THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ,l' X5 there. The governor believes the best t f~, THERE'S NOTHING LIKE LEATHERe i l is itoinoe too good for the University, .I° s NoTrnCO HNWL U beas eblee h woesaei' WE WL U OEHR ublished Daily (Sundays excepted) during the neficiary as well as the tUnivcr- ~AI sh olg er tity when the latter 's nieeds ore san- J.4 TH UIVRIT O ICIGN t-svgate, yan trtt. tsiijyply sopplied. This does not mtean ex-OV NIB S D S OFMCIA. taaacb ~ymas tsnll U IT R S OSC Times buitding, 79 5. Main St. be- omeano that thte University sihoold ltave _____ tween Ltberty and William St. tihat getterous support Necessary for its MSANAGING EDITOtR development along ktithi its rival insti . Runnia, Enamel, Box and Ameri- J. F. TnOMAS, 97. tuons, many of sohich have been can Cult are World Beatern. BUSINESS MIANAGOER mlore favored by spiecial endlowmentis. BA S S O T R , 0O.iH. DANS, '90. "The Universi oi l i' ihigan is tie EDITORS pleoplde's university. It has no thock- - 6N, MAIN., OPP. COURT HOUSE. E. L. GEioSu, 'OI9sL. F. S. SuONS,. (- fetter to pour into us treasury his F. M. Lolesen,'0. 0H . S.tatsslN' . surplus tmillionis. While ero eosoi'sts u. it. GuEEN, 59. Athletic Editor. would be acceptable, it Iassissoromlise F.~~~~~~ . Lout,'5. i H Ciwi, 0, e ASOITH DTR ftn usata upr xetta . W. ughes, '55. 5. W. Smith, '07. which ai great andt groto-ilig silaIe, ipee- F. A. Fadk, '5552. Louise Dodge, '99. iple') willshsm of illl(lligs'lleti', r iift W5. P. Morrill, '55. Butler Lamb, 19000. sanis pridie. ecisi gise t' ilTe fart till Jaeiuary andt February is ttic time you should A.A.'mt,9 .Lll ii,99M t heor tuniiveroioli'sitiesar 51ca110 ftasorl own ani Ulster. Now is the time. You can buy eidiin the smatter of ricli endowments sppills to JMinligaito pride'll -o thenm cheap. We have about 25 Rogh andl The subscription price of the Dily ti 02.50 ersiyi iiafo o os it sssmooth UlInters which we will close at a price 'e- for the eollege yeare, with a regular delisvcry euse s"lot's rig-lt inti skilg tlis vito- hrfore noon earls day. Notiees, sonmutica- of it. It is fhrir1value. tions, and othee mttesr iotessded toe puhlicsi-oflit.Itiis garssilesslvofitheir value.r lion must be hasnded io at tse IDaily office be- :,1111 t Say osllls('r lit tte 1 ivc fie e p. e., or nsoled to the editor before 3 p. in., of the daypreosotto that on whichlts iy osillIts' keist i liith'frontrink M e ' they sre expected to appear.sefta. h M eno h bs rb sfee o rpiit Subsri eptesmay lbe lec i h al ftelts t'oifssI1 i ssIi t Office, Meyer's or Stsiflet's Nes'wstasnd, or till' odcas.I; ol b i with Busnests Manager. Suisberes will eCse- s'ttsl io.Isostsiseils fer a favor Isy reporting peromsptly at this 1 oct lisso lt'illigall 1o pself it l's olte iO t~ur ii caries t deire piper rsissisiisti I it tiiic 1 IEvery Ov ercoat reduced in price. It will pay is it Sttre'iy tostlsi if des'iriveo' s elf s Ths'actioni talon by 'JO ifinall.pcticisust sappropriastiossl tso able fto ytou to htuy your next season's Coat now. ties liie'fraternsity warsr isd, Cuersll asdositce155l ongillsoshirts in lth(' rapsid prasctilcal pIrol-ss, ttlnis'ls t'eswarrinigIi slTlisof lpuro 's. factions. 'Thess'iviersity is lslslt'lsecI "Ils'Igsatr s-l iso-'lI 'l to '98t los'-lie ctlt'ge siril;it hus s' as Ni~a sso-edliil ussgetting;2 a sexed i(ru's coussls's'sliiss. Gso-. lisigret'lasit'otil hun outtoiflt'e0way7.lUndtisteitx- rightliewiss-of it. Ifliii' funseivedit' fisting og'e Jtuniolssi'C neslsfrossilt'eose-sixtmilsili tax tieinsssf-+ -elasueIo ,ht htalsuet iin;t o-rt~ ulnesote-ill leiu-ily- lslstsl'lt. I sisersity, it sslll be ipoor ecost-suns- hs -hhstteIoustf 'slt i gi'i fit i et'ssilsmtefsetoBigger, tsaken Ssatsirday tisgist tseas thtslut lt'e Iis' lss'i so ist sos'-istiiiy and B righter, M1iehigsiti is sd'cided t hat listatisiltss xl ''t~r ~gsstsse.tbelis'tissg- listS ts cre is I shall bet sissiesrs. Vise asdoisioni of lt'e fttisitIigti> 'f s inssso Sitee "rgisleos1 lleet'- ssssd fe irsitlthi"to1tsotsis isto G rander iaesly soill stothusstss 'iItosss stllsjsy ltei.'T'e soirs)tfisisig tt c 'floshanesci'.On a Settle of Mtini -hall players wosscseitf1tly islliilistits iglistre this- si l 51 ticstandsidV'ole tide ftar Surpassing last Season's buwho stili tile lighJt of thrut lrtes,.lindsly- oit ltltrostitiltson il lsi. whicr. Success. Ever'y Act a Feature sirer prftoisl.I tIMci~ asast tee-sss'sisuioslorlhseil l- asid ever'v Pe'fotrier' ItoArtist. afford this losshecuss' ftrrihsi it iiy1ths ls isisitr5sls'il v solv t, tion ts' l i-i. butl Ilsthem s) iii stlietis iis assturt'd. 'll's.xltsio eclssttttiaueo Wih n of therules o in(lu((-- - - - - - -Isis-s11 ools'le'guitss'thtas-ltshisis A n A b r L g t I f it y s so s l is mtt'o Iig furt-hers 's-:111sls '7'penny st i si se :g11(1hoynisfIlis lls- i otellinsitiutionst lits 7 11 tit hto1t -____________ xltdisrtitsss Ihi'l-.ha,- Jeffersonian Society. SECOND ANNUAL it IVE~ olahels.Bs-.. AMMIVOTH 5 . 0 T 1 F 3 1 i 1 batllt .StattitgC 1 s n. M*(CVl woiththlii' boatrd oniI tsi t si tnd sal stittlns sliotlldi etlihy ittdstr-ss'th1is effor ts o i's's'atltis at. 5 illiigsttt frot-ss it oloffesssionatlli. Ash 'hioriall ini thseDetroitl.hsu'nsl sot SatsurdasyIsail.., s-icy sably odicuss- eds Gus'. 'iitgcee's atudelusI tosard 11w, l'itiio'ssity, 'so shsotn itthis tre.-i ssesssigl'. 't'e tttJo ura its-stcily117- ; dotrs's Gto'. C'igree's ss staduon thlet qsisitinaitd expresses si libera'uystl ' sosutdt optintion.ixs1tthecaset. h-'stlstoo'isg is the tcompulete e'ditssrisal: "'fle friendly attitde 5f11110. ini- glee tsowasrd heii T. of A1. is reasstur- lng. Ste betlieve's it woutld its very tootr ec-oniomy to siltwithhlfronituthe 011- Yersity -aprpriationis sieusudly steeds'u to keels it inite front rsaik of te best in te coun~try. It shtousdlie so mitilu- taintsd as to itsduce thte est instrucst- ors to gut htere -insteasi(of oooay frot meueting' ofi 1114,'' .ls'h'h'ssossus it "'-' 5isis Ct. 1 eeln. Iis'uuhstw hut sit ,i u In ter i cus ise tiltf'5555 tilt olste C hisssit bsy I. II. Williasi;, ass-ees-itnsituA"A 11d7',lk" yLisle ShIsiustssht 5 niii)L ig ht alhsist ~ o4 f.hi, X~aln i ncoit b I t s s i Infantry A rm ~o ry ! u.I. 'I.. 'sit- I i t. 'fts'Ihhtetim ptu I si 1)lte itost the is t'lti, ''Isloesl , 'Ihl LIIJANU RDV OI NC U IE thus Uitetd shes shsoulditaleses'ioI u 2T bIC U IE his aopss t istiulsivorthis-sit-ne hi ss1 sirueuu tsy ..If. t'sst'luiiuiti lst'e of-P RK R / y p Thte 5 ucuixCURVE of the GEO. FouR~R nitaiin Pen. Geutuliv'11bsti-endI nk his tlyek n thu sitphoFeeder i to thino the 'Ills -reguilsi ebate sis'on tieue stslssu 'ist"Gigretss shsisuldreecognize/ths ('lbatls as bseligereits" 00y'is Woos by Sohat Salt Bearintgs ate to the Bicycle. A perfect Pea and warranted by the Parker Pen CompanyJose sileSois. Is. c'. 'fou-k ant IhI. 52. Dietericceluo' 1.3C. FREUD, '99, 47 S. University Ave.- tine stlhrioatio'e agsainst C. N1. Osor-ti Ilid 1. Jaecobsoni sntthe negative. ANflALL THE PH IITflflADUHR U. OF BSHAV INPAO 't R andBath-- 20 S. tngalls street, parlor suite, Washingto Block, Imported and domestic cigars. Ladles' sells- funaeheat, light and bath, $.3nnAror tairrssiR.groandbhing p Saeosup ticAror aird.Ressing andbathingS.parlosup