THE UN[VERSITY OF M[CIHIGAN DAILY. Th et GRESAT HAT SALEIHAL1R. s h et vTHIS WEEK ONLY, ,JEW ELRY 8 5.00 Y ouman Hats, now - - - - - - $3.98 $.0Crsms :$400 Roelofs hats, now 4 3.38S OR A!$3.00 Roelofs Hats, now - ------ ----$2.50 46 S. Main Street. Present o:$2.50 Stiff Hats, now----------------------- ------ 0 10 2.01) Stiff Hats, now---------------------- ------$1.5C is a Pocket Kodak. It takes :$.00 Fedora Hats, now -- ---- --- $1.00 PATRONIZE HOLMES LIVY good pictures and is easy to I $1.50 Fedora Hats, now------------------------------1.00 and get the best service. *work. Foil instructions D. A. II N K E R & SO N, Office anti Stable, 32 Forest ,; coewtrt fyuhv o ot Mi tet n roMc. Ave. Telephone 106. 0 coe wth t. f yu hve No 8 outhMai Steet - - nn rbo, Mch.Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy *a friend who don't want one, ~TEANADRSVNSDN it's because he hasn't seen it. ;. naades.Pices Capital Stock, $50.000 oSuplus $15,00 pouindYS.IO gear. Rsucs 11000 ____ ~ '~I ~2'tit~.i~W7ter5.pound, 44 tsoecta9,10 x-- A P~' ostpaidCaaogue reeoo Organized onder the General Esnklog Laws ~~~~.fStret i esa o, iS1551 of this State. 1Receversdeposits, by n btSo o' si c ells exchaoge 00 the itriocipal cittes of the CAKN'--PARAY ___, United Slates. Diracts cashed apse proper ___ NS _ PHRMAYzptld nz .Idntificatio.rsi atydeposit hoses toroot. ~' ,, Geeses; hristialnlStack FPros.; W. tD. .aa a~s®Rass~aaa saw®a~aoomuvF arrimaso vice-Pros.; Chas; E. Iliscock, Cashier Y1 T\_S'ritz L sist fl..i..L.iOO. t/ I t 9 B r ,, i i . o. .a®.ar. sreo.oosq..ev.amoo.. woo.®aw a.oar@ .irv D Yl e re ,D es ut Canvas, Leatl oui're Right s ut Leather, Ne w Trimmings, L; ui Footwear. C ases... in City...... Thin nslot;oitoricos ti thetisd and HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE SILK HAT BOXES------- -lieroid, dole rStyles and ,argest tocok I Cahie: M T.Frit Asis ont assr. to FIRST NATIONAL BANKOegaioeti1863 Copttsi, $100,000. Surpitus and Profits, $40,000 Transacts a general tbanking business. Foreign exchange Sought anddsold. Furnish lettees ;ofcrecilt. E.). Ii. 110F, Pros. HtARISON SOULEF, Vice Preso S. W. CLARKSON. ('ashier. but nottihee. \0 " t EED S orStats andti ilooSteccis.jrq Tltis st oreomakes you suresyou'reright [~ICptal$0,0.Stpltus X30,000. Transactl This storceguarantec you asafe invst- gnrlbu uies reent ocfeey doltc you pot into sioes T .ItIs sit's, 'rcs. C' E. 'ai 'It, Vice lies wsell. It is atgood S1h00 Store, folltof 15 South M~ain Street. Fint I3 Ii its tt, Cash.ier. gootd Shousi't pritcs wy dowan. Coclaes Gootd Rtbberis tooit youiswant tkemt U NIV ERSITY NOTES. 1.1;0,. I'lu iit , \l li/lilt I1,- Low~ney s45 ®,'oats 42 S. Main Street. ivritj ts~~ti' ttf 3 liit Si t 511111 latib'lSt S: : ll'fott'oll. 110~; slrat';u UTTLEiI'S4 4 8 5. State St. __________ha benI'~rnelTAKEIt110-__1__E tNE 1ttlIt. No Spring Trip This Year. O U alit.,IC. It. Ilani2te' . I(lt od f ii. .t. No itit tltillIt lah tsU OF i. iis- 1gy t il w l a v e lil21 il r t a ti 't' iii t 1' o ' it'1 1 t he 5 ' ' ' i i l : i s i l lat t er . , '; tttt t lts . PIA NO1 1A NDn dC O P O ST RION$ asat~lrflld trrilll sol l vtblpaU.dOF .iCAtENDARR NOLD-. ILEIGIPWELF' eqal i. II. W'iiista110til~ t c1ctlIii 'bor. etlutt' I) ctit .4:7. .eot Sil th l;i;;eoto'y coa brauce. What cold bel eualtic 101ro. L ) ..11,a c i h 1n dy ~e 5 ,f2n ,41 .I" 22 5. DIVISION ST. rnCllttl'll Unon eSci;t' Line o f New Pipes 1 I 11'; 1 It, real istate i ttoul. Itit'og tl iy'. I Itt. 180 'hitl;ta~sit iitan nHot anid told Lunchetsat all itotis. Agents ChocolatetsBoolRiots. Chocolates and Bon Bons. lhlly' 11;' obiiocd I'rt'c itNItiliI() 11111.i-R E JO L &C . Iiie' s rei t a teti'oth;t.111, 5,5cli.ll8 i llll IN20 S. State St., SagerSlook. =Elegant boxes and a few elabo- TIDAL IN1S_____________EX____ trate ones, packedl neatly, in '.Ktil( 1ttill';oi' tlg' ' i'tsofltoet t ral lulls tu1rn'a ti~~b1 f illel5 l teph}tlal'iii Groceries, .-Prov~riions all1 sizes, to be sent by maltho zl1oelexisonictslo Iaoatr tterg111 neil fand guaranteed to pl'heattse thh'et'tla' it''lathe ii' l'lrii 11111'; hullNess'Yout';n'lttll<3yo aiid all kinds of Sainitariumthhiiern Sctyol;Ftre-t11fe ' ierodtrp ckiFosfrsaeb most discriminating at lit"ltlttlii ttcy ttltilt.i i ai trI. ilnltil iy frttiiiIoaol."''Tlectlurc lasu111 ii-'el:sillitt'soitil Itt'. 21, - t',iind31.Stir sor. & Co., lratd by'steveiral ei c tiis i tl il Also) Iii. 1,.:gottl'odrtu ii1i 1.1,11 1 .i2.4 S. STATE ST. E. V. HANOSTERFERI protve~d 'very itnter ting. A busines '. Ieecting' 51 i' ldtaftielr tilt-eiturInitlll ' Rig Blamsaino 5 loiitiy 1tttilwest'i , D ANOALL THE PHOTOGRAPH Confectionery of every description. rCtn'bsno asIrlsi rl hicago Shitic:.tore'.10) N. Alin t. i Washington Block, liu"; Wintelr 'tans, leather lintedt,.$4 Ann Arbor. ' OR. 4TH & WASH. 26 SO. STATE. Accu(rtlillg to tL te~istst itl ils'h 1111il itt valiieit cltoi t $. _____________________________ntiiittr UOF St. SIIAX'ING PARLOR and Bath- _________number________________ studttitlis ill Sihe'varits ui';1,1 ttCtII I 110 SIIOP'.t.'(IltlC U. roonms. Allapoolntmesl St claus. .AjzitOnrilisufel till luniiversitieis'asii'(tlloscs: Iles-1'V. Its.tintI a mported'and dometonic. cigaen. Ladien'setin- lii 414;hltih .77;Isi)Og , ___________ tic hate dressing and bating -parlors, up HEntAeUAR uERS Oe i,469 uih .7;Ii~i<. -, stairs. J.R1,.Troisnoanki 30 S. Statestn. rye t ;11 n.. , e 8 76; Bonnll,563t; Breslaut.1.425; Valle, Siutscribe for te Datily. M fi....lew llw O St.lr5lAE'.l'iN. 'unseat I ustreetorA . AND TELESCOPES. 'Trunks and Valises Repaired Featltysod Cheaply. So. 571S. Matn st. "Your 'tailor ! IHave you seen those nobby Suits Milward is turning out. " MILW.ARD 40 State St. DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE? TRY RED STAR OIL---NO SMOKE, No Chand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of Chimneys- A White Light-Bursts freely to tho last drop sit oil itn the lamp -Clear as spring water-S00c per gallon-lDelivered in our cults, promptly-Sold only by ad Mtslallic Caskts and Fine GTrads Cofilns. Embalming a -Specialty. No. 17 5. Fourth sve. FULLER & HIXSON A Slash in Prices. For a short toe we allt PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS GLEANING AND REPAIRING. 22 S. Stale at., Over Rosey's Billiard Room. DEAN & COMPANY'. 0 44 South Xain Street.