THE UNIVERS[TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 111?a~aaaaaaaaara++ LII y whIo u yusl n $5.00ato$10.00its apretty a good one. Fll instructions el with them. Books about detem for the asking. ~ ALKINS' -,- PHARMACY. MAKES TO OltElt WOMEN and MEN'S Easy Fitting Shoes in all the Latest Styles. Vest Place Repairing P 43 S. Blain St.- Upstairs HAN GSTIEDER 'S "MOST EXCELLENT"1 MCDOLRATES AND DON DONS guaranteed to please the most discrimin- ating. 1111, FOURTH AND WASHINGTON AND 26 SOUTH STATE STREETS 'eephone Both Stores. Y our "Tailor ! Have yon seen those oby Suits Miwad is trning ot. ILWARD 40 State St. -'lane 'em up-The great football alzze. Just out. How quick can you 4 !t? Postpaid for 25 cents. Youthu Xvelty Co., 112 Dearborn t., Ci- -ago, Il. --ubscribe fr the Daily. GRAWH T SA EJ ALER'S rTHIS WEEK ONLY, JEWE.LRY °$5,00 Youman Hats, now - - - - - - $398 S$4.00 Roelofs Hats, now - - - - - $3.58 STOIB S$3.00 Roelofs Hats, now------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ------$2.5046SPaiSte. r$2.50 Stiff Hats, now--- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------- $1.90 46___S.____________Street.__ $2.00 Stiff Hats, now-------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------$1.50. $4.00 Fedoraxats, now-- ---- ---- ---- ---- --------$3.00 PATRONIZE HO~LMES' LIVERY $3 00 Fedora Hats, now----- ---- ---- ---- --------$1.98 $1.50 Fedora Hats, now---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- -------1.00 and get the best service. D. A. T1I NK ER & OIN, Office and Stable," 32 Forest No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. Ave. Telephone 106. iBac fiea amrPamc Wewl lscsdor°ee~ms" ° THE AN N ARBOR SAVINGS BANK ® asy ade. ss. Si':j Capital Stack, S50.000. Surplas, $10,000. 441k eM o. d. 44.50guar- Resources, $1,10,000. r orpost-caidCatalueaee Organiced ander the Geseral Banking Laws SURaRUG,.15911uloa of this Stats. IReceives deposits, lays and gas~snah slls exchasge as thepisia cities of the i Cnited States. Drafts cashed apos proper 1 Onily AM C - 1l: W t ( Identification. Safety deposit loses to rest, JL Al OrescERS: Christian MachPres.; W. 0. 1 aarlmas, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock, m o~onoe~aa~v.®a.atm. eo~rw .m-aocwer~o .a Qaa~. . ,rmsYI Cashirro M. S. Cash Felts J. Asitz eastst " 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK sf Ass Arbse G Canvas, Leatheroid, SoleCptl 10,0.Srpu On raitsed 10 D restS Caitag ssasdig Pr ess.455 LUe~ K L&I Leather, New Styles and Foegnecanebugtan od.Frisb letters of credit. a Trimmiiigs, Largest Stock F. 1D. KINNE, Preas, lAttttSCN SOUkF, j ~VicePreer. C as s, in City....a. . W. CLARKSON. Caskisr HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE SICK HAT BOXES-------- -4rlnT9&Mh f h lf an5k i t Car. Mlais and HiuroniStreets. G O O D PEED S 3lapital 000,1151. Srpls 53000. Transact Q O O D PEED S R. KEmPss, Pess. C. F.. O.EssE, VicesTPes 15 South Main Street. Pass. 1.Ii.SERos, Cashie. , Lowne' hcolates. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Vt'AT IIE ttCAND> t>tI~ttA ney'S Oh '"ia' lst treshmisioo olot- s oo sszl lllla-- H:.ot Lunches. OArlI-elllll'g's kin: llt otgot ot 1)1 held at (2roilgol's itoriTl. .1:1. 1t roubhle' fewoday~s iago. Itlelle heO 455 Sae t tIhecotractorthXe sa le lnivoIistiy Iaiseir, is aniniiditfereitst s'i 1, 0. UTT S 8S.Sat t prininltfoii't(le ensning' 0(111', lt,)ll- who'ile' eniltiig lihe'Stl_;Iis Schloss TAKE IIOMIE 03 " Iili toabot i;,itx)httbee a! 'a'd l tels inog aeari'leashoe aser :k yallss) i.Chas. . 1. tovnOslis vola! ssla,'eso' hei111back, tld Itle kiag aIlrettyPONSORPIS o'o =lie olegrec of' II.S. s'itlthe ile 'lss of strollg fiigloo Sa'oool ad(ilol tieii,tintler-SON O IS 'SS, iasshadiitle degree ofIll . IS.caol inlgledo, ss'hat sletI aiglit 'of lina. tered 110011Lil belit 'fnlvrsi~ o '''' lds'lo4MWI.ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. ferduo anb teiie~t f;is 'lt'tjo'os''hosws': i l _______t________ 101011t, jumpedoclooown aidilol I'io.ollis ' I~e~l~sic. t , ost lolofilse' taoolooe. 'lb' gohi oll, ,M U I S UD O shlows' 1101totof 2.511 sell's, :1 tai. e lo'gratliioal iolli of butllyinlg tle'talyg PIANO AND COMPOSITION. of 1711. Tispso nonsyls'alll~s 1hirdunol 111Sliecived'ii' the1 b'foalloffiugll 1' )1 R. -i E 1\/I P 1 111 ~~l0li Iot'grol i101'1'ol o I 1letor froont 0110' of his (tajesty s 'ltaiilotrlaiis. Ibe x 117 li ho t' E11t00illIt'' Pso lt estCaleatcCena Americai in polintiof 5si.z.10arvard ofthle (oya ot111ogilloli asas 51015'cii' ' 22 S. DIVISION ST. 101110.5 first; Ati(eli",111 Deco )Iatil tol ;lhb ilol. of Ills ooloisiuo'ss, a(dIl.t Jtutst Reeed aPLare anod Ele at Yale' 0o11rth. 's0'llt' 51ew5'(1100le it' aareo''that{lin o N w ip s Joil ls' ie o' I(-Hentry', 55110o st'rs ill Graduate Statistics. jI.I 0~,1 tii lbolI'll ck n'toh.".k Oaott ad lossunhes lit all hourss, Agents. ________ far lHsyles 11(6d'Williamssatdiie' '1lic followsing sltitislio(s 55w'reo'rt n t 1 i so'Xot.' s.s(t'ilet Cicoasls los littll oma10111.ndolsio'ajipears t lthIeo'R. EB. JOLL"Y& iO, Attect lietel, i i 0 11 of Ihe Atlil lt: , jlt i n l oera Ilhouse.',111. S. ; 20S. Stats St., SagterBmast. FeXderationlli dat 1toluls. Itok________________________________ naushoerlit gi'lalliltl('studoonts ill ki 6,1 1 'os oltIx'loo'Pit Kines'lo( ort cGroceries, Provisions I:Liam;oollogosr1(1(01Alerts like Vilas. icai clleesandtulve1 0111102, ' atpeorKlal'l0slo((5 '.110' 5111suje'A'15 and all kinds of Sn'itariuil oil tis lllllt ' 113(1)0 ar'e wollil ')( 101 t0( 1 ' li'"til tri ('. "11111y' 1'lrte"s Foods frsale by techilthl' 1.124 sluoleilhs 0113oi',(o'lsI's llStory1"':,tnd "Tin'y Skinttlilo.'' * St if SO . & Co., tIe necessary1'3. Th le 5students1:treete( Lotls ittftll. Ptpalid or ~l'25 cat.. 04 S. STATE ST. gasgedlin1th11(1'lowing s'tudi0e1010s i01hel ui' 01111Nove'(lty ('0., 112 0)canl~oll ooro' lllie: ..litllgc51111 l~r' (ii I'l li nton 'rleufel, lure, lhistornd111015111111sciences, p101. , 1(11 ',,TO tl'. P .XT (l(5:'L el~lt'sulieOfl HADQAR EFOn ((.0(1(11, na~turlllsc5'1ice, li li~lt nleroomslheatledl witll it w'ater,.staion10-Tuks ales DssSiCss TO 1OEN'1'.