THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WADHAMS, RYAN &REUEZ.,, ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Black Bull Underwear, Ypsilanti Union Suits for Mei .AND YPSILANTI C-ELEB RAT-ED SWE ATE RS Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann Arbor. Call and examine before buying. 28 and 30 South Main stL i i ICIHIGAN GENTIA Time Table (Revised) Sept. 27, 18916. EAST. WEST. Mail and Es-1347 N. Y. Spcial....7 35( * N. Y. Special.... 4 5ii Mail--------8 43 E Rsters Es---10 17 N. S. Limited. . 09 25 Atlantic Es.---7 15 Pacific Ex----12 15I 0.N. Express-... 5 40 Westeen Fx-.__1 5-0m G.R.Express...11 C5 Chi.Nt. ExN.71 010 0. W. ResetsS, H. XW.tidYPS 0. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. An Arbor RAILROAD. Timse Table. Oct.. 27, 15116. f-" stNORT. seer13 7305a.mi. 73a.a. c r 7 *1 0 a. cc, 11 3) 0 . .. 4:l0 pm i 852 p.1i *lan beween AnneeAerboe nd Toledoleoy. I~ lX(il All trains'dlly exce'pt Sundy. ipleoiFeed1er isoe l E .S.P R$, . , u n e E.S.G.31010?iI, Agent G O A K R F u ti e W. H. BENNETT G.P. A. Toledo 0. THE KINDERGARDEN BULLARD HALL 01,e Iliee ctelrleyIAecIIeeedoeeecclblcePele I'PeneeCompeany, Jceescelle. Wie. DA I! Qfl Afn TIIP"V CT QDQflO e(1 T.C. FREUD, 9,47 S. University Ave. flRILllUAU 1IIUKC DUkUn\l~h Wholesale Cigars, 'Tobaccos aid A Pooket Book for 35 Cen~ts. Cigarettes. We hiave quieoalli isortttilAtoee gOwl Poce it Books wXhich Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. Ave have lputat Itis price. WVihiave'soet hltt lreworth niorec. MiE rnr ~~Sor,17 E- Washengton. M u nrner s _ r ..; st re, Car. 4th Ave. ? 1 Columsbia's tGymnasi~tum, Si~l'~i'.1c I d I i+d fomtee'ilileg. 0wh'e'eit l ' tcc ytltcilci ce ecl:ii c lelcI'.le) e' e IeI. '1112ti i 111 1 111t 1 cetee l it lig I ',I lle'o.17e ' (21 iy lie' idetlSeth Le owl. lc l le ei le'if le ii i 1lg si heelbu i lt enin 7 tack '12 feelwie' cciii ice'1lice' itte1x1i4ceolthi i' ciieI I11itte -Onlyo dcccl I ccn i l il t list 'th stree11,t 11ofcllf-11cii'IIeci(IttNNil F'i7ty? -ci ou sdcleol" get o ii'oetteeCeet." ?cb 1lee' atshitcries ccl lice' ccciiec'or NloHomee Is Really Complete : iiliitg , tiltel iill le'nowic asc1_cI11*- ii ie ciieic ct Ocitleie'c Without asew I897tModel t''iydci.:1'le es eeee icclpa'(lcli111't. j~( ~ Guitar, Mandolin, c'oik itllthI ccitis caleacdy leegltt. liielumnit cioCollnbil rtr i .ng TVas liJu II Banjo Or zither. O itleiteeiii'!i tiiei cl Ili'(elsie itstilt7 1711 el';' elisill ci1oI)I. Pr e s an eenscaled downes ceaoroeltlfc hel l ie lbe I l 0Ch sal c t 111e'l icheld 111:' a lice 11170 A ~ ~ ~ wl lee' celceile'plaitsoianoyoca tleest whtiiie've't' i-iec' buccagenuie XX icburote vie rcy lctest doesign Ii lteolailtlci. I Icvl0' 1 1 l'lils711. From 5I~g.oo Upward. 4illthii'e e is o e lice eicitersit >e- ,' 'tier nee w xosicsrs Maoiclinccsta raedicaldepartrleejeIli'e. I c c Ii lolcc Yec i from formce rte . It islitheeatles,daniccest and (I co~lt ftehld y 1aail lightest Mcandeliimiecole, seed itstele aproaecce ''e e tracto iilc' gC'enleisse 1 to lEie' il tie to leitrcel 1 } clisl i vrryea~rttatof a eie4dCemecoaVioelin. Was-olllllt bucrs ersld attsixedaecd uneiforpriesxbyralllist- , class muoic dealesrerysicce. oilthlie ' ticiucilevel 00(Ic lite' StreetOieeli cesilld lillcil~lcri Wo'esiexs ore lie achknowledged stoandard oflher crrd hy areuned reluely bor t h ie loedingco ndsilciii hie' greetietelfloor st hte' 000ill itlre's 1 ckels ccltlt eusuale ee'lelisi. Artists, 'Trecesseed Glee Clubsc. Our new -cWashic bucaetacloge ccctainteec portecitseoforelOe 1 11(1177t li~ po. l']lts pcccillccii cilt lt l le t s0'c:cieeii 11"sing see 0. 17(, ISccand aned tollinformaesto, pries, endormets,e., willte .l , oetflece oec eiepteci speeicaltee. 11 ourcelocal doaler 11,1, ett tl t hi e ice to l id ic titttgJanc. Olleec oecl cx eesli cee Wei~,,ec ~,y i .1} gclllts oc if 1'leteI eatelied 1 tile ''il't111 ~t wtprvlgofeaiaindietfontefcoy wllA Washburn improves with age and makes a owill ice' abcut:Iciitwice'hesize' of(lie detis lie'parilri'to pidsie itheitt tithat incresexs in value as the years go by. tdallkit theli'Yale' lllllllii. .Aroiilnlesl eve'scwilhithfe'protper ce'tlificate n is really worth many times is nest. 1 LYON IVE& HEAY, le edcgecsif.thebsilildng owililibe' 111:1 :comtistile'statiio eyiy thait seelay1 R.WBSHAE1&AAS7CHCG. ((1 i~w~ c (d ahlckyiers, .ccld (11111"es tiien ~l ofrihte tic'ketis 21111d elth le'ir basggge, f1111s eiycosii1510015O~l. Iitlltiiiltg aci esit. 'le' Sliltitcislll will le', (1 l e te' X i ~ o~, A 1 le in ll te sIipe'oef acc lcii' ttll. Oiver' is wiist pirt Itwill ice'r71)fee') I Losot:-A ic e ilid.A etsie cci fronit. (811leck J. S. S. with C. II. t1 ild ill it 'vily c'oli'ciable ellitl l b ielow.s'. l 1e at Da l~ily eclice. 1 forifipsical deelomenite'will iibie'Inaesel'1 FOOTBALL SUPPIES~ use of. IOverlookinig lie'fecor of (iehevo o sillc, $2 and $3, Furniacoeiteat, Everthin tsrthe 1 ser - eclets ,It lilaiIllwill ice'4tce1g'(It blcony. (light hued Ibath. 21)S. Isigalls of. IThe 0sig SleeingsJGar Line tbetween Ta- lids and Golumbus.. The Onlg Sleeping or Drawing Rxam Oar lise between Toledo, tolumbuxsand Marietta. The Onlg Orawieg Room Oar Line between Toledo, Goumsmanasllhsrles'ten, Pullman Sleepers between tislambas and THLE ONLY LINE with 4traisach way daily Selwet' Toledo and Columbs. THE ONLY LINOE wlSithotrisexach waye Sundacys btween Toledo end Colllmilsn THE ONLY 1.1NERwilhtraiens eachtoay dily bteencToledoBowrling Green and Findlay. THE ONLY INE wcell2Strienoseach wayrdaily bteenolcedoand Chletons, -W. Vs. THE ONLY DIREfT LINKlibetween Toroa mnd tseVirginis- THE POPULAR LINE 'L0Aween Toledo, 5'mito. ria, Bucyrus, Granvillend Newar. Fu~llinformanrela stve to erates, lime sf I erain, etc., well toeteeetullyfrncishedlby say Agent ef the Otto Conteal Lins. MOULTON HOUK, t0. P. A. TOLEDO, OHI0 CL and Opera WEDNESDAY, DEOC.16TH. GUY BROS.' SMinstrels. 30 PIEOPLIE 306 Prices - 35cc, 50c and 75c. Seat It oi l saIe It the Uijted States sxprcess'011ce THE NEW COLLARS',. NIOTA AND WINAMAC~I ' IRENTS85.CIILER, ANN ARBOR. MICH. MILLARD Skoen, Stsehings, Jerseyas Shin OGuards, etc. Spalding's official Intercoleleeat Feet Bali. officially adapted by tie inter- eollegiate Associaticon. Coemplete Cata- logue Fail acid Winter Sports frce. ' The Name the Guarantee." A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Noe York. Chicago. PhIladelphla. { Subscribe for lice Daily,.I Michigan o Teachers' o Agency! Op ts date is its husiness methods. Wide awate te the inteesto of its patros leasosnabcle in its terms. All tioe coentemplatesL teecila hs. rIhee deesis of R E advancement is their prefession are coidially invited totali and see us.P ~ i~ { 28 SOUTH STATE STREET. Room 1 and 2. - Ann Arbor, Micb -Advertise in THE DAILY