THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. T f of t dent whTo t most has -spent tour or f g f 110I-t~3 five years :here. This point,.was dwelt upon at length by Professors Kuou'i- Pueblished Dally (Sundays excepted)_ during ton, Pattengill, Mc(!Laughlin, Stanley the Cullege veer, at and( Dr. Fitzgerald. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. - OrraCE: Times building, 71 S. Main St. be- Cornell Sun'n Troubles, tween Liberty and Wiiiiam Ste. ___ MANAGING EDITORS In till contest its the board (if dirtit- J. . HOAS,97 oso f lithorniell Suni, -which tas tbeen BSUSINESS 5MANAG.ERt tntd tt'ctttsit''a tdti 0. H. 1nays, '98. ajsete o lte fsuet EDITORS and irofessors tppointet'o n ui'itratt E. L. G eeSIEca, '98 L. F. S. StuONSs.'98. hit at the 'alls'e ttin t'-oiitiieidiitg B. B. MTEsANY, '99. u. B. SKtLLMANy, '98 L. "htteeeeto rvt n e F. M. Loouts, '98. u. H. Coteyi, '99. Ta ls lttri fI 1~tl ttiD' Ci. 1. GaEN,199 Athletic Editor. cittlary' gain be, so far as possilble, ASSOCIATE EDITORS elimiinated fromitiall enteiprise's (cli W. W. tHughes, '98. S. XW. Smitti, '97. F. A. tacit, 'tOE. Louise Dodge, '95. I ittted ittn t ltthe m itt of(he utitisril W. P. Mtorrill, '9s. Btsler Lath, t9i0. tnd forr thi'stuidenit boidy." Ifthis A. al. Otith, ' 7. C. Lull, jr., 99 Mi. reomnainsultkefecth 1it poitt. 11utit istnt lily isois' The tolsoriptias price at the Dully is $2.50 lee the college year, with a regular deliverycy -rild sltAl lt'e slttl'ti )llilllil - bsegorectoonerach day. Notices, comia-' tions, and other mtter isntendd fr epublicta- Lilosoil I ,thl othlly C tinti l s ae tiott mutt be handrd is at the Dily Office he- fores sp. to.,or mailed totte ediiior beiore :3'iali'elit'elililiy-1l8itllilig is. 15. l p. mi., of the day preevious to that on owhich theenlire expectedtosappear,.opttonfrpstin sIviI is sub'scriptions may hi' left at The Dolly 101 lli u ssial 1 I'1 Office, Meyer's or Sisitoet Neotlisd. 0 irit'ati ilt's lassOw, oiii-es, a lsth ewith Bineiiss ;Matager Solrioers sill t'on- feeri atavory reporting prot~ily it this illllii(' is tisl st iWorki. I0lilSia odficeeanyfailue ocarriers to delver paipet'. -- I S0,1V'Ors01;;'t)lR'11i''it I itt'lsi Illi(tit}lis f 41 Gi \ A GOOD CASE wins the jury of shoe buyers and it's ours b~y a heavy majority. Footwear should be top quality, The feet can't stand anything else, Prices should he low, so as to keep the shoe tax within hounds. You won't feel our shtoe prices, hut they will muake you feel pleased. ter'e are no earn growers like had shoes, Come to its and get sotuething that von can 'wecar yourself, instead of thit shoe wearinig your fost. L. GRVu~R9 oni~br Jb IVENS SUI fTS 0 TIhoe regular' $18.00 Sisits, in the neuwest Overislaitis anid Plaids- Green-Brown, Brown and Fancy Mixttures, the clotlies of today tmatle in the fahlion of the lay', Not t detail sligohted Peept thie price- 7' // . 'hiii' lt 1115 t'tnt'sts of bitl titetitove'r titlst' slld tiltSatiurdaty that itire ihad lisen ln litt me'CI u'for dramatctit'clibtatd istma~kiing acti'esf- foti'llotikinigitwsrdl the ptrtsenlato this kitditi itdoitte itoodtworki tilt in i evidlence. 'Thetdramtiic taleni ttfiii' .tt opltiiity