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January 08, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-08

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400 I n }yaL rSTORE
® y, .40 S. Main Street
yundlid not receive a cer1n- PATRONIZE HO ES LIVERY
era s a thristmras present
hys otbyyoref reand get the bet serice
for New Year. $2.00 and up ;-- Office and Stable, 32 Forest
wards. / rts N ARB R M SI O' Ave. Telephone 106.
$500$1000 eto _____________________________________________________ Branchr Office at Palmers' Pharmacy
good on. Full irrstructiors 0
itohf.Ioksaot enrd ,rirTHE ANN AROR SAVINGS ANK
rE emfrif tire asiin r.IB 0a ysaod s rss . er , Caial oroe, s OetS0 risus 15,00.
aSttre,,,cek of this State. ieeves deposits, bys ad
g~y pg Ipy" ells esrihtoiree oiitie prircial cities of tet
CALKNS'-:-PHARMACY 0 Only (8 ~irdMtso oscse pnpoe 1 ZIol tt dntralnrsitns oe et
Oreieror cir~irrioMatck Pe. W. D.
amaatam waav9.mamwwawmaamaaaaaan arrimroaVie-Pres. Chas N. iscock,
gg" y IF Y~t Al ] h0 SII Li~i A 'IM B -S ri spia i,t0WSplis sd efts, $41000
i lvI I111ThIll 1IR) l i I'S 1 \ I. L 01'R15Trnsaset ogeoerl Ibookitobsiess.
lorign eo't lae bogtodsol. Frisi
You're Rightletroe, i
E"U "TIN AT $ El. hliS. W, lee.'IAOIISON ;()1'tEF
S. O.tiARiK{SON, Cstslle.
On Footwear.L reI'
thyt' i'o.olsrrf titrir is tiretr li Made (If \VXMSU'I'AAlMSIN \and IICIIARI)SO'S INNF.A
tlrry'rr'Mainliandl ood' tisii yoitlira
Sol rit i "''. ' ilt equa to any I130 Shirt. Picy are elers and vear er. Ca'rili r O iooiilre:Si:er
Tl i e. si'rir'rr oui s rour e ~ight xen ,'ir l r 4lrrioeos
Th isrr'o errl tes yo treo invisest- .e,, Itu's t'us i iiCatonl Vieire
reorrtvEs'ryrdlli1' youi piintollshios ' L7 ]L. Ii.ic nrn i.I rios. ( uu1iGa ri i e s
Wan-ter. itRsri.,0Qi1 SirebloLi.nlintS;vagfllion- if,, 17L.L iLL C J..C i'V.
ori iots irse irrra dt er "ILowney's Chocolates.
IN IVERtSITY NOTES. I''1i: GRNDl OPERA 1101UtE.. Hot Lunches.
W .C . ,p :inh a1L~L , I '. oho -ir' . is orolnyor ~e orro''l ' tlril Iorirlu i t rri rielor i lo-
42 S. an Street I no ri i lri rrl l l'rrul. oeIrir'un"A N\'rgi in New VI.k, r ih TUTTL'5 48 S. State St.
lIhrslo,,ioriie tlil ooI 'M irbe r. r'l( oin Nl} lie 1tS 1(rl } y ~ 1 h i il orl
bubbrilrlrr'seroil' Irlihro'r~l Irrli-'" ~s.Tri'nsy111offI;i
i r 'led [1rs y on'Is rn. l lrr 'Irr' 11: '
riri)liieveninr0 g11 1 11 ;In ill I rr''''' 'F'0 1-R
(dpt rm Il . alk o nt h ha ,THE O DER HOUSE JEWIELER, iit.i 50 irillrir. 'Orirs: es r 'in of ,ro e'l lit rrir l it erloll rei ll - ' U OF M '
ra ulthyua afrtcasFu t i '."1 I l lk0:11 'Io''elrlire at tirlt1.1.i lto at n 'i'rourordi r .: SPOONS OR PINS
leapt n k ris opirirag pca lt.
--G IV E lHIMO A CALL. tCrrsil 'f:1' 'iirriNiohtr'lrl tet'ir I btwlln k
_____________ ilrOlai 1NM e AHNOLO LEADING JEWELER.
A l'l'gr' xe rtrr'rrrrl Iin i e r t'' t1 Sl
PHOTOGR APHS i 11on 1'f t lliro' Ilrr 'r''ll oloo''el 111111110)1'II. (II tta sr lwlr t
---Se ilus rrxicriorer i r io' las'ily roorrr. randolI 'rrlrrI'rl rI., i ul i tII;j*,*M U I C ~ ST U D7 I OIi.
i'rrrosly\is'i:101 n ir'0'5 iirr iIr 110''lio li ieIll PIANO AND COMPOSITION.
oil of o I i p nlht lild : I I I lltoirro 'Ir' orl r'll y. d re l s
E. HTuron Street., Nw' boi: li' r1 ildooirxrnd t orrr'loror F.H.I(E1/iF
11:1:0'li- 1.1lo r rr'51 I 'i11 rl
7cr aLh.W ol'r'ir urrdo rut or f r. Ii fuOill bs22.S.DIVISION ST
,;(-nirorlitrili.,e lsrl'i i t lb p)rr'lrrir0lo r't.one: olill st rUi lul iri' :10Isl lru i s
Have you011 sl' nors biihly iSatulra'l) lrrii'l'i il:112:;. pil'l idailes(.o'r liol 5111' oti'' lit' lst Recroverritl L~a rro-n l egnor
511 " 11'. Nirw is tu1"trning oitri la.ll orr'r ;lisle-ill irilll r ot Uli 1 o (orlroinyii tIis )year' Ie.;ri lrro r'e Lino of' N ow p ipes.,!
7BrL" V'.XLiD 10)Sate St. siror1'0 i l.llr'lOel Ori'r'r' thlr erxo'o'. 'l rolly e'oorr'l -1iEnt iand'ool ,orh tr'rrsrl ri]irr'sAets.1 Atgerufrtloc F li .11 lln n.iIt-' T t~ :t ilh'1fo uYi adWlimsadyen r o'
eatil;''o nfrll"11'ti'e'Ironro('rrslir,' 01'o''lx:'et roc ioleo o nl !1 liior ir W riTu' o'
- - 11ir)\I Rrooo JOtsiurirL L/Y
IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A 111e' l iOditl tree fe tis1 :0 'R EJO 0 Y&co.
b 1 eu yl c'uh Iiido ilu .U1 ll''1( 70 Sl baet, Saer Blo.l
STUDENTS ROOM, Garr'l liltd ttrSIlolol esir 1 15I foro 00'illI'y l l.lr1 1ojl 5c oc riS,'earnVSI D
tiaeetry co I ta 11 i : the'iilasinl ~ItseI 101' i. !Groceries, -.- Provi'isions:0' 51
truaentirr:1011nos :iler.)iti e res'xt.'cnn' l i ' '110' l i ra lr,l' o ':11 t 101 51. a lit . i i l~ll ru .5 il. aiaalsistof.ritr'tr
era re tie reerot ejoymret fromr liean al kid ofS itru
purchrase 'et rlhet you o nellll i tt latild. iii~oilx'rl111ltr 10111 l iio1501011 s orjAli S tlill''' d' St101 els til]5' be0111 i lo' 1 11 ~ od e aeb
P ~pert dud ilmllit Ilunxlee tie "Bay .Fod o aeb
State'' lstsruiurthe fn sluin the oord ir h' sec(l''0al''ly rri nn ilu xx trl:n i fforl t0ollt n il'y , 'lrortItrois'd ron yylls' 1'}o n&AuecelntQ itmi tidteo, '
I in plo( l'x'1 i t t, e I ir' Ion rirrolo { 1 ai tt::lr Io1 0'ii, o t,,,5'1t 0all t'dlaT
BAY STATE $1000 ih i 00r mmsi 10)'by 10 pu l bof sial ll~.Sslso''' ntn ~f
We 15ri o cta rh s 0 i'uuilot l I C. 1115AI15I.hu0010r.'uxa
then thriis, bt fou a sulntatal. Sercu i r-dot"hldli'. It t 1:41.ttul .lse nx t'S ol d fnOV lss D t S i ae
otlee Isruen t manufactred canchael.1 rt f riro . Imss. ill li coxmTe ns Ylt ae
coeor i'at it. I u'lleen Willai'sll. I sl- ANleTI 101101'S;
Seati for ilatex te orlloga, boe~t'l 'I'' oforetel' I ri' lnrr. Iordr o feuxTrna nd lulVasllle R epairedrlNetly aio
JOHN S. HAYNI'55 & 00C. ing 1onIul' t 11 iIof ltsse. ' Ceply. NO ,7 .5 Mai st.
453-4630 W'asngstan Street, iotn. golod orose piee rnilerss. Leaie aYo 11. '. ' _____________________________________
Daily oftlee. lteos'srd $1 Sbcribe for Ie Daily. .ad, Mtaic1CaIskeandlPiet loh
______desira________e___suite_____________________ s. aEmabalmisg s Specialty No
rooms hiee with hlit toater, slatioirr' DOES 'YOUR LAMP SMO0KE? oaeliae
cry bowls withn hot antd coldl water. F LE,&HX®
Bath rooun on saime floor', Enquire at TRY RED STAR OIL--NO SMOKE, U LEV HXO
- 7~A Sash I Prces o aslot
47' S. Divisionrrsofreet iewewl
No Chand Wicks, No Offensive Odor No Fouling of Chimneys-limea CENT
" Line 'em sup"-Thre great football A White Light-Burns freely to the Iast drop of oil i tielamp PRESS SUITS FOR 25 zl.Js u.Ilwqikcnyu -CEra pigwtr10 e alnDliee norcnGEMN N EARNTS.
do It? Postptaid for 215 cents, oulin promptly-Sold only by t2IS. Stata st. Oer Rosey's Bilirard Room.
Novelty Co., 112 Dearborn st, Chi- DEAN & CO MPANY.
'cag, I1. 44 South Matn Street. Subscribe for the Daily.

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