THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WAIDH.AM S, RYAN & RS3U LP, ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Black till Underwear, Ypsilanti Union Suits for Men AND YPS1LAN-TI C1ELEBRA.T-ED SWEGATERS Ours is the best stork of Underwear in Ann Asbor. Call and examne before buying. 28 and 30 South Msainsnt-- i MICHIG~AN EIAt P, W o jo- it01 A. A. fd S 0. . . Ser it--- 4. 1 - -t-59 8X13 0.stri Ex-----10 2r o Ns ini te 1-o 25e ( 9 ' } f;l tFi . vb tea. \\ SY f" "r {{ 41 t0 .' ' :.>; RAILROAD. I ' 91 xz r Time o' l ol, - , ;'1896. d 1 d ( K r_ y ,c 911110 OUT . 1- ks - ,:3 a, 3. i-0..psi0 i :Qx.11 1 >11. IX - '$ : . , r = . . """o '0 All 0110005i III 11 1115 C l V'0)i tn~l.T101 II (', 9 r1,9 \ 11 l 1, of( theT E ~~ F.I. G .l.01i.5I+ii11Anent OipiooiS 1't er i-; 11o U 1 RKU. tta.I ~ ~ S \lE i n e'en~1 W. ii.3r NN ETT(0-. A. Toleot i0. THE KINDERGARLUIH B!LLAFD HALL 9II tIxBali ia i 1 r C h icyce.A 'ci 1E- adI t oilt: y itPre PtnHll~nt"(,l( l AILROAD ICKET BROKERS 1J. C.REUD, 99, 47s. Unuoversity Ave. Wloolesaole ( 1,'(igoi"..lrio'i to ld ocke~t ook fr 25 ents. Cor. Mein and Liberty Sts. ' c ll c tttttlpfrt(. T 1he pn ot u cr' I(Ie , y Stre,170E.Washington.' K unarys _J -D- ugCor, 4th Ave. Choral Union Courose. 1 s1'o eps(Il1)e0 Ioiar9010 li eil, wich-l 001.l,., 1,iiiill 1 i ill lii' llll i.i ll 11010 ' 1 110f l~oili ,11Oo-llr' l o illi. frontii 'o 1t 1'710,1 hu 1 No l' 0 R aly om let iiei101te9900er0iii]wild, 1115 lf111 1 It9. 1 , weix 11111 t)e(alIN Witouta sw 89' 0011s0-t 10011 1(111(' it-o i ,11 1illy,.91 lIit "" taMando'~ ,- I . 11i91. IIi n le ,ri 'oyo ill 11109 illi ..y-tsoogo 1111 ilod i~il111: 111her0be n1 ; 111 1 1!_'1,'o' 1il~l 1ili. 'i-, From $ C pso.r . Ro oiiliro 1191 911 , le 'I( efri-l ll ie i11111 le 5,t o oii 10100 i toh ,7 0000 iii, 1ir ooiil a00 (0 ibimiii l ( 0li00lf00t titiiol1o' (lll os ii,'I t 10111 .111 ooo 1190100oh 1 i 0111 il ,oiiiia91ii,. 1 itO i tt It i libei' i f bod Wit1h11ut1a1ne001019oe W ashburn101 100 Banjo or Zilther. o;o1ol1odoi (i' 11i'. 211105 1 10yellll i liiiii Ios i' 09, 1111 'oSti'oi'lylos fori It s ii 0110' ii-uls otll 09,Ii o lll ho tiv oo o- i'i )Fr(,0,, o mo'i'iiOolotiioliii 0001 o ooo t111 11 109 ititiol 05loo't 1 ie11ett0191 w111 l l b, e 011 1 ioei'I1 011 bi ill siril toli llo> liili ' 1,i2-1,. ltd. 01. A olli o tharn s i ees. I sis th ge e an tmaes ad p 9'01' lb-Lu e oe ois. rtf1Tth 0 100 )II -,i' ti'io r1 -ilito 01111-1 tali. ihts taS nersosin veigns boan stene aprs o by.l W r LYrtothtoN & f isold L Y, snoltioiViolin.1111 etos. ot os4,i 9100 bun'aBSo Lif AE. & A1 d AMS ol :prcs.yalCH iCA tO. rlot ' ls l i oloott t1-- I 00001 lit' so Lisltooh.91 9ilgooool' e- e ~l 'slhunsaete ckowldgd tanar o- t e\'1'.titt alof arettitt it il, 111 101 (otle ot-' _eovebeel _______________ hisfal Artist, it all 1S nd (,ee (h s. Ourne~v lslit 111 101' $10100,'1d . N - M,; ld ait s j t loIlt h it cA lsethey' ilolo1( lot' It Mots V tit 'oo.loltt'liel, 1 bum11100 011015 l't'ooooo 9 portraits 11110eIs1t0f Irlottsool 95 1-11100w It. o -ot it i . eloll 'l e freee inil form tionllocc.c111atioli Iftnte yourllcal uttwelliele he ist 1711' ,lnIlII.1A fori$11110-I hSe01111ri, c Evertsupyhey fro u o 0 ts-o e ts ltlllsend lhiool I lie lotC.'t00119.9 t«- Soloso-riboAfe ' till ol y.tfd2 le\ 1f Feet Ball, aiseially dopteelt by Otise 155Cc- *lliitlimn' Nlfttamth era st vle as etaehsiteo otsytde iearan-al. e Io isle co lor' is pate ls t It i relly ort man ties is cst. Ifitesolsabs Ie s Is ersy Ath doe Cs tmplatifetllafhrg ooiObeetiCiCs do yu RWA. .S V.ADAMSG T.,HICRO.,$ adlt semstr atrishtthraessiosare Colly aiedt1001ad -C 0 s FaJkeo-oTLsib In0 0 eo ,," ' tm~t dell.011 5 The 001lIoStloo;lol tar Lnelvl teioosl7-? seoo tol Columbus.? lT OnigdSlteplinor r Oawing RSoom Cair ~Loinebtwett Toledo, Columbus -, 00 ioitta. The Only ODrawing Roons Ear Line, hetmso-a Toledo, toloombuand Co~itrestosti. W. Va.# Plotlmani loleaprs bttenoluombuas accd - THE 01NL INE owitho 4 t rseascolway5a9t0 between009011,ol,)ad Columobu. THE ONLt 0l111,0with 3 trains each wyd1,n1 Sucla~ s be-' t ween Tioo, leilligand ColOO 0001 THEON0LY 1INE 10t0152toain~s ech t,0009doll flt.E 15 Toeo's , Bowlng iGren a:1 OOFindlOa. 9 001 o~dIoo etv'eenyToledo dalleston, W %rt MO, uLTOsGrnviOCKdNewaP. A. TOL.EDO, 0141 C;61-ancdmOpera H ~se'. WEDNESDAY, DEC. lionTH, ilnstrlels. Prices - 35c, 50c and 75c- Seats 10 10oi haI> t h le l,'loilEi l io't'E? THE REWL COLLARS; NIOT A AND WINAMACI RE IINTSCHI:,Eld,, ANNX ARBOR. MICH. MILLARD PRI NTER.. Advertise in THE DAILY. ., Newr York, Chicago, Philadelphia. Subscribe for the Daily. 28 SOUTH STATE STREET. Room 1 and 2. - Ann Arbor, Mich