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December 10, 1896 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-10

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The Best
$5.00 Christmas
ts a Pocket Kodak. 1It takes
good pictures anti is easy to
work. Foil instructions
; corne with it. If you have



0 X5.001)Yoman Hats, tow
, $4110 RoelofssFHats, now -
°v $3i.00) tteeies Hats, new
e$2.51)SifiifHats, n0ow
$2.01) Stilf Hats, ntow - -
$4.00 Federalists, tow
d$3.011 Fedora Htat-, tow -
ufi1.)0Fedora liats, itow
0No. 9 South Main Stree!

$3 oo(
$ illS1

t,- - - Ann Arbor,M

afriettd wito dot't wattt one, s a~~v v cvsqv~iwcvra vpcetaee ~~er~
it'sbcus ie nte seen it. W any ddrss otictpaf
0 ff],& sk ond, *1. 41- gnea
-- - te poud,140;e.
*0 . # r 1tet, Nss or,s.
CALKINS'-,- PHARMACY, ony o1 cotosa t
Canvas, Leatheroid, Sole
-LA1DY T 9H IDress uit Leather, New Styles and
keep a cattiy stlore',tiot 1a canldy i ss... rimmigs. Lir.es..to.

40 S. Main Street.
attt get tite hest service.
Office and Stable, 32 Forest
Ave. 'Telephone 106.
Branch Office at Painters' Phartmacy
Capitaol Stok, $0.000.OSrpius, $50,000.
Organized under the Geer a lokigLaws
af thois State. tRecers deesits, eays and
tells exchate onccthecprincipal cities tofthle
Utedc States. Drafts cashed apse proper
Ideetitecatics. Saiety dectssit losses to rent.
OIPIrettss Chlristian c k Pres. 5.. 0
Hlarrimcan, Vicet-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock,
Sachier.' t.Frotz Assistant Cashier.
to' thai, $100,000. Surptlus asd Proits, *40,000
Transacts a ereral banking business.
toeiganecage bougehtand sold. Furnish
etteet of 'red it.
E . t). I tINF, Ires. 1I11IONSOtUtt,,
Vitc' Pres.
S.2W. PtLAtRKSON,. lactic'.
?4r rnii &i hltiuii'#1aunt

departtment.I de d ito oott ly too HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE SILK HAT BOXES-------
O,,i t1 road ot as a tsie slhowtnlot1

oi~~~lYIa~. ll: i7c ttrOi VLgther goods. I toy itio sell Cot-
feooiorery 0as tierclonolieo, oan
Itati.'s vhoy they're cheapi. rib)
priet ittle 20(00 watl hy uto,.ear
'Igo. Qltiatitty toakesIpeite-poooer.
The -"Most Excellent" Choco-
lates are tihe finest toade. Now
oter ate their 0eq)al. Oth~etr 1)0-
1p10 htve simtilar for stle ato I theit
pricete I) o Vti. Our ~ic( i
style ox..
augstel" rfer,
Cor. ot Fourth, and Washington
and 20 S. State St.
Easy Fitting Soites nloth ie
Latest Style.
Beat Place
for 3. ;
4 3 S. Main St. - Upstairs.
Anton 'Teufel,
Trunks, Valises, Dress Suit Cases
Trunks ad Valiseo Rettatred Neatly ald
OCoeaply. No.57S.'Matnost.
"Your Tailor!
Have you seen those nubby
Suits Mthward tistt utingout.
:XILWARD 40 State St.

.'tr ic ttoatol lotoroto troto.
('PE E " Si tltt't )o ioii o. Surphisto;:30,()0(. Trans00cto
h. rIir IIto 'r t t . Fic~ ilt , Vo reos re
15 South Maini Street. lbttt o. 1103 itstttItota-bloc.
.NVk'T OES )- o tt to 1100Lowneys Chocolates.
Pit ~l.. 1'oo,.1.Ii .0 Ii 000100 will (toot tool. Hot Lunches.
' 'I'ltg sle o S't l. 'rn''Pot-to ,t;ttio',i itt Ot Ott
Thel at ttt1o' h t (tl . 0i'otl oiI AOlsisIlttll Oi'°l
:)1 Ott I i it. 043 tot.te St
t- 01 li;'(ls ltt' ti Iout..0-to 100100 Ott\'it
It I~ro i"1()0.1 ))'ls.oo \'t. to lt'.Ii 2 .DII ,ON ST
t ot' t tt.o' 'o ol ioo t' llo s''' '1'Ott; '11 ND (WEIt 00.0 1 llt' -. l P ON R I S
T W l( u ( r to ) 111o'tt nttt n, 0' 000011 io'"1 oot o'II s I:tool tol tilt l oot io'oi'r L Eo I tom o JEWELir ERt .
ST'. loo''( ,t cll h lotoototo Illtfli(t'ttt 'i trlitt lt 0 0010) 0000 lot It 1 t I M US0l'.i ~ lo o IoCrhoo Oltoo
15 'n ( 1 /t'. (1(1111"t 1 ,lilt? loii Milttlertotot 1000110' 101 1 1w0000 l "tl tottIll; . f '1 f1( , E O L Y & i
i' lt')e 00 1 ~ o ' ool ttol s)l l lo.111(1 i(111E'tl('' I .
to liet ilt o_'c)o' e oitoIto ''ari ooo ~ l;p~i1.s risa wp( n ( cli to')l ' ooll kitpatCndsraof Sooroiarioto
betto ldSit Al0 Ji0'. 10100'..1 ootiloD(I 7. I) .o'tol eol lotoo(. '1 0 lta'li 01 tot I22oS.d SIO S .h
Prttof'. W inlts, llwi'o ioooo. 100. ctliff. s'oloo. 'lil('pt' 'o~roo'r boil otooc 1;Ilto
00150'l to'ooi'.ie'coill ol(s ;1 11 1 A ' 1000 Jut .0 S ST a Vt' - an-'C.ran
Itoo1o1 Ilooolo( o 'iotottoots. Noor~lti 1001. Ii,o ot oolot' O1l''' itoti +.Ioto
. I 'Wa itgtoo Bock
9 t' st to 00 0'by oO'1000toy, t(rci(:idito IV(oooooo1toto' oile it' n Cl ~nci w~tih.sAet
iis p ,epo'ot a .0t'rootog 'rtt' oi oo(' itoe;~tol 1 l: t opjlo's 02 oooIi5011 itcoootsitoo)l,0I I . StA 1-t,, O tas totlo
t1ilo o-Iw Sollo. 211n 5~ t(. hgil Wi. l ooore roIlosrtot'griaais'tnc
21set flo lt ol e -to 1'111l( lllOto_______________-tio fled .Sita gte d t~ ttyrlock.oee ,u
_ f IteAtOTINlOlatto-ral Ilirestarpl("tth
ands albltis of a nocitriuN.mO
No ltnd 'W~ Iicks, No Or. lerosie .orO,i.Fouid~d~~ liing f(ii.ty-55' etOod eeti'a ed
Wi(t.:\rs i rie sgt-nBr,,.spfreeytottels dol fel3t4tt lopS.'y titt S T A'ic.T'Etoio rros
'"coosllarir lhtttdo owoilldIfnrisooinoltll(t'rptrol
-l l ea s piigw tr- ;'toegiiott-Delierdin o r CO. "wIOS D0- tt-rlAo t tLosTHEP5H.TOGSRrArHEGR
pIleei ropl-oldectool vto V e ol1<winlladNli il Dy tot at oiBlocl
more foDEAN &n COMPANY.talSubscribelnfortheAnAilyr
44 SouthMaintreet

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