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December 12, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-12

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ff i Te New History Series.
of 4 1 p v Thefirst .of a series of Einglsh Ilil-
- torieal iRepinlts, by A. B. Johnstoni. of
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dernsg the PUiersity of Mlirhigao, ll W.
the Colect vear, st
THE UNIV'ERSITY OF MICHIGAN. D. Johnustoni, lic jusittetisitied.
tls-noe Times building, 795S. A latn St. be- The New York Critic -hattih ie folloiNg1-
tisecic Libierty and William Sts. t o f h ok
~. F.TpOM S,, 97.
s>ustsei5aNAGEU s. -itt iextcllctt i ttltetiet thli Iliar-
ft. ii. ICA-cs, '98. yard tt1iit tittttt for nAt ieiati ti-
EGITI1Siotl, toti I itt Peitttrri:tiT ittiri-
B. B. CETtliro, '99 . i. L. Lotxo ,'9te .l
13 .tts:t. All. lt. i. 0. CS i ss, '9 I tillir ufor eic1,l lfttuili1ed is 1t0r
C 14 ltttt, It. 99Athiletic ,Etditor. ]re nt hem s.illotit oc11n,
ii: it ii: liilC lti i l itt ii:i't'-ti ' , t ii tliil~t. (I:i is s'
F.tAb- tutsu , L uis Do ei 9, 1 -ist 11111 etliii ll -11t1 re - ~ rJ
itiP.ti ri ll, '9a.1110butlerli liui- I i-I i i-
'lii Itit" -iiiil ii iil I-l ii I i lt tittie ik-ltin lii i l- li h d it 111111
() tililil illfitlleiediitri liii li-tI 1 till .11
it 1111 iti 1.'' 125 iii A iiiOtI Sill':Llilt5U
;Ii it.,'lt li 3 ti lis li t efr n o t 11 i l:d o il 7 emlilti ii
P.ihmI. of' the day mt-- tis it) C ntci~ tt:n1111 hur c Oorv licos , li tl
ii iini- nt -t-tii Situlis '.- iiii

s Il

wills the jury of shoe buyiers and its-
ours by a hseavy nmajority. Footwear*
should be top quality. The feet can't
sttand astyiting else. Prices shoould be
Io', so as to iceep the shioc tax wti
bounds. You trou't feel onr shoe
pirices, hot tey twill make you feel
pleased. Thtere are no corn growors
like hail sioes. '-unI ts usuindgot
somietitig that you'cini wealriyoturself,
insteatd if the shoe wreairitig your ftiot.


pi {".
)}r. ;
1-1 '

> .'it i 1 1.i - i 18.00 Sulic t s ine tltle
Clnearing P}rplice--n Pais

PRINCETON'SACK . ?obIes Stat CIoth'rg Hiisel

<ll iitll' el ia lli tle IC'lltl u'sTiliii
titles: an,'fli' tttl ljustI. 111(11 -0:-i liii

in's hls -i i ('lull lt s"tti i'i'l tif il:' l
it i-I tE

NOV. 23 T DEC.5
Those Nobby X1. 50 Skirts are now 98 Cents. IDon't fail
to look over the patterns.
1-4 Off on any flat in the Store. Popular IBrands in

ills tivilei- i'fitl iii to il'retIsi' it, 1'- 1-ii t r - :i( .ltcl ~ lw til';;I}:(
flocilidet. Btlea ofet are \n tl'u'tl ttitioi-iut .1 i'ating '? liii' Iuliy'
:) h "A t s pp rt 1he a11' 1~e1sit-iol; 6:3 ' lt . tiit., isi i' l il i-i-till ii
li-- lii lntil titi.toiis h t c t oiilt li' i
11111111'of i-Ier)'yttiili't in the 1I Per- 11rho hit

stll. 'lie reducietd lt-es to ,stlie
1111111 ipily tte' tututisul fir-of $'1Jt(6
'fillfirst mata ioll I Ilwhen I i i a-
vesit\' ti-alitis delel-tedi3tltihlii' t
A55 i ltionickhetd. Stlu ti111,1111 is
smtalitiouighitlit iei-hiltsih'triigtoli
tiltsinecktcie. lb'fut:.'Itilii aittag Lis
lisle is sneede-d btadly'. for tii' tember-i
-hip of thie assouci.hion s t n<
Wh'ttit tss-il lbe'in a Illilersity if
,.1)00 students. So wlhess a dirietor
a lilotit-ies you imakle lilt heat:i-ltit
by crossing 'his hlm1with thirt'silvei-I
dotllairs. -
The clais of '9)7 will meetI ini Roomi
D, PUbiersity Hall, M2onday, Dee. 14,
at 4 p. in. A secretary will lie elected.
The subject of cap anid gowns anid of
a class smesnorial will be discussed.

ittar Stats' si.. .. 5. orest.i. our- THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT
lhlins(ule;t: 12 it.. Studay schoouul; (;::>0______________
1). slit' ' Y. I ' - C E;7::' ) p.in., ser-!R~q~ P 33.
monilibll'Prouf. l P. ('o1et-
noiefotte(atSno h rc Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra- --- - - -.-.- -- ----- Dec. 11
tea iugitig 111 r-atuititesflute it'Charles A. aa----------------Jan. 21
tai tu- amcuti litoit-pllat thin trtiining Ex-President Harrison.- ----- Feb. 1
grd at nc-hat1010 e rei ina yLuther Laflin Mills, (Chicaqg o Alumni Nsiimber)-----Feb. 12
Irtek tuilghut lie donie litforet'hte huhi- Imperial Quartet--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --March 12
duls.ihui-hiol urOratorical Contest------------------------------- March 19
11lieii' to frthie l'urseii-iu n- Lucius Perry Hls--------------April 2
John Kendrick Bangs------------------------- April 13.
s'i.atttt udebte i111 be, Ib-stuhsei, j.
Pvistl liii-unitsed statestand the st-viral GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS $12.00)
stuates shouslid esttablihCourts of tom- El1N 615E ADIIaSSION .510
itiultuui')-Adul~stmuentl of Disputues be- Hr Ess EPTe- 10
Illilitemiuloiye-is taidl priv-ate e-orpoira- Oratosrical Contest .25
lions, Iichtllossess '5francihises of I. TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved ticets on sale Thansday,.Oct. 8th. at Palmeres
public nsature." The fdebate mill be druog store, State street, and Wahr's booh store, Main street.;;
lcd in Philadij'lula, Mass-b(,. JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.

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