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December 11, 1896 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-11

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nY'a~~aa ss aoa~r' ssa~soao eWE HAVE
The Best ,m. 13WALIDO BA J
I$5.00 Christmas that are beauties. If you doubt their
n quality ask Mell Gillespie or M~r.
Present e(hteiuibauer.
SE a Pocket Kodak. It takese
o but we will shade a little to close
~t good pictures aud is easy to o before Jan. lest.
mark. Full iustructions 0 a ANN US C .
* orate with it. If you have A 2t AND 23 EAST WASHINGTON STREE'T.
% frien d w h o lon 't w an t c e r a

46 S. Mlain Street.
and get thse beet service.
Office and. Stable, 32 Forest
Ave. Telephone 106.
Branch Office at Palmors' Pharmacy

s tsbecausehe2Phasu'tseenuit. 10winendotaeept
of $a e. a ampleto fCpital Stok&5.0.Srls$1,0.
____ ades . .. SSslSS >
h1,M ptn ~tal ; fthre et ureve Say
SUBLG 5 Flo oSre e o r.aaoa ses ehaege on tho~e rticsl cities of the
g i IjUnited States. Drafts cashed upon peeper
CAKN', HRAY Identification. Safety deposit bases to rent.
ec14~ aeo FIRST NATIONAL BANK nnAbo u eFRT 8;
Made11 of Outing Flannel. LUaptal, $100,000. Surplus ad Prcois, 65,O
I~~IX Cut Full SizS. Transacts a general bankleg business.
NIG HT I 0BE tiJst the th1 for wiuter. Foreign exchange bought adsnid. Furnish
Yogi're Rightletrofcei.6C ns E. It. ICISNNEi,Pfees. IIARSSISON scTE
..a5S W. CLARKSON, Cashier.
i~uFo tw ar P JA AS Made of Outin~gFlannsel .__ Yrdl~~~~un~~u
Theres slots of' teick in the trade and --
Iey re pr ltoied-tot ttan youtthittk, tO2Cr. M in n t Ieon teets.
fhstohre n. osCa00pttal e500( tt.Surats5c:30,00n rn sac
Thin storeoitaaessuyour ih a A(rl atz bsnes
'e tofsoe eytesyua ae 1 net W(IE1C 21 S. MainlStee . Kinx F ".Pres..C. Iasit, C hVite tees
taientof every do] trieo you oput StreeoIstoist RE. 1,I. l asholie.
wcei l. ISolo a good Sho toIullof G ., AnnAbr
tod Sesat pticesway doon. o. Lowniev's Chocolates.
?, odRubesto, fyo wn tem . .UNIVERSITY NOTES. ' lIntee;-Collegiate Newn. Hot Lunches.
, iitcv'co~e;-ato ce te~t lx- ITU'TTLE'S. 48 s. State fSt.
42 S. MRain Street. ith list lii ItiN st t'tvt. ilt. ipolt col
IDGuD S il a 1 1 li of' ittit Ititottilt ,1i,0t'itt2,tl . It"114,C llila ,1d - TA E 1-EO_
THE OPERA HOUSE JEW~ELER, ttttttt t'btttti ~ ~ ~ :1:.,ittt~i' U. OF M
Rtn. ettttitrtltf, thei tily tsttt t Ittit still itt' ittititofiHitig itt'rSPOONSoOR PINS
.an £ ish yotit a, rt-clmass Foutttta~in tu it lx tt.ib oii i
littisititott SPOOli t. PiNSt
-----GIVE HtIS A ftL tf ~'mimti~,4, ~, ~ 'M ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER.
:.PIOProf.A:H2 lit ittsiiiit''' ttstasiiltithe 1ot'ttititti ti itit t t lIU SIC STUDIO
--Spect~iltrteslo ettittrs at MllI.tilit((otVttOt'ICi t'' STUDIOi i i.,I
13 erryrinaim' lny iivs 11tt .1la iiu 01 Illtit iwill hit" liilt iittlle vorI PIANO AND COMPOSITION.
E. Huron stre tttttiiet118intie 114. TiottRtstit.blis. her.-
Blom 1 ad91.it13sotU. OF H. CALENDAR. lI m ttttusttgartonsevattory, Germay.
..\,non:) l 'euf'el muil os\ilb il npyi 22 S. DIVISION ST.
uesegcsrras nut gigs btttionloly. iiic. 1..,olI ti . 111., onti Situ.St.1.0m~~s.~ttti~
ons~ ~ ss Des Si au i.I--soport e .iiti Ilt)~. Jusnt Received a Lttrge and Elegat
,,tit e tltigloy 'I'itiestlty. lDoc. 17,. ilt 8 . 1 liiti olts tii ttlt Ia2 .O
ANt) TELESCOPtES. Ilhttl ill aS. L . A. ittitrsc Rot odLothsitalhtisAet
s nd XVaiises RepairedtiNeatly and "tlosre'' sill hei' O s it hu ofuti e i ll, A j Sai ily, 1et. 12.--W Weii h i x8111- foerluyler'sttnd Williams sttd Wat s C s
Cheapli. No. 70 'tutu ot ii I)aIttl ,Mmlll.lit SI, i lii libutIt.Chotoate lBon Botns.C O
Your TIailor ! i S5 i.li ltoltit il'5t~l Mioo.Sel lttt1 1 I t 0 S. State St., Sager Block.
:Have you seen thttse nobby SBy thei will ttf teSlate 'orgeli'liss, 1i Ifletoitti if islstain otf trat te '. Groceries, Provisions
Su tItS Milwattd is tar'nmng cttt. if Niiv Xtrk.1 lt'e tots rectiveitotbei- 'lius~toy.Dlit. 15 Iltitii C,',1:15. ).ill andIall kinds of Sanitarium
MI.W AR D 40 ,State St. titlst, if S:li60,000t, t littinet t 1ii lt -I t''slilltlil t t as Ittiiig.Foods for sale by
1NTHE EQUIPMENT OF A F. G.Ii.Ftlsolm, A1k.B.,itas etere' d It ' C ,Dte8-1 4S. STATE ST.
STUDENT'S ROOM, l 1 ittt Itinet, Besridest:1-11" lipinsilal D)ltiltt.ANOALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER
Pt io generally conceded thtat a trent- (tmtlil ii '~'i liiol'1511 IXTIANN Iltt IjiSSEftA.Washigton Block,isamtanbalencsiy.TcohdteDevr hest ta.
,reenre the greatest ettjoymentt from the TI1ii rhsr tFiiest nsAbr
pure-Lesne Lrt the Sent your tmota:Y will afford. i'btcio osrul t l1111 1SthoioilIof Dtmn.StttliSt' 8
peel judgment pronounces the "Basy niectitig Sotttriloy llttlo sider till
*_ztal"instrumentn the fittest in thte world Po11,1 atisn;e'(ttsin )i FM IA IGPRA n ab
adlops tin ttf t' ti ' o ltles itlt i rl im utt' il'mitltniaton! t' TJ OP Id. SAllN t'AEt t iscand sath
An excellent instrumenttis the (htmgtft tt ttmy I s'S' ttj a lous,. tItpor'tdl ad domestic eigors. La dies' artis-
Chcao orth STATEf e e111tie- hair dressing ad bathting parlor,, up
AYSA E$10.00 Olihletics. Stibscribe fotrSt Daily. stairse. S. Sb Trabanowohi 30OS. State t
B s J0 DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE? . ad I'Metallic Cantaa adieorsoh
W@e have ns taokheiarer Itanjos tCoffis. PEmbalmintg a Specialty. No. 57 S.
than thin, at for a subistantiail. sernic- TRFourthiave.
toae tati.'ntrument, at a ton price, noTR RED SA OIL--NO S O E
amr i it . I. GLresthe State Street Tailor. Lastest
*tex freIloie ae~ge No Chiand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fotiling of ChIimnneys- Styles. uetGootds. Inside tries, We do
Whielgh-Bunsarelydo he astdrp I ol ii Se a eavery thing Sn our ine. Cleanintg, pressing
JOHN C. HSAYNES & CO., A WieLgtBrsfel otels rpo i ntelm and reparing at lowest prices eonsistent stith
453-463 Washilngton Street, Boton. -Clear as spring water-0c per gallo-Delivered in otir cans, gotid woeS. Goods cilled for ad deltvered.
______We urek tu please. 20 S. State Street.Gire
--promptly-Sold only by unuesti.
wosauites, $2anid $3, Furnace laeat, DEAN & CO MIPAK_.yIum
74ral atlIt. -21) S. Sugsaila n. 44 South Main Street. lSubscribe for the Daily

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