r 3DAY, DECEM BER 15, 189 . FOUR PA ES- CENTS. VOL. VIZ. No. 59. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUES @ W Ij~j @ ANUA BAL TODETROIT. and Asiatic powers have( their splendid HENRY THOMAS HEAL.D, '98 @ ~f JL1 ,~ 'NNUA BAL TOhouses. Thie ambuassador frona the LeadingY7 Tailor Paldu rtriyCm ittenited States alne lives ina 22-pl'Varsity Track Captain and f- ANteDal i oc ffrmtud5-I ltcDirector. P, DIPOTR Teanual all caluaittee,cont- t'fi Vocalictrack eametartlast .posed of llellllci-o fromt the Palladium evening nd eetedl H. T. ileald, P'si FULL UDRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY, fraternities, i ,o h 'ilil hz re]i ae a ihas just decidedl to ire1(0 oo telephi ll ifo or ti er r thi y(1t'soaichiet' tisiti' idatiof his i lass team o1'AintiArbor, and lDetroitlnwl r' p (Ol ltitl lltdlfiIrairob a i Year and 1151hIls been ipromtinette ly NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.-NEAR MAIN. al etect hsn h o i lte Sitatl. uhet W hlrw aheissnc l ee refse to discuss titir actio, bti Caps and Gowns. 'eteritn"'cillege ' ' Sultan Is Not Ferocious. a groalt (de1l if itspsliri, udgitig ftom1 11.-I for t soci-cssfll saoii were itt is asetfhe titlpefunes thait is liith b st Itt'said that almlos 'll of a saccess. We lare it inibull, tie 1111ta g held yserd ay afternoti ad is severailvry seatpascki Lit nt t t he t ii lt i ll c-tii'ltitrlt t:yar, team t I'll'ill (.allege as aget 's Is cettiasit asse. O l bne es w ilt' eet.1.i We hite a coeliee list' of 0 Mts. Vii. Liuise )F lleiIdeMlis i't he it ita 1 litlitts tlIeli perfm de y Slon a' r unortl'atlilt, 'fkits 115 1111 15515 1111 I - 0 111 i welt, ahI i t ut is of n ilmae riaelt --GO I - tGr© coa's'.1I 11111111 dieu. s asaid goth an 1cas 10 sold ' P a t za C 111 Yts 111a11' i ifalIilieare 5' '. X to b( dis 5 15115 ili'h't'l ,ll nI tl 111 Ito e yc alls t i t- til ia hi ~ s'- i't'lt~ ii 'the a Il nn l I m'at i ci rlellt' r n n nl r n~au Wstslilugio rRtk.(Ifinarrativegtnn dt. lE1. ilidAy (3-00(1 + 1) rs(liitilt' ct-i'ortri'i't lilt ii' if its she Porlel oftons s atara ]sere and therei'i ii tore'a-s in-li il Ilis hI. 'r iti lt' lItteli for 'll- 11t il 1111' IIIo n i 11111 race ifl111 od ,anIt'l ii ' ten an e, 11 , i111111 was1 'hiI lstlim ta Ils ll t hlet11111 li' lilt i'll gmdsaaIcOstS515tol lth r n lhi 11111. 0111 1f1li11fai's.ih_.__ le________ae_____ Teepttte No.prael rot ,rc. t onteeiope.'ads 1 ThuFis ttheiliksAsasciwhen Ii'resioiil lt-lhlit ti h letoh illtlt lJ~~LvA a'ha~t..J. SCH OL t itiA iial lttlthensIse 1111 Ilillede llo - 11he aiIrl'itll equa11 tlt' he ofl't' it l t he I's Our e tire to(,x to be Grecin boa from thereto th Dar-totesfor tisits' c Tito i'rs. I - Iit. m st ii'l 11111acion 111111b sol atal 51511 gadile ier (i'i' .1. 5. a IaJ.P.'I"ontit'\;,, hetedh, riteitaniwt te sictono i d iec Al pte ew EDUoTIda ookN ne 1'tceto I'('ltil ais ifti ' e 'tha Mno t l't1tt . Itaif sVii ocl'kne1e1l t i aet's' .hll(1111ut"151a,'i ndhllt'l'i 1iitt .I Dany s al lf oos i rse It otitn el ethe gtetwiofitntan15 tie ti 1''511 515 h it ia le i''h h hlt. nlV' P tiitftomit h', ad lll' and Poetry. Fine ArtClnas. sisr srilaM'iiiihnlND,0 c it' ii ttt1ilii's' appo tib ti tr ttituhIs eltdbyavoe fNto7 I'ei Whingt olesnClassic, 25c eachquiti hi 21 Ihlilts Al u t n a d S t t 2 e s it , o h g t s e ii ie l Sl~ sel tr it, on Ie is wfllos ls o-II. . W',itis eit a i 'corntritit ',,tjt1: i~tII'h a nditigi t h11 1 cet icon . , ahngo t o seri ed arothigttrast'l rowsBitiethiss il he ittt' lil.1.tjofdaitsI2 Take evineraecopyuofotlae '99 an resi tio rtit mte st hi ''ir- l'hicrn L~rndeia- tg-hi liis55(Alt i Ot 1 :1,4d dtito s' of e1111 itighh e tiel OR CL ol ay G ood s ioTheisc sule arle ISed nto ldsepnn iihlts'5sit htt'Sil l i end ~ntis rl-til lii it sitt111is s i' i ce ah i'n Every otistiaitedhto yist nor two inefininel ihs-ill I lit Il iii .ls Iit' i ellailedlI fr.~a noaryingre''lstidiig'.'itina,!tapaeithe.1ra Mrs. W1L~~ S ~ ® c Cak-alk er a esfiled e ist~ etaiisof li(nta hey [atill Ihitutin iiofirthpae, oo. I. 5tl w FULL STOtoUheRububsOfWCnPtntiCplSani ettot'i i hnflle"ast-iung rierd it(ttt. clll 11' nt 1 .hahtr it BOOKts tyidig" ti toteesbri ats, itss "iiliba.ittsr staytnt('ol-It;1e1t'b al llte ieg al I "t Rant-i It Corner oftsfi an Oppuoste Pereor rothPosts.i As ro.Ml i at ibal ssa ortafrom ,fli e rpa e '1i0e'i atI11_Vteiio lit'd anil P 11.Jeuhof thirtd ll~' o-