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January 09, 1897 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-09

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IF $5.00 Youman Hats, now - - -
S$4.00 Itoelofs pHats, now - - -- -
$3.00 Roelots Hats, now - - - -
'1 x2.50 StifflHats, now - - -
$2.00 Stiff Hats, now - - - - -
you did not receive a cam- $4.00 FedoraHats, now - - - - -
era as a Christmas present, 0 $3.0110 Fedora Hats,s now - - -
. ty not hey yourself one $15 Fdr Htno-
for New Year. $200 and up- .A T NE;1
wards. D.A+T ,KE
$5.00 to '10.00 gets a pretty iNo. 9 South Main Street, - - -


$3.99- STORE
$2.50 46 S. Main Street.
- 1.90 __________________
- $.0 and get the best service.
SON Office and Stable, 32 Forest
I .Ave. Telephone 106.
Ann Arbor, Mich.I Braiich Office at Paliners' Pharmacy

.. with themn. Books about 0 .aC.a va®~w ,cs ao®s~iwcao
a. 0Wesiiiscnd onrceipt
them orthe kig' .ofst CUyaddsamplet
X-- 0
___0 For( V crly Pospid iCat 59 Fre
G CALKINS' -;-PHARMACY Sret, ~w~rk
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,

Capital Stock, 510,00. Surelas, $1it,0.
Restsrces. $11,i0.
Organized under the Generat Banking Laws
of this Sitate. iReceives depesits, bays and
sells exchange an the principai cities cc the
iUnited States. Drafts cashied apescreper
Identification. Safety deposit bases ta rent.
OFFsCEaS: Christi an ladsPcei.; W. 1).
Harriman, Vice-Pres.; (has E. Hliscock,
Cashier: M. J. Feitc Asistant Cashier.


,, A"08'0.W404OlgA 4th o^*4b,@d.®gsUR C-I%. OIKN.C-Vs. 'bA' el<t-e-U.ol,' ,3ge"o'O "

% 1

Y L"rou
a particulair friend ftir reeni-
brauce. What coultd le equal
tohaving that box filled with
?Chocolates and Bon Bons.
Elegaint Fioxes :nt a few elabos-
rate uines, packeid neaitly, ill
atll sires, to lie sent by iiil
std udaiiranteedl tio please the
most dis'riiiinaling at
Conectitonery atfeery dsecriptiotn.
Be Sure
You're Right
'On Footwear.
'There's los o f tricks in tse tradle anid
'they're practiced scare thn u atink,
ibat not Shere.
This store amakeryas sara yau're righ t
This sitre guaranters yeua afetinvest-
scent of erery dollar yea pat isstashoats
we sell, It ieia gaod tShae stare, futll of
goad Shoaes at prices way dawn.
Goad Rusblbers to, if yau wantmitsu.
'WE . .Reinhardt,
42 S. Main Street.
Your Tailor !
Have you seen those nobby
Suits Milward is tnrning out.
IfLWARD 40 State St.
..._ NOTICE.
A meetinig of the claiss of '98 will tee
hbeld Saturday at 1:30 p. m. in tse old
ehpel. tIsportaut buniness will come
tbeore the class. By order of
1 . P. TREAIDWAY, Clsalrisian.
Subscribe for the Daily.

Canvas, Leatlieroid, Sole Caplita lts0000. Surplus;and Crofits, W0,55
D res Su~t VTr'sacts a general tbanhing basiness.
Leatlaer, New S5.tyles and aoreign exchange boughtandaold. Furnish
reTriminiaig's, Largest Stoik E. 1). KINNE, Pres.HARISON 9UILF,
Eases... ill City ....VcPrs
tal Cor. A ltia tia lra,; Street,.
Ca ita oe0. SpuantkiGs liO). Transact
QO0"ODSPEED'S geneasl bankn line ss.
It. KEMPp.'Pires.CC. F (arrcsF:,Vice l'res'
!15 South Main Street. Fiilm).I.Scm.U~,Cshlie'r.
I UNIVERISITY NOTES. For the May Festival. Lwe' hclts
.1. I. I, 'I. , aKot1'''' 11w t tisatyof slwd eas t'Cie Hot Lunches.
stfit'' ' ii t1sa.i'try, Jo lat ],si'i's oltt l i ' t '''8 "od o I UTTfLE'S 48S. State St.
Theis iiIi ll i lts 1111) 00111 t ie. t'lsisof- 111, iii'f la t ; r argi ii' l iv i l5;r - IRE iiimc t~.
'lii ~''itiiu l~mjii'u sS p ti'lw tutu Ic l-( i t o 'iii by 7 iii ss'VI ci .sTA E -0ii N E
1 iu'ls litifli Isi;,lI St ilhisil. 15 111 itle S OO S O PNS
11v3 h ,11 . 3 1jo { 1)w ll1t' li ;i.1i by it'lp; I l l, ;'tIt '10 Ne rLE DIGiEW LE
or--a litso tle' 11tI ins lt er ;)a;';iti I lie. ti;' I o il' ltug "iii l thse PAN .A D O mPO iON
I i'ci'et~~~'. ' Ni'siay d ii AM) OlEl l adnI'lUSIl" PssSatte ~usrIay ecsy
Ih sti al l i]il) is"IOl n l ;;i;;''11 liti1a; l' Ilii ic 1 . 1 si; L± O o w P ie1
Il n senen o il evr.'Ill i;'ewa pssdi ll't~elllg 1 t' asiA RNO'sLsD5C L EADl tIdNG'JEWEsER , ~'
, ii \i ili llt t 'i'sl'coln;'sinon , ' 't'useseuaIils
ais ll iid 'il11. ait-Iii' sli'orry i',S.ti S Sgr io
hotl di. in i;'e cit u''.vii;'oIlitt'litis tipal'i'oftugi' ;ppc"tc-I
'li;' l~ci~l Sttitt~' ii its tlii''.ifile i't1( I}l5lt;d tall, Ilt tscic ndM llS indC f a T~ i'U s
Mililtit' i '.DI silsog. iiv111 esl i;' gissldtisit: sIi;l 'li'; vtI11'ti';'i ra il t iic-ti' jF o s T Dsae Ob
i llflt't llt'',i I1allnltl('i I Ii)1 't i ttt l ittic 1oct tt1 ' lt Ic stilw l St I NSO AND.OM &SI O ,
;hu';'ooi'ie by ,c. Irlull, tilltilt' olmillect.- '_______H _____
'"ii' l iuvis+ ucos 1a111 ts~le ;it i l 'il h u ''i.I N''.-_-le
'liii'hoards'i'c ttoils i ess (hil i 1 .11 lii' l ~115 5 22 Su. DIVISIO ST , rl
'h'llmodmy s''ulli il lii'Rigi.''c'ig 1N' . . . 'uilnw a ppeali., t i le~ rns aiu,~ ss Si a
.l( l'hslcc.b rl imi'hlo iht. Tliaw ml Ia1dopr.hue71,,1S1i T ra is n d Vf aliesReared Neal yn
se si onamu li ht' il )(,t~iidetl.ll 0 -:1.,ap ir f lsssbyeuly NI 5 lns.i
Iu i ; H1ot anidli Coldid iLunchmes agtilcloellicihours.les.Agensve 'i
(_li'ftsl Isr1te rath er '.n r fr1 leand i aiii ases aed FinersCod'
that the finalns.llEuchainsdngbaaeSpecalty. Na.L11G5.
ArScenis, --Prics~isiuori
NostCFria nd eWiksNo ffeshi Oor, o Folitg ofimnestilae wa will
AwlieLih-unsfel o elsl-drop o l mtheIamoPRSS sSfor 25CENTS
-Clon~y la s i ng atr-l:ergalo '-Deivre ,ii ?oreat:m\OCENNrNDRPIIG
r ompdbyIty-Sold, on ley ms Snt i.. Osrtisc'suliroRom
~~the Soothive dStreetrSubscrbe forite Daily

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