THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ers a aChisma pesnt s why not buy yourself oner 'for New Year. $2.00 and up-; 0wards. 0 -- N # $5.00 to $10.00 gets a pretty 0*.A..NN Co. .AHBIoR MUSIC good one. Full instructions 0 _- -- ° G4 GA.GbmaC.o .O.caoa3 ms..marm. .. .tioasc4.Gesa.A 1dr. : With them. Books about sm D~si~endnept a theini for the asking. 014 '4 wvanyyddress. Prices t$ 1 p nr'nnd, t tpnnnd,45rn 10 / o ( 6 er -paid C t" o ct..e 0j qwW±' ~U3RUG.,1 lt3 0 0 tee,iiasYor 0. ~4~T '' 7 ICP 1 ~'YOU ARE NOT SUP1PLIED) WITIH k Z.4 .~.,L-4 ~j'WITEI SHIRTS EXAINE 1OURh {,, HALLER'-S, I JEWEL.RY STORE 46 S. Mlain Street. PATRONIZE HOLMES' LI VERY and get the hest service. Office and Stable, 32 Forest Ave. Telephone 106. Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, 1,50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Resources. $1,100,000. Organized under the Geseral Basking Laws of this State. Receives deposits, bsys asd sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed spas peeper Identificatios. Saety depesit Sexes to rent. OFFICEaS: Christian Mvach Pres.; W. H. Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier,:IAl.1J.Fritz Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K of Ann Arbor Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $00,000 Transacts a general tanking businenn. Foereign exchange boacht and sold. Furnish letters if credit. E. I). KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULE, Vice Pres. SW. CLARSON, Cashier. r- *e MAKES TO ORDER WOMEN and MEN'S Easy Fitting Shoes in all tile I Latest Styles. ELGIN AT $1.00 siloPgaceyceceiCotstradi- oritiolosoxaosltle i''t. aecee th geaico i'nayariit fret he uRairingtoyir nyilaiid t3S ain Soot. at sa ',iis. stuethiislmsost n'auenfcrecssit.T pu chseto,'th sell u m ne il afod Staens ltrentssi c ~iit i n g ee wrl BAST 1.IATNE $10.00 We340 haes ininstoc here, njonts Can fur isybuxth forsusti'aFantihain Peiaan s inr eprngata lswpcialty. ---dfoilspaecialeastooiea 4 463.463 Eas hin ron t reton Haveurishyou sh enirthcasosenib Gr. eanovin elypocktrinesope or Liig-hGrap HMAAct lk Vt- scoe -rSpneescpraes theresbata ou. e "Qual" Bll ur-' Fun ESoy"'nd"HeroSreaet" Looffun.PTaidor 2!euh Goueat Novelty-Co,11kearbnscporna. 4Liing otorahIll.lkeVia Made of WAMSUTTA MUSIN and RICHARDSON'S LINEN Coar. lain aiid Hero,, Streets. I and eqpual to any 51.50 Shirt. They are sellers and wearers. Capital .501,000.SurpliouO3,000. Transact geea "akn uiness. R. K n's i' res. C. F, Cii ext.Vice iPres 'Wagner & Qo. )1 ;-8outh Main kt FPaE.i1.HELSsEa, Cashiier. Lowney's Chocolates. Inter-Collegiate Debatinsg. hit. lly 'aiislx,'is telirst ii lac liilii H ot tLunxches. In ths nolh' I oun he, 11 I 'siil i'ii usl 110:11 ills'I ' a ii'' s h at a ( Psi'ssi 1111 iic s frnt ithepoll f Pr"'o-i 11333 'ichoi 5.1 48 S. State St. 11111 il i .TARE ROUS1E ONE 11l'liii13101' ll'l3i1113 I't'he Ilses'eviI. ls, how '1. 1w1illl tli's'sl'li 5OFOU0R ares' hi-i(Iifill'thei' 1l'lo'1iofliilt - 1th1 ho s~is 111111,lsl~lli i l d 113 1 , 111, ii1-( 'l';li'.e111' I .lls' I DROPINS las sii sills's 1u i'sa sisi 51555 iti, i "iIl'Il' U533'~, hs 'D' 1W R O DLAID JW LR illas's'c allis's'o151theliiilIll for the ill Ill's' lpastltwol'll Il ills' sliils'e'e'lPIANdANDtCOPOSTOR N. llllsI'l'is'btoo'5deepe 41ttngar C socess tor, Ceriany s'siw'k'0sIioiltiil1 11ii1i' u' 1'311'sndlstReeseds Lr osfSeein us'.lisi'111,15V (i s'lc 1S y' theIs'histo ry l' ( : id ystineissb i -aId ssl' sa L ± f P p s ~tI-ll;s'soss' lu hgais I l ao'ul' i'i'ic'' 'ls ss selrilis If 11s's's'ii3"' ot and Col eahssit alU rs.Agnt .1111' 'i'iolis ori h!l' i / w iisk "'}sili is''lsf oriiylrsaidW liim rd 1c'ste' Dulas1i(ii his' 12130 1 s ''1esr311151 (h a aiNOAN CO MPOITON Ite Ii ro l of unctasil larery I uill' 1.115, 113 ill. 12 4 ii15 it ,p il ist ii i i iea 'ly irii'iilili ini n r D .M r o d Ain t e t r. an isss 1,i'ds ot isroftheio, in~i'ion hisalt i. -S lfS i & C . oiitshktl'5ulilisih'i~ti' 111u'rseshi'oisls'T tllre ' 124 S. STATE ST.1Ce~ I here are twossoil ilsotsciicidenW sttis nu fir JAstoceved 7Lar e uf Eegan ticiy of sx'c Irlilill iiiixsli 1 i of th l e IB ile ', s'sitx. soii. 5c lie olbil dl he irs t fo'''ioig .11eis oii'listcllu, thH f'L m fN ewQ O Pii pes0 coachin- blysthe ctc'lty.Wieib iieand Wa H t and TLucesC l oEs. Aet and hao's icll iosssiasi 1013 I liedgtou oni~siflli yt it pa ilot )glasse.fTrukrsand VlisReard Neansyoand }Cheaply.rNo. PS. S Ihn.x0 0 Ves hilflitse alty .ts alesil 'oeaci odiov sisenliso. Lae a iii' tis. usiS 15 's~n 'st Di S. an. .,'12 ,i X14 an.dMARIN,)oeatI=Drecte1]Clot 10rt5in.heiprepaation3of ,th.eae oiFv e t ure 510's wllbedcotd.o an d Ih~ali s teP and iFinsd If thiscontinus, ther will b C den; F. 11rasubnet;aJSpecialty., Ne,,?i17 5, andallstuent '1)(Lcitzen 2.eSlantos fo rser. Frby h AntWhioteLigt-Burnstfreely to the latdro eili h lm SiS SUTSOR25CENTS -Clearof ssrutoin wat el ctper al n D lv r d n or cnC E NI G A D R PII G peromptlly-o ld tonly bi15nSat tthOceBnn'eBlladpens 44re Southivae StreetrSub1crbe1for te Daily T h t e r d n e r i h a . o o e - o n g . Ln~ o r l j 't 1 O A1 1 p I .H A Q A T R O ( a e