a ~THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f L 14,, e CHORAL UION. Pubiuhe Daiy -Halir, Violinist, Appears Tonight PbihdDiy(Sundays excepted) daring in That Course. the Collegt year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN.- Oirrie:e Tinmes building, 79 S. Alain St. be- Toihocrsletircner 1 tween Liberty and Williama Sts. the (Choral Unioni course. It is a re- MANAGING EDITORt 'itatl by Schliail, the well knownt J. y. TeeeAS, Slb. piatis) t; anl Lilir, te emnent violini- BUSCNE-SS anANAoiKKut ist. T.his iiitiiiher IS Oe of(lie lii'el 0. IH. HANS, '91S. --"impoertatinttthe "cure. E. L. GFrisrNm, '(S L. F. S. SiestN,,, '9. 'Mr. 18('4111-1il1 the piliutl is soi well IAS J "J'S'I5 EPRC O WHEN W ELL PUT TOGETHER. J \l w*a~t4;OUR OVBvl ~INJR SDOES! y 4 Flussia. Enamel. Box and Ameri- can Cult are World Beaters, DEAL'S SHOE STORE, 6 N. MAIN., OPP. COURT HOUSE. B. B. METHIeANY,'99. H, . S it.bAutAN,''OS L.. F,' M. 1,011515, '98. 11. It. Cutest ix., '99. C. Mt. GREEx, 99. Athletic Editor. ASSOCIATE EDITORtS W. W. ulgies, '9t. S. IV. Satit,'57. Pi. A. 1+ ucib, '9S E Loie Dodge, '99l. W. P. Mtorrill, '9S. lButler Lamlb, 1900. A. A. Soitlb, '97. 1'. Loll, jr., 9 i1. The subscriptioptcer otfte Daiily itOs 5 for the college year, twithtoegutlar delivery tiona otttholer sattlrIitetnded f or piblicax- loie 6Op.,or asailetd to lbsetditir befoul, P. n.,oftlthetdty peevtous to tltat onwhitch kthey tre expecteds to atpte. subscriptiotts may be left at Till'Dholy Office, Meryer's eor Sttlilet's Newstandl, or nithlBusiess Mana00ger. SubIeiersxwllonO- feer a10a11r 1y'reportin1,gteprloplyat thlis office any failure oficrrers toIIlierl'a-p51e. liii lealixt ~ilretha(lt a liberalil 11-v to- behft t0111plir 11111 till tie tilAvillint } insbtittionl wcaus'tle oloff1(11)1stale tuolss ary(to siteak f fis grett aililty.~ 4~" ever r ietil iinthile ity and111 it Inll i rpc's, Sup'15 etttriort. 'hilt' I it i'I it bull'e1a't e l'St elfgrhe aci vedi ,te Ulsters Jfanuary atnt February is the tilme you shtoulld own au Ulster. Nov is the time. Ytu tan buy them cheap. We have abotit 25 Rough antd Stuotha Ulters which we will clotse at a price re- gardiless of their vaitte. V, T'E'.'l t es S11< ((5 of ro(C('11C fl'.1- k IIYZ('S 1115 play in", inlt ,i~ Every Overcotat redulct'tlinl price. It will pay 11111k ttit ilil'il Sitllsitwt itit ttill'e- o~rate ' I tt oncell-rtoI No.95It-Ire I' fIt' y o it ay yiour next season's Cot tnow. n r tless s~itet' wold"olr11aItly aitiitior t ill'G o g ili ol : a p is tli;i c ll iiilis l.tit Fori'hiictitc I iiii oiriltixli B r g t , 'Iheotat te i veitrsil7ty bt ill' near lits.i tinelmut'li ookli o tht toile s lt' ugm-G ra d e haln poalllvr ilthr 1-i51,ifniei isr - Trato tu iag Ogcaeofrgi war oxdertaiiithenitti o hill, .' I ll(-itis h eealo ii 1(1'iitiiian't ii'i' it' om io'ts izegini-tiity le far Sopasig lat eo Thietis e i' ui r-sei~ siti' il l ji e t ro, f o ne deitfyti s1111 illtvity at t heIiii(iei-y 9I' So cesoE ey-c a F at r ott lisi fitrir _____ee_______________Scots.liSeel Ptfrte A tit w arsinlereteh fer isu if Mr1 t. T at h I5 is'hhnt-r O ca e o 1 a tilsi be en acel, het' i -e, ii'tgilt- toltg Ii 'tlt Ii'T' iiiuicAss. EA..rrb o rtTnfaur e etiiih siii e!tilte 111'rotiitil i'iittagnxdii rglll ltl=tilSE O D AN A .A [ G titrforler Of ttiiirstiefoileistfelonwliii' '11111- I'111-0111di- - - - - - an Artist. stte'e r'e i-as«oe'i rd ito r i ett ar lml3 'wil tt eivli geilt y'1i libl;'hti'- - - - item N U In i I C U a oi opncan or li i ' e in > ? 1Ltt i stif r u lt hs d iti tt io f (111(11) o - - - W g t'r li c to i in fi t een d m ii n o"r l t ifr- .1'o iit t e r oich S c'"''' kll toft mirtlleimtyceh i' tbld 'litc ititie - - - - -AL DIAMMOI 1110119 th to ' hatchet i liii'veht'elltilltiitl'lt' i h I f nrA m r micet .ti St alL',ee . p~lr Maiy Festival Reserved Seats. -ftay FeIstvail conmcerts will open tt7atii. aI tI9 a. tti,, at time 'Scoil of Mttsit-. No reserved seals for 5singe'Concmerts ?eil be sold.iNo iiersont ttilIbe ii- lowed1 to reserve iore thtan six seits. Tileprie of season tickets intcluditng Mlay Festival (otxeerts is $1.00, rese'rv- el seats $1 extra, 20 S. Ingalls street, parlor suite, furnace, beat, light and bath, $3. 'leot'{al iicioso .....Saitt-satms a. hit Piecoa..t .....- eshetizkty ha. Nloturne- --. ...... aeereivsi cVaise- - --........Mosekotvski Jt. Erich Seititital. theuese-------------------(tou1alr Huni~gar'ianliDamtme...-Br'alitmis-Joachiim Carl Italir, TO RENT. Goodefirst eltmds pianos to renmt for three to five dllars per month, Sec- amd door north of camnpts. B. J. CONRAD, IS S. Inogalls. JANUARY 1218O I6 INCLUSIVE. TeLUCKY CURVE of the ~ A K R F u ti e Siphonln Feeder to to theG O S PA K R F u ti Pe Whiat Balm Bearings arr toheicyce. A perfect Pen and warranted by the Purter Pen Company, Janesville, Wino. J. C. FRE UD' '199, 47 S. Uni'versity ,Ave. R ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPH ER U. °OFMssB AVIN1G pPAORnte and Bath- Washington Block, Imported and domestic cmgars. Ladles' artis- tic hair dressing and bathing parlors, up, Ann Arbor. stairs. J. R. Trnjsnnwski 30S. State st. 4r