THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIHIGAN DAILY. % WADHAVS, RYAN & R EUL E, ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Black Bull Underwear, Ypsilanti Union Suits for Men ANND YPSILAN17TI CELEB1]IRATEPD SWEATErRS Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann Aibor. Call and examine before buying. 28 sod 30 South Main st.. ,moo MJGHIGAN GNTu lim e Table (Rlevised) tSet. 7,lb6 Mlall and Ex----- 34; N. Y. Special---- 7 35 N,1.Y. Opeciai---. 4 18 Mail . 1-------843 tasters Ex-l--1 17 N. S. Limlited._-- 9 25 WA. Mi. 1. M. WAtlastic Ex--7 155 Paciic------.12 151 D. N. Express--<5 411 Westeen Es----1 5 G. it. Express --I1 (. Obl. Nt. Ex-.--5910) G.. .Ex .----- 755: 0. W. RULstES, 1H. 5W.IHAYrED, iG. P. & T. Agt,, Chibisgo. Agt, Ass ArborI RAILROAD, Tlnac T bla, (Oct. -41, 0)'X96. 7:51 a, ri. r7)51a. 1. 11:30 ait.n. 1:,it~.rn 4:30 p.m ) n xtn etseen sAniuAmo r sad To-ledo xonly. All grains cly e cec ptbaSsnday. E. y, GILIMRiE, Agent W. 11. BENNETT I.SP. A. Toledo 0. THE KINDERGARGEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS Wholesale C(ar. T lobac1co5 11nd Ciigarete2s. Cor. Mari and Liberty Sts. No Home Is Really Complete Without a new 1897 Model } 'ttn - g >i fy/Ii! } '- 50- LEEL I 1tar Line b sonsrToe y / Thu O 1 F Slot itee rE awiog Room Ear .b! Ils yI C osil2ylt Alt It i)) 11111 to j to aTleYs, e lib an THEPO CU .I I O e oe o 'Leks r ser aSoute Gsdller k a. i ttt o frnila 11h cSleting Gretatt e srbeweenmo-f k j oTOttb Se PsepigoreDraLin omGa l~ottls, loiot Sit, i~ancitre ~sclspTo.,eot,__Columbus___ and__ Charleston.,__ Murnrne'y's I~u~ Stor, IT W~~on. O . Vd pea.H.s I S Womens (GytrtApparatus. Tle ltWog1111l' ,i lt l~illol 1 i) 11 "7{ I INOTIE II 11\MI ;WEDNESDAYDC 16K 1111 Ann11 .711-t tiillcId wll 11 sell Salilts a11 aIIt' o111111 andillIs 1tt~le-t ll 1 GUY B u S. 111 111n .1111.,2'07, to esId Ills hll lto 30Q I P EIE 30 Washb rnI iot::s1cst ll slt sti-lttit' tiNp2is of 1 1- 1,ills 1-Tlldttill sls s-ttss i N ti's-il Prices - 35c, 50c and 75c. 5111i lI el tis'11. nint, hf1111, 5. sul I ta ito Ioltio. Ilridn Is l)i't. 18. 117111 feats tea ii -ale at thlb United States b a irsu sits abbsufthiile ser lstest design I _1151 'a lsd I t i ll si-I la itt 551111tilt1 li lttil ss(tib l icgt l..sts sox ~ r 4. ittli. Slit. t5lstli te WsttlIstl ists.. From So5.oo Upward. ls ill'l . .7 lsl1 5illit itt - '- lase,, es 5Ssssllttttt, ilstttss,15t, is ess1iril tlehsllsst-ein-g laint Arborit 2::>-). 1 1. , ii n 5111 1 fth forrslsl'-. Its is the ea tesditet n )I.t.1-ei 1 1ena t11scal ll ie 'li' l- ot si ttii s ail . i i lightsttIaosits timsgiabtle, tton prahsvr ert hto f l Cemonassiolin-ilsh-e115' sif.the clle sir ls' Ai-ts's o I ititigtt, '11F l orft oli llis b st e s oit. d5a ixe ed siniis piesl y tty l ist rlsit- TH N W CO LA S .ctasstt, 'dlssIset t 5eeS~lstse tiete Wsiis- ,l !sagto, 5' sitt lii Iiitt SBoleti(ittt - slalligitis.7 ndissi l ssormtiis. picers, cendosrsemtets, ete, tiill hSs Neti-I. - - 1. lts t settfree o eceit o'fsatlicastjti. tIfyou ~locaild'ee______.lts i 1)t . 11.'arieit C 1 t) lii NIOTA cbmnt ssui51 l5 youss we will rsdsilirs Ct~ . It. it. - I N tt it le)els f e xaml'5 ina5t~ t, dirct tttotmthe tfatct. (its accounlti of, list' lholisdsye tii I tit l Irv t tI i S i 30 7 II i.'I V ASahbarn iprvales th ae andmakes a lit1 ld vaW * . I: :4 3 rift that in se xsi au steyears $go hy. t 1' iIl~igslt I itlis i ' . stiltl t sel t lst''~t'lisi t s Iti eal vorth loasy times itx cost. sIsiitibtrtnt!iilslttt t'Iiiltts .1 . lb . &'1. 5) 1. , 1 Pnn.Ao. t I e H LE d, LYON & lIEAI.Y, icsilss sickets at' thetustali'Ii'it. i (It. 1)..I..ll . III' 4 PHOTOOp.m.. . (PHER OR AASH AYE. & ADAMS ST., CH-ICAG '.'ricktets good, i gtlt- sst otse. 1, lb8111(1 11 WetGi. l., v:sl0 11ANN ARBOR. 1ICH. 11, retturntinsg i1)to ns lstit lt111t1117 'Isti's .C.50 1.. A ls 1' 1(1 I ttI._________________).____________ s.t.his9i.'As-l. i-tttsss- L't piossts'114 1 - I 'ts ' t' lClt I i s515i IW I U U .3 .F 3 hits be stll t k.'ltI l15t' iflprovideI I lii'ltt-ll.(~lE ~ is st b :111 itic-is I ts'i' tstgstt, i~ I n Lti's 7 s ll ylss-ic stt.A '151lnw ' FOOTBALL SUPPLIES s1tavoiim, a ettt.on f5Sillit. Oilbatck is . S . Stit C. I1. Evesytt 1x for tIe I tye It alit ls, .I.117 IS aget' . 5 bt'ttw.s Le ist'I7Dsta ll fice. t Ft Btll. ofiatls dptedi y 5111t1'lhe In'Ilet- ssxlieglste A's,s'atftiti. Ile tOttat toase Fasltllnd insteSpufrts fre'. -Theu Namte itGulaante." A. G. SP ALDIN G & BROS., New Yerk. tbiieazo, I'hbl~etttj- Subscribe Iorth te Daily. Michigan o Teachers' © Agency .~ 17p t ot o t its bussiness ods Wdi7drite s lce t the itrsts ifliIs pttits Ittes ooabintits ter,tt All those ottelotito Is sit strnd tost s iof P R I' dvaientit Its tirproofessio, its codiyiynvitedlitl to l'aexs. 28 SOUTH STATE STREET. Rcoott I aitd 2.Si-AlAbor, Mich . Advertise in THE DAILY.