I Published Dtaily (Sundays excepted) during the Collegb. year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, OrreCel: Times bildling, 79 S. Mate St. be- tweea niet ey anti William Sts. J. 1F. THOMA, 97. 0. 11. 1"n 'ANii. E inITO it's B. L'. GM~teacsi, 1L. iiF. . itotsma'9.'liL t' . lit, ti99,lii.Athletic Editoe. ASS00 fATJSI+:1,iITO i's F. A. tacitk, 'li E. IL ise iiod<", '99i. XW. IP. AMciii, 'li. Batte Lamb, 1900l. A. at. Smith. '97. C. Lall, ir., i9ll I. frthe tttalliatt cc', ith a t ti' . ei a'S tar thalo .' ('1 ay. Na Ot ctcDmullica- tosadohr 1it' lt lilt lit' r ubita- fol a 1.'l.,ori miaileto lugteditoricbetotic ap.tea.t, oftalcawitscito0ail cw"hit) 'flilt''tyer";ioftS toil t' Ialil wlt'tl iof witt 111cc 1111 iliiliii 'atliritlr ill co1n-1 fei lit fliort trprigpot1;~ tti eayfilre'of ctllriciutoiit flail lilpe yThtcli asIf lily , tis aIl 111iitii t tl'lii'i(tii ia ltilditit 111 ii' - at b atthet'e I cit t lium f1.1 alitii.e 11i11.ilt'i'itiitsconitlionis llnoitt itt' ill 1yesterd'.al*- 't't'aiy, iis h t llii'liltli vtii lil -t' hu' kilitilt 111111rohllt1,0ill lilat'o.T10liill'bjecii'till' l'lllp'oisoiti If Icttt.lilt;'.111't',ilo lilllleI'll t11ll im THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. is 1 nieoreithan ighl ttltellr91ccgli eA..GO itlgutt liti itWl ttaitlilc clil-'t wins the j ut' bt attaeto coantcalthetic all t1111 is . ' d"'Il ir ita' at y i toi lei'ec rese'tativeit'otf til t' hill 1'n1'; l''5$ . t '' shauld blitota lerity. f iaefoi fa te itiy's ittit §e s~ taiind a. Y c bee Sncreinthirprtesato' rttalwsascL tb / liesbd tai' thal ths yi hailt titill itlttili.etiu th fit t a use llt' tit' r illt"iiiilelf-iutetili t he i withu aaones. hehe 'teyc -i' ii Jois'is iit o'Itln tqus 5tin. l 5' Itinde'Itl lltts lit' 1.1 iael 1t lt tle 11151''j it' I dono Lon e' 1,1i. t'i '1.7ofltill 'Itll to b lly yoFi e xtury Stidt 119'Icomp i Il i To ii I t t ''i' ''len e il 1 t i )OD CASE ay tf hee buyers and it's navy majority. Footwear pquality. The tact can't ig else. Priccs should be ectIihecoetax within in want Iel our shae thcy witltsnake yen tcel arc ace no earn groers ws. Came to us and gal gat yatoct 'cnwar 9'aoirselt, eshiaewaring yaur teat. 'ERNo i;S. in St., tite time yiushuliild ae time. Yoti can buy lout 25 IRotiaih at1 'ill close at a itrice i'e an price. It will pay 's Cottnow. 4 , ; 1 I '1 r I -" 2 I S 1 I 1 r z i y 1 lat 'iitt Ic lsIi ll111lt' t il i Sei' 't I itt'7'111il i7 lli c ' iii l ii' t iti 111'j is atitist. Dicovecies in the East. (Cointiuedt t'tiiFicrstPPige.) (t1Ia. 111111 1 tiofL -1 ol ll ,: itt I . uit.a ol(la it tt'i' 11 Aits stitinliof Hw t d1'111.1.1 ati' oflii tiit'i" tr it(it, t ilt 'iitlt'ni1711iii' ila t' h Bigger, I Brighter, ra 'u I'-I r Than ever. Oan a Scale oftt Magni. ttiie. tar Surptassing last Seasttn's SSuccess. Esvcry Act a1 Feature -aiid every Perforiner ait Artist. Ann ;rhor Light Infantry's Prssreha ee lou bf~r te 'i- XCO7ND ANNUAL iM[AMM~]OHi -lit i' 19.19 t i ha I to bhu ar iie XX'thiittlitice s, rth yeIi'lttl' 10i'i up thi e btt Da111til tita 11 ttit' i li t t . l. it inia li i la styrIcil itt li i i ot a .5 p rti s pli c yia tt it i t t i 1 h h I i tit I t I 'I~ n 1 t s g i l t~ u i ti h cia n t i'h it 3 3Mi d ,,,r u ru Ia ' beet't'l' diiy' 1tititli' 1tlltt t'ii (' .u ti ' i . 1ts t hei re a 'su it Ii bue ofttt e itt i tills hha tlrsl iiast' ihitt lt. h' " fQ h e i e ity thartacs if «' h a d a vlit e d O nreii f ac'ti nt i ' i iio . i tsott y' it s ig hty ltld " th S k i e lt a t. " i ne B li B e r it a re l t B c l A e le n a d w r l p lran e y A %th n t eite. P a rk err l n d f e f a t t h t a ' '~ l o "Phis IPeataalanywowaneatitie,1Xvii. Itne ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a vertyhas'aitte i i'tin~tl a nii on tiisotdhtro2f N ts.ur,,'9,4 S niestyAe ntel ncetltiade infarale c2ahacula' iitiNgod Iaellysad 112 e arblsorn t, tat irlie ther traleiitit racetyari .l or O rti i ur, anI teIkn. -fTe AND NALL OFTO 16 MCLS V E. A L Iad a cfrigIinhal hae lteiad e ittee' G20S.atl treocetKiparl ;or 'si ho Feeerashton BlGO,t . I. parted ad dam natte igas.Lale' rtn re'i'g oveAnneiArboruntionshasradressingt and balblng Ipa Atern.ila fnll ytha endutet it ar I1 tiuscopy Or.. hea, tighte. Thr.sbat c$3 os ofina.ce staid frnlsent.rs . JEUDt.,Trnjan nws ivrs.itte n e. th ocsiaskdsol eebrYu IovlyC. 1 erons. ,tha th nin Paladim fateritis 04cag, 11. N~ttt 1DAL H H oO DHe~LRD TO .SHVN ALO n ah