstit roesd 5lltl
j~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~1 ttst ts'tt strtl iteir t5
foott pre toilet sops, no 5per- 1011111 th ss tt l~y o(IthIte other l'.'li Frl hebetttryoiahltItt-eda m u l ' 111-11 t tt ) }f re~ly
lame (ll e, :jus 011o1p ttnddalt l,111 10 ney (11r
s oats foxl. ar ' lce,lasorltc.Try !toIll ]t's.Ill 1re1s'1ec't t'les irit 111111- a ftetinoont, at 1:.- 13. Tle t tsiilteosIt S-
a1c I l le n 0estoe] fesetd a1111 telt' ttiltion 111 0155t, 0'o till best lhlsullotrtl sketh (f 011 o tottfoo llllttrolt
-- 1(101 Iig~lls hl'lsolts' ools fos' s't 111' 1 oe life, Irters .\ lolaile, (1111' tril. ~ I. ''lottO , 111 tt05 -f '
1 PALMERS PHARMACY. FI lor dhIlls' toi ltsstttrttsoemtt~lt f
46 SI:STATE ST. Mt (wAeotI xtty (111 Wil rekly) tote or. ttltlls II 1t ()11ltt'e 15 Ils
Mess AbbotttOtttbtttttl Writtkl- j c115'ni - f. h omit t h'
DEEP CUT IN GEN SHOLES rrt te.trntr th ueto ta.aklthtrpeeaio fltecon
- ott!tl tlle srto. C5 Itttt~fst'. Iitl-oley 1111(1 p~ w 1 pn tretIri iltts's be grou51td 11at1frtetrn'it. Te
110 tsse oa - $ 8 O t y 5f ts' Webisolr Sss-ity stts'retti1e11t'wlit1(111 0 010to tsttti 1-risI-so
$6.0 Ena el 3a~s$4.8 e t ingJ 1522 trp tll (con1trilts-
835.0 Box ('alt - - - 4.00 ttt'gotir. -I5~ l5 ili'lsl-ll to r Te (chair tsttloiltrsla1commtt~tee'
$.00 tFresnch Ctalf - - 4.00 1P. ( 7 eetry I( . ,abbtt an115 111(1 31. t-5lions1in thsot t'. B. t toolsek, Alboxll
4.0 Calf, Cork Sol' - 3.256 'tosttll'tre-s-sgienlItIe triss(s t adhtsto111505 itt ng Editot-, No. 21 :.D laP i;L 1. ty Ph Dea
Motgtt-lsta It;I- 1 to'y ltnet
$1.00 Calf Balb - - 3,0 marintgs iby Ills' itlirs ra11(1 ty Is'r lcli aceI 0. lThta, antt . . 0.F. Bettnett, 111K-l)-
Wc.ashowall t iStyleo andSizes~
at te satboePs-leo.till stiersefors'e rsenottthels lr ds.'- Engineering Society. 1pa 'oPsi itrlagtheilsrottllaon of ite
p COE S & AA jLL'IAND , stmri ssiin It lthe nl 1 intrsois it'-e - 'st riaasbosl andiio 1( 05fsrtttstssbft-
AL 67iL f I t Itels' m:0 1t in of 1bt i1st' e1r
wASHtN(IroN STREET. sateI. Prtfessors \Io lls'ttsl 1d iNool- - ll- .lis.a Atl a (lll5'1uetttt wos 'ten
1 Ss8wito- Fts toks't It 0:3 1of15. Isslo. wh'tt ls
'- - - 1 --. .r)yof t-eIlst s1ises s Isnd Iett' l-ta en t 415st li0(1ywil h
Elry onu-ay GOOCs~r '11ac11ed-titstiedgeltoand'ItieisrstIeta'ltreport'ts' s'itsttees swill be heartsst.
yl'lst' 11111' st holdin list'wis'ssthit'sinnds
-A T- iisotkittgaresul'tedlIr' iving0 ti ' 510ls' s 1t s-lIseI- lil's '' t eofh dir te n m a
ho~~~~~~st-s ~ ~ ~ ~ el lis'e(, fsiltts cige Isoifsa lt 'i lelt 15 e tsesstOlt'l-o' 1'I
3row~p1'g Drug adBStore.n ross l+ aiut
IFULI STOCK LOW 1PRICtES I}l ear istl wit 15 pointsta. Ir. Ahi- I '-
bositIo--nd stitt 11poits. xKr . r- rs' -ss. 'tssoss51 it'5'' As-ong the Colleges.
los-set f na n sIotssd HloSts.f41 feest:lng.
ou h Itittil so-it Ii 1 11 s CtudAt. Thes ' ''ls's le s p lal rtigely of 1is' I- Pr1'ttlstot ot ' a ts'ir tssrr tging
,t ilts of ils'he st o stet'tostpso f it' tsrttdl.,swhist Istr ttti'tt.
BabylsCat is TIIFBEST litban sSixth. ro te hbs t Ia adist
Alt grades oIfs'jhslrda slandj sorts itis'sal.o I ' S c ncosn s t t~ts trefte.( '
Camel foal .and Coate 'Ills' is'estattos' is-as itlesstt'osls'is Ist' I- itirstityCatol t~i (t1t11 ,
Ih etn w s lu rafd b 1111-anIt el sttt'ooscityctn- tesst sd thirde
Id TA B ER tll srot inss'ttan11(1s thes. ''''hoe1' 't'ttittit ilatytI for11 list I tt11
'TelepthoneEto. 8, Oe doS as to1of Amnes- i fisl g aa'thIlls'bstei o t heIsIli 101- - - ~b ~ - -s s~ 1 'i sot s-tt os ''it'e~v
rat seattasaII lls, 111(tambea1lstW dnsdy
iStst le1 I t The 11orll il Is rt-isg ts bissg tstsssn
UrjNIVJER1~SITJY 5CHJ1L3PJJJ ITutt-itt 11151 me that. th Itt, 5 111ti1,'toisiIsotialitqt 'fofs'it at t' Unsiesiy tof
0F DAN0 .iCIN~G fial snis-ersity deltet 1ootthl I'., ll iii t aslo ts'. Ilsttttt ait' istos'o ltnst tat.
O - tt w o lssonsla50,eerk. ttet Ists- I al. Afe hedbael s t tst 1Io. Alssgtsst11 ss 11tfttts sf 1t trtt-o o is
tis isost-toa set tii't'ait I stl. A~t'' Its'slsls ihn'tst s--n stcutre cois'osf t'C o 'tI-1I Bros't Isiers'i (Ills tCl asskisg
'27 'Thomrpson s'treet. 111111h ll'the -ers-ttstt if sotisl11"sil -lsrsst ls'Eigt ~'forse 1o'lilt~ss 1(1 to -sear t BI'hass
-AT - - ls'olsttdtseirs ides aitnd drew fortIll ills 1 ssi.~i'1tI I-se 1150
BOOK C 1 __- - AnAl-Ameran Team. addtfrth rc kaao
- l't'LtPtnsyvanttia 1w1v'e otesdy reslssssdseh
WA RS BO TR. For TrackAthletics.
___________ "Ii'h ftt lISilg 0its' All-- tlOOc lt 0t tiss' call os lti t a ~inis. Ative't
1 atosooe 1111, sof tIll s' boly Its-c t:ta' or li81111 iso 0l' byl15'('001101' Itwork hao s gsnsforsth ll'elay' race
-All the New holidays -Books ines o illts, is tt(kin arrst-eotmeastttsstr ta \Vlinty: 1 t ltors'orslwihs tks'pla-s o
Art Books tasd all fte latest TutfsQt. atss tst'ittg of all intsesrestedsitstrosk Bosiss I(lrinceston) Tfis1b-sok, Kelley5 Fels. i.
Dainty smsall (ift Books Tin Prose tltlsess-t1ridoay etelig. (Plrinceton) 111(1Wrgltitgto (Ibost- 'The it'hoslritis ll'Nw havlien h iass'
1e00Roice Classics 2c each. b td atbakhrce Tte ln- tkeI xcpiosi hetx- -thndr
All oer Standard Sets at 23 per Sou11areery e;go. Besids e it'att- tsr111r ad ositit, aley (lrinsettn) c5l15 ittb ~ty al e T tt alisities ats bast'
cent discount. j((ity of teiien So lst1(1a1' t eam'5 l Stes-, 0'tstrtsn atisl 0'stsrsff (1'ttttsl-
It-sloo Sfshedlsdse sof te ot11 i, as-
Take hosne a copy of the '9 there't.is soatsierx sasstgttst ri s stta) ouoi st. tistiets (r isses 't adi)t a
OR ACLEA, only 2c. Ill teIiefl I 1 0111( Mit-po-lYass')tot-kis.promising'ssttguti prlssrtteri$31742.
Every ote invited to visit our two (Pen.)sandtush otisllarari'ot'hIentd, lwst oist--Ilsprbasble at hossesil
stores. exe~~5 ry reason toss ieiit thsat wil ilill 'flis ies' sitetsst fourte nlltt, t ' urstu ietott se its tsattions will its
aeastol tes theIll ield101t Pnnstsyvnitss h re tle tP01sta1nd
Several lhsotsietseltsusssstilloe in Ist sdlss 0'ttsy lols ssli gr'tis tstes-,alsttiklrb-1 y
W H' S BO OKSTORE 1 pIt o esta 3,0 aya sca
I ltttdte fli st'h tss'thLsng andt he Its'uett' 1101isbonstgitg ttthe lto f t otIo iss 1.0j 3ela ~
Up Tawn Dows Tswn .0i p tis of graduatt'e aching tfor the AltterOf's' grea layessitrs adthaIit is teassted th -lsabosit $1000 whtch it
-20 S. Sate st Otpsite Caturt blasts-.lurttcketf.Prneo. o as
As As-StrMaia t I trak tmetn sitmilar totaist Iratsei forS isrltrh 51''tiit,01t 110

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