TILE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, 311f f f itis ,n .argument born of inexperience. MR + Jp I* Il-I..3.Money is what talks at this Univer- sity. The troubles of past annals Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during :ang tils line proves tlhis statemienit. the CollegetYear, a THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Tile tact that inter-collegiate diebates Oric: Times building, 79 5. Main St. be- struggled for -sit existence before this tween Liberty and William Ste. year, %wlieii no "testimniials' wvere MANAGING EDITOR given, and that this year. when the J. F. THOMAS, 17. SxIJINEI MA1IER um of x$50 is to leetdivided,. thlre .are o. Hi. HANS, '55. 64 contestaito is a stiking illustr'a- EDIT11011o of our love of the root of Ill ev il. E. L. GEesues, '50 L. F. S. SIMOIS, '00. If the Mhc-tdiganensiau 'hopes to see B. B. fitHEvAsY.'95. H. H.. S1LLMAN, '00iL. F. Al. Loomis. 'so. H. H. Cowis, 'so. is 1-iudable desire mnade a fact, it will C. 5. GEEs, li9i Athletic Editor, do wvell to come down morae lilcesolly ASSOCIATE EDITORS with itie cash. true,'.tis pigy; W. W. Hughes, '55. 5. W. Smith, '51. F. A. FadSk, '980. Louise Dodge, '99. 11111pilly '11s, 'listrile." W. P. Mdorrill, '98. Hutler Lamb, 11900. - A. Al. Smith, '57. C. Lull, jell9 A. Book Reviews, l1iegc.'ids of ihe Middle .ages.-:Nar- _ ae ihseilrfrnet isThe subscriptin price of the Daily is 02.50 :ltlrc:and:at.If. y II. A. (Blerlber, for the college year, with a regular delivery -11ti:o f"lvt1so ec n before n00n each day. Notices, communicas-.ho of"yti ofirer an tlaus, and other matter intended for publica- lnonle,,'MJlic 1sof NXcii Guru l 1,,do. tion mast behianded is at she Daily office ibe- fome 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3 ec:. p. in., of the day previous to that 0oncwhich 'The'cc ljeci of tiis work is oi:i. t thev are expected to appear. subscriptions may ho left at The Daily iari/e yolinig stuidenits ccii l the le;i;c :d; office, Mheyer's or Stoinlfe' Newseand, or with Busince sasager.iSbeib~escwil cos:- iciich formi'ihi Staphe of niedilcl fer a favor by reporting promptly at this liiiei-:tie. 9p'iiih c alii Ic-eIdl.a fics- oice any failiure of carriers to deliver gaper. hrt lot'il fon faiEitad lFolloingiii ts ostiicl rlsIolu i'1cc iodericrit i lgs lire C wll to15)illiisirate. Dieo clo:Oliiiiic5 ioiciraic~i fr ii: he sic-ie of liii' iccilin «ichs-l ii:- Chrcismsas lioldiacys,.Wth illiis iiiii-i..forc-ctoiithe-sicily.-A1io-ri:-::i l,:ok jSfW NTER. THERE'S NOTHING LIKE LEATHER, WHEN WELL PUT TOGETHER. Russia. Enamel, Box end Ameri- can Calf are World Beaters. DEAL'S SHOE STORE; 6 N. MAIN,, OPP, COURT HOUSE. Four cod Things. WHICH ANY GENTLEMAN WOULD APPRECIATE FOR CHRISTMAS. Neckwear Every tad, ever pretty effects. Ei conies nnder the I wear cats he font ny shape, rich, verythinog that head of Neck- ed here. i Tiii'firs:tiniibert af' r th e lc' ci cll cciii iibe issiucedsicoii'vcicdy, l. .a. Both Yilc'andMciic-ligaiiliaceilli- creasi'clthe reclciienei'is foi' a ihciclic- lic'sidegie inl issw icy Iciling 1the c'iill'0' extn vrti'il cc hreei'Fycar~s Il- -te id if lcwcc, as fcorimrly. ''hils (-hanige'toock c'f'c-tl c clohi iistilicis ait the icemgiinlg ci thflu lii'5'li col.0- legi' ,yellr aindit cwcs i'xpe'Cct iitha there'cwoculcd be'aigrecat fallini'ciff in inumbters.DBii itii'filets shocc liv ihat.ith cliasigic ccas acwisc'oncciii ncd lirove's thatoccr fiutusrc' laccycrs recgnsizc' the sieeessity ,of ilicceccli i llli.liiclln. Tfhe decrease ini enrolliienit ii Yale -as! comparscedl citla lasi yeiar, wcas 'b'i:llii sand, at Siehigan. only 'ii. 'lThis f'ill- ing offtcasn eaisily be isic-ocilteci focr iy the exicting finanicial cei'lscssiccc. 'mec inereasc' inirequiirementc' astmide Co. Pt'iciccl I'htlic ci- iac lonai aalc c-cciiii'li isc i-sitx-'bccokltfor' lii' usi' cf1it 1ig .N-hcls coiland Colle'ox'c. B Sticn Diuciicci iackc'niccs,. Al.,1.. 1 Canes and Umbrellas t xTfeta ancd (fioria Sterling Silver 'Trinsmed. Natural wood sticks. In sets or separ- ately. Ideal Christmas pres- Gloves Fine Mocha. Reindeer (limed and unlined), Dogskin and Fine Kid, $1.00, $1.50 and .$2.00. Cheaper grades it you want them. Handkerchiefs Initial-all linen, 25c. Fancy Bordered Japonettes, 25c Plain Irish Linen, with htms of different width, t5c to 50c. While Silk, Initial, 75c each. Richly Brocaded Silk Mufflers D.,C I'cclnii ni vesici ty,. emts. pas o 10$2.60. 'I-ils cwcrks liners mc icails fiacci ill 1011cc test-l ccks cit 111cc ic c ccci i celc'p"',cccs.in a iocreent' . us Iil i o le Star Clothing House, miccniic, tel aw1c cs and picipls cc Illi cincdelic' clielccic-cl lit, 11a:d lien slicccs theisi'andclci c iaip-T %v0 W E K Nv clciolii' l ifferemnt processes-,iiciTWaW EKdO LY kiics of ichiiillcioiil.-aniii i c cc oot cclillclllv. __. P - -1 T T - 1 , . r -" W -v- k IIlI~DAY IltAt'ES ON 0I110lTAL('INN- Agets of Ohio C'ntral Liii's are authiorizedl to sell excuriosn tickc'is for the Chiristimas ,anti Necv Year Holidays at 1 1-3 tare tfi' tie rounid trill'Tick- ets cwill be sold Dec. 24,. 25 anidi. Also Jan. 1, good rettirniligcutil hail. 4, 1807. pratlwilynoairerece ri[li's 'mletcicy C'hange 'Lapt~el listtai."- fill' depcrtmntsoi thiiislillticcs. Illics iccci iic-kecs, pracctitcal cand uoce- fnml. Escrylciciy cill wear one. Post- ''hiere se'i'cs to teItt.cmslight cisc ri-c laid fccr 15 cc'mts. PocinmiNovelity (Co., aimy in 111'eciimuoumeii-c'i of 1:111'112 lDe'arborn si.. CI hiCcigo, 1il. .Miciiga neueicm prizt' comiptlit.ions. "Iie 'iinu."le great foolicail The auncmen :c'hiasitshis mutrocduc--puzilie.Imsitccui. IHowc cuilck cau you tiomi, "Desiring to dracw cut the becsi dicc15t?'Pcstpidi for 25 cemts. Yicmiin Noreity -.to.,7112 Decrbornist.. ('hi- taleut othflU niversiiy. time Mirgc'iit-c':igccviii. emisianmiaicke,, the folloiicn-g offers for lotst-Be'tcweeniWillilam ndaiclWusli- contibetionls." Tlhmeu follocvs a list ingicomi ciu Fifth st., a phiml' of glaseses, of prizes ctggregai-igusvalue $21.:50. glli iicse piece 'i'iiiiicso. Lte'-at Tub l nounit is io lit'gic-emifor sc'cc) m lmiy oic. Rewsarid $1. pcroduhctions mcakling theic'1c-ic'ocr t',m11 I Oni accont: of the holiday*vcacatiomn woits $3.50. thte tirhlilgan Ceittral IRy. wtili seil to TPme Daily lot's noitsishliIc riticise stumdents preeseminig mienbership certi- the policy of Oths' Stichigalc'miiclmi lciic ctes tickhets iat the usual reduction. Ticisets gooid going oil Dec._ 17, 15 and bit it doucbts te wcisdloin icoflu'etffer 19meetrimg igp1 to amnd includimng Jaim. stated above. The tiest talemnt of thils 5, 1896. We cvoulid reqjuest thtat stmi- institutiontcanniot hoe discswm out altlh" dents be 'particuilar to provide tihems- ate of $3.5)0 each. It nasy be argmuecd seleves withi the probcer cetrtificate and that the pvizes ate merelyiy icidental come to the statiomsea rly thtat cve uay have sufficient time to furnish themn auch that honor sod college spirit aretikssdchktterbgatin the resi things to be considered. This avoiding a rush. is c-ry good In theory, bust practically, W. I. HAYIO'S, Agent. Those Nobby $1.50 Shirts are now 98 Cents. Don't fail to look over the patterns. HAT SALE! 1-4 Off on any Hat in the Store. Popular Brands in- cluded. DEARBORN & CO. THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT S_______p i Charles A. Dana------------ ---------------- ------ Jan. 21 Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1 Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Alumni Number)-----Feb. 12, Imperial Quartet----------------1arch 12 Oratorical Contest------------------------------- March 19 LuciusrPerry Hls--------------April 2 John Kendrick Bangs-------------------------Apri13s GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS $2.00 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS '2.50 3lcOGIE ADMISSION .50 Hlarrisson Number $1.00 Oratorical Contest .215 TICKETS SOW ON SALE-Reservred tickets on saie Thsrsday,0Oct. 0th, at -Palmer's dreg stere, Stalesdreet, and Wah's book store, Main street.; JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary. p I