VOL. VIIL No 9. I~IoF ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1896. Four PAGES-3 CENTS. r o W ID o Leading Tailor SAND IIWPORTER. i - --=_ °%i=- i,,> /, i'- i !/'/- ,,, il / l' - _. __ = = ; :, ,\\ =; -v _ - _ . . ;\ -; FULL HESS SUIS A'SPECIALTY, NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN. - adhepiewilright at our store. Wi4e T our stock of Combs, BIrushesoapsetc., etc Yormoney bacek if S you're not stisfied. - SPALMER'S PHARMACY. eel fe 0 46 5. STATE ST. CANE .DPW CI Lk U NCE' iEPEW. E no . D arEcPsEWior.I> S T O1I7NCYIhE____f_____ cr(" iii flie Ie 112 >l. ills Not because yen are afraid of Thie Great Orator Opens S- L. A. h.Ii°er. v iolence -111 nmi the Bull Dog, but simply to get a pair of those Coulrse 'lonlilt. Pleasant Reception of S. C, A. Bull Dog Toe Shoes- -AT- Ai111onit 11re on 't.wih (("t 'C i iln Aoc.otl11 ''tN( - J AUOBS & ALIMAND'S. III 1111'bygt e 1 1110.te1'. (rolfl 1511. II11dill-1111)1A The iaset high reputation of thi ill l ier, ti"I 11-1110-Al. Depwv. F1101' enjoy11101 li 1111 . t 11)1 honse melons good goods at r easonl- mnae11()wlryknw 11 1',1(0111 11 1' 1lv( able prices.mearVor 'd1 1nAntah.1 lctoyl l th1e11 11,UnIitedl lr1 1111 :11 Alnr. 111111. he Ass :n ll~ 1 110bll EVERY STU DENT 1111a1de a11short11 lrdwl 1-'in speech, I- SHOUL.D REGISTER ;l'p.Illscre a naso(i11r11e1111 e0111- 1111111110 1111h111igi o1111' . 1'. A.. -AT- A 1'111renlkaIble ole, 111111the follow-i r j- 11 0)1011111111111. Ii rellac 0110 11111,1 ') 1) 11- . Xeesl I h(=!! 00):*.l'0iI'X'I 111 0111 el nt 00s0s you IMati