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January 09, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-09

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Vol,. VII. No. 67.




o (U JLID ,4 O A moSTr BRILLIANTI CONCERT'" Church Services. Discoveries in the East,
t t :11 q, P1ofessor' ilillltt lit, ofiie hr l uivr-
1Ie"jvg Ij~ ls Te I1aying;" of IHali Meets All tear "sttle st., WX.\3 I F oet, pastor.. Ott' of lottcoylvata. ts 1lI t
IP R E .-to f Sww(edill 8mflad Xiiioto', 12 1a., Withiloheitic cclr ctor Iwo at Nm
A R ID I POR TE R ' I'111 0(Ttir t iEt t ('c1.1iLili 'r. Itirlcr111111;:10I:c ti., Y. 1. ;. t. I.: to!i~t 1 lcl"o iitlI 11now(10 c di l lrod
1st n. 't~~e1.li I~ll J,4 iglt fn14 :1 1o1 i.iiis)1 of ltirco by 111cc nlato°a111 to tJt11-1 111 I I cccl a11 i i li-,114 I 1ver-,
FULL UO SS SUITS A SPECIAL.TY. iilIIlOttIcitc lgtfol icJco 11cttca toj r.i i iiir~a t ~rr
_________________ille11 132;1 ;litttiltm t i i liit so 14Ic- br-or 1i'I tiiti Itoo ato Ilca>4trtl 41aC vrsitr (of Ioo1ncrlr-ai , i c-n o1
NO. ~ ~11 2e.W SIGO S. NA ~ N lliiile1wit-cit'li1 Qef 111 (iii- tltcisioi i ssc. 11cc ' ipsocois a:t dolt- i'i'ico'dc o i tie il llirres dlaci k cI
faoi itijli011110 I5 all dil lioo i 1111o" i n Po* ~mtlshitr l iw
cO i P !!oI 011 , 0it I T l ti ' resior t't t c. 5) 11"l 111"li zeilt i st l. E.I(t 11xt 11,it o . 1 T.. M S o ),ri''es, i-1tii l aindtt 0' re1 op rel i-
\Ve'e, ot;t tne ssor men of 1 g of o 1)1113 to311sts Iii lla tar I):t) 1. m , e la s 1 r4tiny "1)::1iie tted 111 -ll flis tit11u ti li:1,1)-

$30 flelel alf - 4 0 ti - ''nl Oiii, 1111111101'. i'I', 1ariti I ii St oitot l> iti-l I i c; ; l ire ti.iih c). l-;iitictl tct
$4 0 Ca f 6( o kS. l- - . 5 -tu i.tt1o' l to a -i i nitt' uuuti-cict i i i ttiit f ti A I( i e .t l- 111, be- itt' i ia~c
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$40 " 4 'i 1. * O a , cr I 0111Calflo1of llnl-I- - 300 Itcitic Itt;ti i' - It f r .1 peitrio l-c. 1t:,,00ccticye'lsItii ls-t-
imet tcaititi ytediii Stilit .tS tiet.
WA H N TO T E T. I fi- itliiiitt ic lii1h StIitilt- Re olins A o td. tiitc ittit ittit ili'tiiit li
3 r w ' l u t r . lgsa tiitcl' 'o it ti. ita ft-ic- tilt I ..cci iill i : ;,R (V ..T 1inlk1- l1<1.gil t (Iitllt-l i- t itti-Ill', lit- tilIo-
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ci atc- ll 11 T1' its -lbl itict' iw nt heli i s ic ii tt 1111 c i ofi serm ongtiii'it I c fra A si ." t prii iile i~e io z
Osb.itis. I - tel Ic ill OT ti iit$4.38llgt IIeoi-t Plfli i1hii 1 lt ltii iitii t
nt~ ScasicaloiBteEpr -il) i)thile tn i-li lt- t'll,it' il- l oo 1:liontiitlc'~ltlrlprrir o:tl
$500F en h af 400 M t, Ioreuiin M le. in l ii i uden t Itiilti-ic ,)( 1). ' I. lit- llle ilillicV i--iaey. ii
$450CVECrkSoTY Ai-tia- 3.25O li':h Ied ~oi.lu-ut hr heillc homi f (tIc' -ic i -tit.Ih of li iti
- serj-eO to oWaefishgt1n c u .1'.Cex ~c ' e - .Iii iiiic lgie tihere.1 ls-i-i (tilt li-iI lliic
27 Tompson Stree. ('citllit(It 1 iisild1,llri''111 hc a
A1I BO f johIlIoilt it~tl iiIitI L_= Resolutions f Ii1Adopted.co
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Ar Bok aidal foe latst thution. ave1ap1111 aredti i erit in(11llopt.iaeriol l, . .Ii.ttI:~ len;prhd )1ute ll iy
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Up~Tan Dan Tow - -elecs sevreitt~liir t~nncricc i greteold y II1111- ti hehldotllti'Il 11( "- . 1 41. i~tll T he r ug i.: tt'ill0 it11011(11
-2 . Bae n C o l s iT E I3T h sri yi;hlaonIiorl
A Cna l CoMinotth1cc I iersily dllillg 1110 hoias t-1 hil d o1f a lir. so1111of(Ceotl~ls hll i nil entof ideoIe Pel .) h

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