THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W AIDHAMS , FRYAN & REULBD ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Black till Underwear, "y-psiltiUno itsfre ANTD YPSILAN.1TI C 1EEBRATE D SW E AT.ERS Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann Arbor. Call and corani re before buying. 28 aod 30 SOuth M'~ain st. f . _ Tine Tabl ;eieod? Scpt. 27, 1i9k, Masil anid Fe- 3c N. Y. Special--- 15 N. Y. Specil 4As Mli_----- __8 43h Masters go----1010 N. S.linilted. 7 27 AM.Atlantic E_-- 735 PciicE---12 1")l D.N. Erre----i5401 WesieenFe -._1 .c tG. IR. Express --135 (CiiNt x---- 1 G. P. & T. Agt. Chicaon Agt. Anni Arbior1 __ vF -AND, 'BEAUl Y OF 1P OffO TIONC' AENICELY ADJUJSTEDK y CQOTST N U I A P ATFi f R'~. F 3 .'r er ^i .F16.\ Sol RAILROAD. Tie I il*,,O. l27, 18914. 4730 m 4 . i. im illiiil brtii'rriAim Arbovand1111Toldooniialy, All trins ilo~7y exc ie1dty. E. S, GIli)1'E, Agent W. 1H. BE~NgTTr G. P. A. Toiledo O,. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS Wholesale t(igars, 'tobaccos and Cigarettes Cor. Maid7 and Liberty Sts. 111! '-diiyou ply." geoi ~i ii i firn." No Some is Really Complete Wilhest a new 1897' Model 1 S i t I E , AeoericariStudicy ilRome0. n1111 111t' I'f'7l ith te1 ii Ii -. 1ti }i T11 Yal iii 1101 1- vste;+i(1 7' I le .t 1ev il il 3 ofiiii1hE le't; (Scliholil Roe: i-iil11971111 ' alW- rl'lofii-Iil iii' (hipki1111*ii Ii- ii I iic l i i ]lii Proessor iill- li- Ir~ l( m Ii l. - 31 (; il'] ill 1i in 1%()m '1w ti hi.ll th 1 11ccn ' it 1119 00119ni lvo . 'rhe11 1 1-1 111 orilte s0111 1 11 ti n"~ a~s"14I II 111171;1Inla in 1 U1 111 ill iis a n ll. v ta il f L [. . E T . e _ O ii h Slt-i.l ca n 0 '/i 5 or Irs sitoo r ibisi ie Oo awit lo' ar tise hotns Toleo, olirif a asita. toPs W . Vite i.t v gislla irrrsltsrteoba e Tiely Nlee44ing o110it 9101 coo ar u S Line etrei n ok T old olmb usan MrarONY ital rer001wy Troe-aTolcilmi, 00a1d11il110000 sel Gliolo THE 0ON1.0LI4NP0w01117 trnslea11111,ay daily j beweeToiloanolumbuso. e THE ONLY014E01th0437traiseah Tod TILSundt~ays b04271.,To110990 Tolumbu ass. ' THE ONLY ii o 0wiraisr Icoiihidaily MOUOLYLTNE1w0th2tins.ea.hwyal beweTTldadCalesto, WHIO and h1 11rg7inias Jolullfrainlie to[raenimyo l r ishec., ci ll ec tiirfl Piy rnis or y n Agn ft e i 1etr1lLoines11 N - dii -HO K, 43 P t - Prics - 5cTOLEaD, HO ANNE.ARBOR. M0N11 V _. , M ,G it -r, M anoli, (Sd 411 0 01., 1-clpe lth il1' l. A110111 0,-li 1 , (111 n1 ig11110 Sanili yii oili or ie r.t heoio i o riglIIilna 411 1l~l o ciaut oi ls110 1li i n I 'Po ll 41 From $ 5.0oUpwasrd. I!rwSt11e lrom le~er cieles, It is th~eees-t, dais ust--nd vrnertotdi t lof ine old Ceiona oin.Wsloh- -t th~~neth9 e ao 'i e.e tadr f h )vol. eae lived excluiely byi t he s eding tlo. 11i14the10 l ilillodiil 1111110 l Aertit, ia ea 1,,r andiile lur (ibs. Ouir 11e1w I as llliioo'tal '09oihitaiiilg poetraio f oer100'e iArtists 14, oliihei liIOeiIT of tel iai- 111 lositrli s11110111e111171 rapt00-'1001111atio.I your lcaldalr".1;1110 ViI, no, i0'11*' '1111~e wii privilege0(-f eintioine, direcont tie fatoliry. 11y -1i. ~Waldti 511110, thiii- rol or i. fIll- Ta.sS AWaosilbrnimproes with age and makes a S] rit ha Oiareisesroin value as rihe years go by. i111 lIMI't10ilis oil dbyl'i )f0 1i-iorT It isreally worth manyimesits cost.I WLYON & HIEAI.Y, W1i'rl al 1 rsouidec, wilei-thei- CO-1i 'VARASFI AVE. & ADAMS ST., C"ICAGO. 1olr10 jiis 1 r hici-a(Li llelo for thle ~~ ~~g 7? l4ii l lili-iii e i'o'l.-i-c1l 0 4e Sdr E ageB all z54earIaslole f iii- s .ool, 1lilllllhir f theo- lIdossgcrs coosedeseed doithers.irs sod ilri-kt Traril sod Feld, t1yme- slum Equismests so es(lu irComplete eroci-cllgis Te rres0lillberp Oatalogue ot Sprieg and Summer Spertso ' free. "The Name the Guarantee."' course of strudyAvith lectlies oil oot:ei- A. G. SP.ALDING & BROS., iolalics lltaotliihll 11r msenipio, Mewe York. Chicago, Piladelphia. i1llripiiolro8, llt'c'lo00logy ansd ether Subscribe for the Daily. Isulbjects. These preSoribed studles do 0 111 \ll illitli 111114 70to°tIt 1Tf 'C 'lll'ioo 1,1-09 t $.112 111111,3, lo 1' lu 0 111.241,tt al. 211 S. loiiils ,st. pace is Reseveul for the M illg Co., MILLARD Iford, Con. -TEKE PRI NTER Advertise in THlE DAILY