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January 06, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-06

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An l ltns of the tnivesectite ci-
Jjdadi in ' Tai OT Program for Convention Is An- tribuited intereting reminiilscencestof The Contest for Places Nearly
T MI . L L ~ .n o n e d . i l t le li fe t o ttth e e t o i I ti rn l i n s h e d .
AN O T R sTheftitriisteling of the Micfigau hn elo''Tlato.of le Iniversity T1he freIinilalr ine-scoeley te
lsocato o boctonst wl b o lelittitwhn. se him,Vut ahats beteenthefitucctesftl eontet-
F ULL DKLSS SUITS A SPECIALTY. feld at Newberry hall, Saturday, ran- t1,ti1 f disltigiihledi liidlilt accitiltithe reent -ocietey etnleotf ~Ill
nar_____________ Oty l). The offlers of the assoctitin ferepreienttotttid-tf grtif ites t i- ble hld ft n~y;i( uedyeeig
'4. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST- NEAR MAI nnounceitlitthe following inlteetinilg lieilor atntlatigoate.lHe ias-ihfl. Ii1 t altd 12.intadlof toiht, is
______________________________ iogititit cioul f dlibiferation, rand liae thoreau. prieriosli-arranget. The Aeijihianl
Nt OIININ(i SESSION. he nitesr foro ites l~tit igoI? liol Aphai No will debate ini 1iatt 1, and
C 1:4. iRtgitration of inlibero (iootrseofittsttofor the behlly :tnil1flit' Westeir tnf efferctitait oei-
Ro ROY 10:t30i. I utialed I- itneurable Forith le belyfr fnmteatsto'in sucttiiit rttities itt tle, lIawivlet-lireoo.
soteeof ttie ewperfuimes to otts of tatnitiering. . . thattit ftaei-ti-atn testhitit- atiti-oval-if sxlitsnti ihtnetinlith eet-on-
ucesst. We seat ciin i . M-..r. George A. tLewi, Detroit-
apues. to 1:0 tests an ounce ltt0 i. Dist-nsoion Iby Convention. ae I o pee Io j 1 (. 'tselPd etiu ...,. fit-trnth iandiitran i T o t l tti-h te -streeiltt t ig tti ifest-r ti l sit llt
of New York MisCarreer-ryPhlsAdinhdmr enl wtieal(i- tedbtevthCcgo
I -- ~~~~~~~11:35,tDtsi-itsion tifpene-dlby liii Ihoughtheli liet-s-i-i-oiititttti0i) ti fi-;t-lW-t-uliftiiii itgt
PALXYER'S PHA.RMiACY. 0 Evtlynti ifDoiigtilDetroit. i tcitItftii i itliittii.i iisiiaciii ttistft n
45 S. STATE ST. )17 1.50A Stdyf aittTton of ttips IItftor ilifet-lt-tinwe ihehtttu- nan itfdit. itif his oIan dri-tifsi-ill Ind n- it
. Mrs.Lraine Iititn. (rand Rpd
12:15 Discuioop tlene-d. by JMrs. Lila 'ilit ix sa tfi iti s-nb srwhtf ifsmidi t his gar toi"(uffle thei it sternfi-rit ilt-t
MR1 J COBS A NnD MR ALLMANO Cary, Lapeer. fr thtughi t hright say. I y ts a lliiriti.Acs sttntt he li
1211. Busoiees beefing It I si to ilieon tel fttn i ii.ti}i 1 ttfifitif f-i-agee, itup on riil inti
THE SHOUE-M EN 30APlafofoaTaiigi alythreleThe -srknof "11ad&mieinnnee wl
uA1 ilE GO'N8 OUIOf BUSI NESS 1 Miis Cort arltlfls e iftifeiisot t-il i ietsialtos;i-dit
2-t. lDiseuin opened by dirs. ClaraI Another Prize Competition.
and are selling their entire lRtynoldsof-iSmi, Bafle Cree. lttitteitgltits coitfit eitbrys
stock of Good SHOES off at a SAC - 10liT-eTonguae nter the lltintl - !ta t fitadlctmeidowthoift lithffm.it(,loera 1-ptlsliu-n.the Iitrelttl
RIFICE becanse tlaey want to go I -- rcEdnaChatftee NoblelDeroit WholtilitetiaietoIAtit Arbotr for i-c- rga. ftilit teAmeitritantColleige- Ihpub-
anut QUICK, haing made other ..,.Dicusiotn openetd by Mr.i]t- tiiirtit fitn-ieiottIllty efii-rilg11_.ti-i- nLetagttut. offers j$121 forrfill/iet-
plans for the near ituie. IIfI trei A. Boll, Detroit ist ilsfnIott1ft in
S~~te ttion. ooghthut At-f dandt MotI-openticompettli~tfittiont-tutiiittit-
Iol31jida~~y G3oods ls- - -All .. )r.A. IWebbtAlbifoti lifnetltof iii f mit is tilt tctS-itfi-- itr- fianyitstlgt-t inllytif, illge sit ii-
-AT- 415 Discusionnoenedrty 3Mr F.'L. rottisi ottit tifglor raiiefr hft Ifei-\trsill5 ilithetiIUnitid "Stiito
* O Y' :r gStore. Ingirifaham.Ypiltif. i-fting inialiiaritcin ll"tti if. a itt-ittTertpritt-'fltnwiill le $l, itofrit-et;
B ~~~ I 11)4:30.Poi- of Body inIlelaftioto moatittsplaiitfy ofi toititi ifiti whout s lii secoit sitizeii tV 1hitd if it
FULL ST OCK.LOW PRICES Voite Production .- - - - -ott-flit.-il litslite tifbe ittotihlif tei 1i, ititgol umeal ithi tapproriatei fti-
sirnr of Blatn and Hur ts in-.-Eia At loher Bl.D, Atnti Arbor":
500. Qutesionis 1syConventfion. haIt-ilcy ,gati theool l-ill aindo c ii fit-honoraible metilitr i
EVE I NING 51055-tS ON I hollowthat I ti1 hinkit ifhdiwost-it-itft-ourth ize.fti
Bhylon Coal is THlE BEST S olock -Reitals. It htlf untltios-il his tyies111th ikedi -Aritt alfanitie 1mad ftthotofo elIw tsh l-
Alt gadles o hta stttCotl. Juitlhi- - - -'..I...'TI. Altdrit-lidlfi ytou-ait com t.etito-ti nadcrltian y fprinlofthItt thctlt-ti
Camelf Colad totke
IV. srA.EBLER, Bis reterikat Pentecoto, Iteroit, ilyi replt in fitare t-tt is iv elwl- My s-rit-iiialt hr itittttil or
(at- of LondofunEnglandf). tisked-ility it eatt- ndtl et.-- nd ta iff, ittirec fpititt r ivi-sil seiiti
Tleptiouse Na. 0.One d oer East of Amel- i o ~el o .....tl
ca oue . Iarmerir Wfiipll-.Bachelor ---- t he ltt yttfr sometfiro, l it f1 iestt-i t tt ii i ou _ ior any plit i i s-l
%TpT lOF ^ . nAr ettaseti -O, - nri swhititrtaniietifatton?"iiinahflly ssuei the fitReptibititiltilarty lttto
V I ER TYSCHOOL if.Agittal tfiath-a-rIenI(ritidila- iiisss-t-rlIAll esotiysintiibei-sinttu thi---i
OF' I) edi-Cct. A DioordtsEleuettesi Original l(siul l lipetl1ftfuadilytii tigitti utot fi Te(Chotlege i-fuiilii-in iot
OFltoIN Mr.Aarti Nelsoin LteMa-iihte. ean i pe noA~e g in. t irrfhttanay 1.197
,Oppste5La Suitisg.$5000atisesester for itlsfi ~rstitBatbhy - --.t.n fitti .....f.iti.oi. .- citrsitht i- u is t~ (
inn leos tweek gi h ys ousoee n eI Esy hu-f eQt] ta .N(
1hn tAtA7er Sitier 1 guIss tha till bi suihuiti ulfoc xii ittuob i
-2bhnp n Sre . IThit Proptoal (a iontlogn) ..li-nt-f
...lector Fezcndie - - Ituwast Prof.ffuillttfs iiifit- it ftifhi.
-AT-t(fa-le y sDtit Ili vtse hartr eerrt--if-utedouttetprtiuarlanbeu-iio
it iCharletitiutueritife5ritiby att retsluniug tti C leeIep be
AHR'S BOOK STORE. Aux talienu list. Oen Aeredih'I dofi nrmrttsu. rnbr~.Jn
Association of Teachers. Thu ftboys leitl se inltist(,hairfs
______and______ bftounitufontietit 5ft5 tules onits trenttuf Chicao Game Assured.
All the Newy Holiday Books Fine Diritigft hhliystfl itoAmdeniid st-fi-tifitattlinanft saw1th itfat ic Nutiitilotutiiglt rpottao ithfli
Art Books and all tie latet Tuition. Litta- ss-aht t ihl itaItidfitti uuilirfpedl by 1 uteiliri Iuhf thud lt tilittitl Arligtnfi
land Poetry. Fine Art Calenders. 5tetityhosfprsidetbhld uhf ighly sui- t-- onon ttuie- fohot lu-gr Iiitha ay 1111a1 hfdnetitilltasiusiti.
1090 RolcesClassics, 25c each. cssl mieefing ini tleveltnt.lfl(,it!inGrleee-fte Simitly botse-if tnuf stiif: itntgr tltghes ts i(14hh;oiuuorttadrdSesat2itr 1
All ur Sandrd Sts t25pernuitiber of reresentttivets of Iielif"Yong-gintfleenit Iec t-ihatilyou nflits-i-tnly titd sthilt itututhee ado111-
- ent discount. g
Take home a copy of that'99 gait tas ilutnusllyltrgeinclutding ic tetithtir bitter suitedtufoiiyoiiiuti~p- yit-tin lirutut'itifithfsthe igo niutit
-ORACLE, only 25c. Professors Waltrlienel, Hemip,uits thitatnmyslf,1asf I still wih- tgifetltfor tflit-Bguneetit Tt-taniks-
Every onedinvited to visit or two (Scll and Winlker lid Aesrs f ri aw"15<giving- DO.Tto e'flit-utiest isill be hetl'
-stores. inger anatfLessinigAt (le anlnual A large frogCostieumtihainitifttiloabulding
leftion of otiieers of the asocitilOr oillth fltdffbntthltthe liii tlitititrdl
W AHRS BOOK STORE Prof Scott wao lmadle reiden of teBnB f-leha3 9, a etcl
Uip Tows Dews Tess Iledaigogical tection. -oautdst-hellfius itippe ovettis,logeB.aidigotorand 'IRt htis Itl
,"a. Slate S Opposite Curt House'- ____________ ti 011tg~i tluflelsi itlg uusilg oIlat uf u
Ann Arbr Mains 11 I Subscribe for the Daily. (Continued on becond Page.) infer upunn lewspapr work


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