THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~GREAT FIAT SALE I TI' 0THIS WEEK ONLY, 0 $5.00 Youman Hats, now - - - - - - $39 $4.00 Roetofs Hats, now - - - - - - $3.58 $300 Roelofs Hats,no - - - - - - - $2.50 0 $2.50 Stiff Hats, now---------------------- $1.90 $2.00) Stiff lHsts, now------------------------$1.50 you did not receive a camn- $4-.00 Federalists, now------------------------$3.00 er sa Christmas present, $300 Fedora Hate, now--------------------$1.98 iras$1.50 Fedora lists, now----------------------$1.00 swhy not buy yourself one fr D A. for New Year. $200 and op-0 A 0 warDs.M. TINKER & SON $3.00 to $t0.00 getsa1prafts 0 No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann Arbor, MVich. A good one. Full instiructions p withtihtern. Book~s ahout 0 th~em 1for the askinlg a Pud.30, u. r ter potnf.40et. CALKINS'-:- PHARMACY, ' On~ly i HANGSJEB[EBlS Dress Suit Canvas, Leatb~erotd, Sole Leather, New Styles and H3 STO RE r 46 S. Main Street. 3PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY and get the heat service. Office and Stable, 32 Forest Ave. Telephone 106. Branch Office at Patmers' Pharmacy THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capttat Stock, $50,000. Surptus, $150,000. tRcesuces, $1,10,000. Organted under the Generat Ranktng Laws of this State. Receives depeits, huys and selts exchange on the pctacipat cities of the United States. Drafts cashed eeoc preper Identficatios. Safety deposit eases to rent. Orricnms: Chrtstian Mach Pces.; IV. D. Harrtmas, Vice-Pres.:Chas E. Htscock, GCashier: Mi.Fitz Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BNKof Assz Artier Copital, $100,000. Srplus and trofits, $40,0ea Transacts a geseial hashing hostsess. Foreign exchange bought and sotd.Farish letters ef credit. E. D. KItNNE, Pres. HARISON SOULE, Vce Pies. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Co. aiti aoldittrconStreets. Caiptai 5, 11,000. Suros X5-0,1100. Trtasact ,enieral baking buncess. R. Reese. Irces. C. E..DooanE, Vice Pie. tommo11i ht-taci Casios Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St. -fTAE -f 1;R E 160. OF M. SPOONS OR PINS, f i ;MOST EXCELLENT" CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS guaranteed to please the most diserimin- ating. COW. FOURTH AND WASHINGTON AND 26 SOUTH STATE STREETS, elephone Both Stores. - t1u I Ca'es..Irimmings, i4 ase...its city.... HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE SILK HAT BOXES-------- QOOSPEED' ,argest Stock 15 South Main Street. Marks of Honor, I Prizen Offered. 'ivea t tit' ii' li i eiiii' oryii' watll'';.' ;tl;clilo l,'whoirictn'i 1 a' iii ott astiis W" ile ofahl eatr' ol.ti': ot ~rlun.' tacc 1 000,0,t iii, ciileg'; afl' atiitelliewhii Ii. i otherlt~hii tithilicliiiiii I, ilta N~iillii lia ttw' t;i1 ilti toi 1111 11 prizos. Prize", olle, hv ) antl thive I I is ii lict'sbii' iofill- C('li. 1: K iteyte , 1 11 I uu t~si itit~i. ii' t.;'theiti'c,11 iii' iih'a s'' a a l a - This ewici' chicslits you as1t' yo1'he'oclo- Thniire oatin tit' v'.ci (s's .(lIi'tit''tlanil elta 1iti i1 ii'e'u'i'i sosnttccs'diila'yit ts iilialots is till, ' te'i iii lit/ i th eae they'epait icedor ht' youi, thilli atilt. P!ia a l lggais Set.t ;t 'if Ii;; CO: geet nSthesri tiS i3 I iii. t' ale a C ii p~ l'. Geos t obliaes yo ee yuif1 "11, t I ii hu< ha larsantl iita.'e 1 . , iild I we sel. It igod haMru, filo o .a i t;etiof gorI ti ! ii 42odShosa pie ais dow.Streete ~it shear,. ~i Good Rublers tooiflyou'watiflleni wtilt h near e22toithl 'ticns,11; WM. f ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER, Pcie folcii ill lhe git's Ihii per- PIANO AND COMPOSITION. liii til lthli'eolliii''l i-tfpsiliiyi j' Front Stuttgart foitaervaitocy, tGertiay. otic i(illo ri;. Price i've iwtill he artirik 22 S. DIVISION ST. ii to 5' Iy pe'slii il;; 1lIsa Ii liii'si lithte l ~o I ortoti il(, t'( Iet:iat 1 ltt k- ;;lii i'; ii; i;iii lii is' tLin.e of TVWPipes T. Host and Cold;Lunces it aillhous. Agens Choecolate Bonti ons. wheit'''l iisthe c ollit. 205 S.JSiate St., Blocki. 'I iii;,ib ~i;iii''tl;taso siI'Groceries} :-Provisions hldt ibilS'of tlie ii houaii ssa I tlt~r11 l(°tio a1(1 'li lturt c 1 sart all kinds of Saiiitariuma it;; ils arlitll 1111 'i~~aiiiis 's iiFoods for sale hy ill.' thei lia';gii' <'a'i''i it lisa baldly S rior j lto il;c e l" il i lii' 55'.li lii's gil, at S. sSrATE' i ST. S'i' .51th;in.socii'iy lia, eFl ciili L nt n the; ,+2001 l't'i'i'ii Ifor tetitsirary iltht-nHEADQUATESFOR500 tl ie t all. A c~oiliiltt e of thctIrunks, Valises, Dress Suit Cases 5oi(tl'15 'itliiiled hli tt'ltritig1 Vies- AND TELIESCOP5ES. 'olat I tui b halt 't'l'iiiatucd Trunks asdtVs'isesi tepaired Neatly sssd Celeisy. Na. 57'S. Mlain st. M" . MARTIN, Fonerssl Director, Cloth 5tillle41s-iv Iliiithe; ici'. 00J.and SMetsllic tskiets and Fine Crasde Coffins. Fmbk'isng aSpecialty. No.i7 S. Foorth ave. IVOKE? AR OI --NO MOKE, A Slash In Prices, hoc assor Oidor, No Fouling of Chsimneys-time atestilt the last drop otf oil ins the lamp PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS gallonh-Delivered in our catns, CLEANING AND REPAIRING. 25 . Staerst.. Deer Rosey'cshilliard Room. ° Subscrihe tar the Daily. ~our Tailor'! Have you seen thcsse nublby Suits Mitward 1s tusrning oust. MLWARD 40 State St. "R~dy Clane atii el ti;'t nt;o."- 1olds two nickels, prctical and clst- ~L. Ev-eyhody 51ill wvear one. Post. paid for 13) cents. Youini Nov-elty Co., 1-12 Dearhrn st., Chicago, Ill. "LUne 'em np-T'he groat football ;puzzle. lust out. tHosv quick can you ~ait? Postpaid for 23 cents. Youlme 'oNovelty Co., 112 Dearhorti st., Clii- Ulo I5. 1{;'ollilonogams i l tilwaswo .'' o the atle-Its Nvt a-It S 'itt rI.ut nl ' ue- Lst- iilwallc. 11111300. ltsia-e ii11 Olltoi i f t tit.iila SI gltscs DOES YOUR LAMP S11 TRY RED STI No Chand Wicks, No Offensive A White Light-Burns freely to -Clear as spring water-0c per promptly-Sold only by L7E.) 44 South Main Street.