Uses lass plates ad take
sood ictures, 3'x~vin tches that are beauties. if yoss doubt their 'T'OR.E
VIVEI $5+0 p, CU 750 i quality ask Mell (Gillespie or Mr.46S liSte.
! IYq! f h~ teisibauer.46S asStet
A ew scheee oe rster 1
eolders Pictures 4'.x~s4'ins.
CRESCENT, $2.00.+tbefore Jan. 1st. aliteocos and get the bet srie
,lkpcne nslcire ]N N I- O R M US C C Office and Stable, 32 Forest
akecoopi(oses IYo eucanI B I I L S C OAve. Telephone 106.
fobetter oonerifiyoush.use :2 N 3Nb'''WAH sO IM Branch Office at Painers' Phar may
'Ibot sll oil tbooeatsemn osid t.po ss Capital PSto,$50,0t0. ttrplus, $15ith,0
/ httelal br te o /ataaei P : esres e.$11000.
PasXI '4~'~ftpxuuatge F~lree 1)leudet rerltuhsb
itRUG p s Fltonge'.e of this State. Biershes dposst, uysan
s/t-50 ! a esl~e ls ec age so te prncipl ctes of the
i ,i S 1i ! SrceNe Yok. United Stats. Drafts cashed upo ppe
CALKIS' PHRMAC t dettatios.are ty deposit boaes ts ret.
aAKNs -PHRAY P~~ ukires. . Vc- nA.Fi ''s:CasP ~sOk
Ouahir lJ rima zAViee t antash'i.. iuo
Be Sure FIRST NATI ONAL BANK rganize 0860
'spita , lb,tbt. loSrplus asd Poeis, 400
You'eR ghtTanract. general babksnglusiness.
Y -G d t'Freict:ehosne ooht adsaiod. hurish
eliters o enre
C. It. loiINNilTres.IIiARRtISON SUt'IE,
On Footwear. 'td icsPes
,.S. IW. t,LAttitltN. C"asher.
Titleslossoftin s il th etisde d.(~
teyrt pratid mrthatiysou thnk, nfrurci &Ifhttuu utik
but nt hse
lhist coerm t s youssue youIrer it' /s' ito i sellan liuoiss treets.
Tis'st or..araOslo eY o s seinvst-t' ital r0e00S urpu sse tio 3510 . ~Tansact
Went oftevsrydollar. you putstshlosu geealicansstibuiteio scst
wesel1 t issa odteth'eoSore fto 1f ,I . Kr rre. Iee T5'. C. St, Xice rs'
ged sh os at rttesetso down ee~ RtED. 1, I titet, Csiter.
Goottd Rubbersstlotsif ysson Want thse,.
, AG4IVo O Lowney's Chocolates.
W . C. Rein hardt, 5 \O$ to Zi S. MAIN ANN ARBOR . Hot Lunches.
42 S. Main Street.
At Valentins's Theatre. Graduate Club. TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St.
K S Y S I'lt'cg eeni itprise 'lssof in mls il- Itnts'e1pro tallist'stir out'ti litfTRN rlth
THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, atests'sliiotheis'V'altiill'e l'slet st It stltttdi II'te hb t hlts s ic isii S sisi o' tici
Ca rtst yu ilss ts''lss oeli ITlett, iiti it a dtheis' lst. tlIn tt 11,1'1s- llstsI ilitetiolly'.Its's . Ill aids1i1ill. f OF M "f
Pe d R tug epistssesssaspeialty is's.a t'r t t s ('hisils' its ssiotlssitsy ca 1 M it'i tarttIls1 e l ais sssisst to 1 s -
--GIVE HIM IT A CSAL..L, _lititt is iiand't'ustlty t'tt'ttitt'. it'('. ('icsu osi 'it I l ist 5155'tltt'tit't i SPOONS OR PINS.
PHOTOGRAPHS e11r( i ir' .ber hs ecc. ss r.t i C'tlnin fth5' e 's. I 'sill s lits i h WM. ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER.
--specisot tales to Snioseoas. ite lly il te titlst I1101ly t itit ii I 1I nd s t.'s'I'll' tit til 5 1 o __so______________________________
slt is i ts' Enigllh e itoiiswor'sl. lisl ne.sithslits. list lt lu iri t
BetY'r~~l~ Sr ar n it tol e ~isbe 1 .;i«n ~i~ 1w~tuiBoses' o 1s, USC STUDIO.
E. Huron Street. aIs altoi i .~I~it.sli s vl olt111t' 'sie teiosl. _PIANO AND COMPOSITION.
____________________________________ his tes's'liltstileit ietsbutti(treatiNsv'ely 'scet Ks tlts cs oR. H. P
' ' 05.1 t tits si, ll stisnl r tiii "lit L'ss' ' 1 o t'sustl stga t'tto 's 'ss olhry, sssrma y.
Fl155A15500rrA, lo't to'505ssentsussi issisi ttleetiest' t ~ stil. l'eo s Qic.''"llhive tIs"22 S. DIVISION St.
!un s Valises, BDres Suit Cases '' 1 i1l1. Il l I a '1 i.'s'it thl iist 'itySt'Eio'"y tu "l' E i.iit I iitis .'' lstes.tceis'ed aiL rga ndtotiiEegnti
Tueke s t is utes'sls'es'slNestly ssd Irsill lt'itttmtad( 5'' st] '55rivi ti llne i i i til o veNtiyi'' Co i. 112 Dllb~iti t.stt I
ply 7v . i t r roen otiio l6 nlixr i loestnd'ld Lunhsa l n .A rt
't ls stsst I tiiil HI iThetIb' i I Its' Itarlesus I
Y our Tailor! it e . s ci uI e 0 'sol 1l~tels'st i t' i Eit'ltuiii R . E.JOLLY S& CO.
llave'o yttou t'1n ltoss o bily 1Ilss olIlts t'stttqsst of iIit1t .,'i te i u( teI' ' 'ieSos. Steter S. aer Block.
Suis M lwa d i t rnig o t. alu 1 -al fom nn tn 'i t le t '' and.11111 1N t is' ' Is iih.l
MIL WARD 40 State St. ana1 sll idi ltst Ivsill Its's sbeltntfi Lln ulyos cu iA
gd('s ElIlsl 'tl sillt' it st ir t itsu. "iltiissitilt itb a1 alosall kinds of Saitarinn
IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A ,Sad~l ssiareeestarstss1 esifliste le-ou'pleti ' I. Foods for Sale by
htoftlos 1 h t t Tleo liZ tgis n olda Foteastirnsors & C'o.,
STUDENT'S ROOM, lit see thiseu g rssiill lt. IIuill ieeel lsi'i'sjitse as(.II .Itll S.2. STATE 5T.
It is genraslly cnesedlthtl stroeined in- Sto rte 'sets ini sitiancet'1 itt' to's I ssl tti' 'tis'r 'ts.lsliss'Ii'd $i
strlmltss is "tusestTanlssalutetnecessitd. To
segur 1 h esherets t ejoymntrt frosrm these 5'Sa1'letled l1ustetl'lt addtrlltetsIss ttisland1x', tle. ts clse t r113.50. R ANOALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER
lisrchuseeethe esepeur sunrywiattssd. tthCesctreasureer, V'letitne 'Pleatrs'. 'ILt'AtI(ISHOE110 1t S'ahingtolli w
Expert judgment ponounces thr "Bay 1f) NV;shigton Block
state" isstrments thefines't in the world witll at-c prompslt attentionl. 'he-s'scslt't ."~tl t Ann Arbor.5
An excellent instrument in he (yf prices, 11s fixesd, tres'exlrvellsly lots' : Il'rs' e a verly n~ise srge side1fo1
DA~ 01'Ar'' cA00osr khss atr'action a tnd l ily cov.IyesSr ue rent at loss' piseslst runtehetlS 1111ITUOF M. SHAVINGlPARLOt and Bath'
BA S TATE $$0L.J n.00epes fJrnin hs 't rit ah Bs f al bad seeiya.Im oms. All penmenta first clas. g
exejo sisil il letale sIs l't s tbt sas.Alj s upoted and dmetc cigars. Lades artis-
7(ts Toledo t'Tie . e2:)',s. !,,'t1t 7 8t/ Foret av. tie hair dresing and atling prlor, up
12A D ,T'ya stairs. J. IR. TrJanowki 0 S. State st.
We have ret stock cheaer banjas and $150. Sbsrib for te Daily.
titan this ut foe a nubstantial eevc .MATN us.lDrctr lt
table instrament at a low pricen - O . adMealTiNankersan dietoraCot
9 eother Instrument mnfcurdcnDOES Y U A PS O E oln.EbligaSeily o TS
coa0wit it - Fi&!L iyL~lj~ orthins.EmamgaSpclt.N.1
Seed for illustrated atNeloge,
483-463 Washington Street, Boton.
________________ No Chand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of Chimneys- AUSLsEi r Ice.Fo sort
Alt effort is bing mntde to arrange A White Light-Burns freely to the last drop of oil n the lamp A tls I ls.or hotw Ill
a ifootball game to be played bftween -Clear s spring water-S0c per gallon-Delivered in our cans, PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS
an 'all-Oa1fornla eleven and the Car- promptly-Sold only by
lsle Indans t Ban Franeisco on New DEAN4 & COM PANY. LEANING AND REPAIRING.
Year's Duy. 44 South Main Street. 12 S. Stae t. Over Rosey's Billiard Seem.