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January 11, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-11

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VOL. VII.NO. es8


- Snday morning, anl10 it, la e-i
[Leading Tailor Was the First Annual Meeting :eneydereatt anaddles, tNw- Annual Ball Factions to ork
of State Elocutionists, beryIfalt upon 'The Bible in tea- in Harmony.
AND Ifl PORTER.'Moal- As Po.kepya
L ' lelt rs t 'itntof rite' Bningaist nltttI, alei to tirnpttethe hilo- Th' jniior ths after a t itettoottn
Associo , i Eo tititiisit w a..IholdtI ishtl' ch -Ia i' of tie tnisertr, and lasitg tsve'twot hours, indorsed the
fUsLL OuHIESS SUITS A SPECIALTY, n eloI 101(atahty ti ., this w,1", his irlt p tbli ;tdreoa, tlat for the Inatagenet of the -n-
Thernouui an ateroon sr.,;rrr tea iitormtattche to hi utai" fialBl l teejteit by the llitttl
tieitre eo iedtot ad((11estes tititgeiti' nt Oes I i lintarrighittto add 1i ht tone itt'ritl(tie ant reutiedtthe numtbe
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN. (lvuii ost'. In le eening oreital 11-re ttisapointed.t('ooidsdleii'tts t- of idepenentsts onitthe ooiintte from
fv i0i v i wa ohld A lttgt'gathei(lng of -Ann (ress (w'as (tsfolto'w :foni' to 1(w-. Te provsion was nmad~e
Arbori peope t tendbst stiltof te s- "''Tootsak 05upon a relignstpi c 0111ono'that ithe gene~al t'hairmasit stol
# S O A P !! sons 55hilt' Yvoiii40 Ito '50Iietti'iitt'of shouldt rit iillle'f of catm Esvery'pro-90to thi' frattriitiis hb.'rtatitini be-
'We'r got use soorineutof ttsat1( huh itna'sent fen ession has its ant tplrases, buttlb' rinitit with f ie (ldest testablisled,
We'ileigot aln soteto odp r'tone soapsn -o. 01. (therti' tattsoftt sta teiltreigitns rofession u fot rof al. It Thi p'l'ti iiotttg ie (1ilsi titte titir-
fumae ettite,.is op l aninandt litrea applaulsteit s t -iti putson (1the i tayttiitsirltot tak ate r ftln cl ass merths ig'. Il ieptia'-
-- - Itit'tt. 'Te Iwo ttdresses wtrt-Itin- mural.-lito iii'i tiiid thossu'MM ss. II.
PALMER'S PHARMACY. toI rit 'id in Aitor tilt'nittost wtsrto' -al lue it)'l' Tstamienitt o atiut- t'iistt'tttaitdtl). I. 1't'tswrtrittgtrat
IEEP CUT I N DENTS S.HOES AM.itigt t ha t htatrlri't tt'('i lttilt(Iil. 111 l'tt'ied'tfova,.i ntl hgtoay t ittayl lsit]ie'ltl
$6.010 Enamel BMas . $4.38 Iniersity. tntt t' sbtiett isigitis tortatlity toil. as, altlaws rat'' t Bn aig rges
$5.50 IBox Cll - - - 4.00 BadMknPrges
$5.00 French Calf - - 4.00 tumiii s(taost((Orit I itg. ASlt'. Wt'tt1t4titt toitutious worlith te r to t tiet sot
$4.50 Calf, Cork Slo - - 3.25 spotke'niluponli"'T'Orattotr; IHis Art itth Jwishj o d iti e e (5(((t of nt ill h o I adw ics'
$4.00 Calf Bas - - 3.00 and1(1 ittttttt'it 1(1it 'ttit'devo tved itpon Mr. rlitites, bilt he ove(sri. ty of t ew Itir efin ossI o ( be ,
we calln istw yotualtSStyles and Sizes tIigi'natiioIii ce t~l l t' isetssiut. 'I ' t (tltt'it w-takuting((1 iO.tx tlttii n t. ge't'oo ittti lii
at he ahore prices. ril pol; t. vid ntis nlic.
(jo w ' A sDugex to Infiltiing shoit'dtti's them.es t sad teeoeh su oilr ab t: it ' I f Fbury T e
fASLINTO. OWTRET..t''ittit iititnii 5'' tt ttltitdt
(bue lisad tirsstbastltisl ial lirt rstI'i't''0 t lt'ltbe t ti- s t iniglto(r aks - (it f s t istttiO'f the lidt, utigilic-
___________________________________________ tes t tsha it iitite r t ig or. ot ~ ltlie s ut . Cr ii o n) .. n i it il n folf iti- li'mo r apict' tf ors'n
B1 hatolo Gsios odt'b sT. iatiiiO. thei otiit titi 0 ttas inil'i('t' placeis, . itstOl t w sol alt' toesilatulmornt
Altghe- oprolfedossotar iillal iit sell te a .11 to 1 "itregidac.Ai redn l ~aiesai to''c reepeal
B r wn sD r g st r . n t.'sthouhto ose-nie ty idoest'Nss lutahatitst'eu.t sotlii 1l t l tlneedieitd.tii tit iiP
MULLSTCK. LPIER . fi lcto h eehrso t h sttiwsi t aillghtt hA.Iit is-i ly.gs'tntetir tittr a-
soni fM i t dAaosnI1ala ks tih- euo 11(1 -1'iio '15' ((jit i' ln ecu t o1i
0K O ANCNA lithe t tit tu.lt'h t ts tli lutt ti h 'is tty ustiut' l-.htiti t stiltizeitt-calitt-ttitlttg iutt e tic ng f lit, el
Opoit at lulhte S~i e bete rot alin, intlht , O atotriit r t slllt iltltu' (itt' N'i '''o titi1 lliIatl o Clleig e Presde llnts Mee t
27 raelfladadot~a n inl5tttIis wtllt's i ftttl''tlballo ti- t. iiItiti' on-il tth'e ir ualturiptio re
Its S tght utui t li' 111( Otlu''uitl it NA ewut t' oh ue ii wit' fift' soof l'tuu rit , h tetanageiia ftieit'ui ' i'theihope
X . itittotit11110 tnetill fatsi'stirt's- ittu il't-l-i se i t andtt itt w 'tlhe ivetu eaito f ly hu ot wiy
T Aele h e N 8. ew oolid a sBooks, Fine- ts'ilen'f ittlire 'I if et.lt t Intst eadtt tti of t el ~ 'i lii tte- Itt otttt g'a
Ar cok n l a ttHue uls. It t a o estrTution.ti h i t ive'itiveie.tuttt." tdet.Attl reet im ln
Fol L t isini tan'cntatli~r t-li tutu'ss55115 i it' ettluttitltcan ritlrs'd inteverylti
DaIty RSatIfTYBosi rs ~ ' . r lcifi'tttiuli 'iidu itrttg i fCaetity iu"' li' ttto tharut; oen a ttiri
an oer. FieAroaen es S t to tititei Ahii Atttfi'. sottti'lt' ttrtustal,o f T heItiii tiui-t ntt' asf rl; o nvrs: Ib ie iltec m u
1 0RObeDCAsIcs G2c ac. intsv i ry f iert ors iii t e rvo' of h ut ter'5lw, butiat' eitn as'iitdl..tit I tt' in~gthetevt i ngs i fti 'the'gst' ing.'ttt
Allp o ur L tanidard itSest 2 er o tlng aIt hditt itit" IItit~si landh be'r it- i . '' w Teli met irar tyf1g i tuat uu fuCtitolleeitesie'tMe tr.
centghdiscount.ct.wittmte grateir-.
TakeT hom a p o f S t hee 19ti. tatdhi''atnatl rih ligtiio w~hile l lesstiui t i it u "t- it'.
ORACLE only25c. te hitutits utud~ tlil~ titii ii Oit'ttt pli. s i ts ontt'yn't'stai'esiofllt'-itintste tint
Ev rAre n ielt"ii ot w St.SItorltu closedtith a pltat f'rto. ~ -"trtisfu-utiiti. t. .se t's 55t'tt' ee het at'nde'ith
strsfrts isl heit r' t'ttth'nti' Iituuot d .t tuts' 'iH tt te iiit
theigit t~~ htrouto f otlttu'ti as, o i reIfiltme'relytofhitthihpliiutth
W9 A H R ' B O O K S T O R E otigil illt t h ighse hAoo l i'rthintiatt'. woThe, fb rothe Iirsman is etI ut t. ie ddleoaist Sa ' A rssturl 's g'
Ilp Tos2w8Tw o hoigh schtolnre ft solItc l -- t tioet ron. th 1 ie5. C ri t o rt 'oteti i t,('ot r ct tflti. e nl
105.m SttonOp slortley tei teieh f oprsetrdorany w toecd. tndifno Ir' iliitithif (ii frohuemykind_____a
. A ss Arbur w H ol a o s Fineu I ( oot td n Thrd P ge) lawseslfromi'S thi s s- e.Su scibe fo teoD il.-

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