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December 10, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-10

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p +tj coniditionis ini lliigaii, which itemls
IIRJ3.would probaxbly not affect the beinile-
11.15 in questioii very mluclh. anyi ow.v
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during till editorial mlanfacflturer of 'I'lie
the College year, at Tiix 0(11wix pofiltlsnlore, ftlxicixillc. xy
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. naiopprtopriatlion that 1will cuillliiih'
(xrs'arE: Timen building, 70 S. Main SI. be- 'ir.o Ia ijton slrcii
tween Liberty and William Sts. Uniivridtl tiimlint'i itsmv loceioc
J. F. TeOMS, 97. ini The 'lilics' cir'clatlin amiong; 1111
BUSINESS XIANAGER Ifarmeirs, thaI suichleitolria-lsIx 11x
0. IH. HAsa,'98.1111112 VI lieu 110icm1e111 h11t11"conli-
E. L. OrISMEsn, 'I8 L. F. S. Sumos, '98. ccxiihvetki sc lli l ii
B. B. IiecoEsur, '(I. IH. B. SOLAexAxx, 'lB L. lfarimir t I leill xvnit1111 (ink it worth1
F., M. Looxns, '98. IH. H. CORIN~, '99, hisi xv ileto 1(a lll llyxtenitionxii .)X - a
C. Ml. GRaN, 991. Athletic Editor.
ASSOCIATE EDITORS i111111tiliii'ri ,icvs(ix
W. W. lighex, '98. S. W.Cmliii, '07. flxixictwillxal'sox have lost all iterest
F. A. bucik, '9CE. Lxoise Dodgc, '199. ini ilpuictosI
W.v. Mliorrill, '118. Bulter Lambl, 1100. .~ xxxx iixi.
A. Ml. Smithx, '9i. IC. tail, jr., 110 A1.
Amtericnr School at Athens,
[Dhilly Prncetoniian.
The subisriptioniieolithe IDaily isX 2.501 l'lic fiftecienthxiiiiiixl repiort ofile x
for the cixlete ycxar,cilia a regoixir dclivciy
tixosx'xiooxca'ix ay. Nicco, cciixmaaxca- Amrican'xiii Si l t11 ii ti ii'ios, has .list
loie 08xp. si., or amailed to the ceditxoriefoxce 3be Ii al lnlcb T )
p. m~., of the dxaycprxvixos to tihatlonxichixie i lii', xof' Yalix'. x'lxxxi'xxxxxxofi the iii-
they 'leeci'ixpetedto apea-r.
sulseliplloax oxay he l(ci t xiThxe'ilxily l>il'etltite
Office, Mexyers'orxxx Collctxs N 'xlxaniiiOr
fnsr a facor'by reporting proxplyiatxlthis xi 'xl
office iny failaiecarr lixers1''xoxidel'iv'er'paper1. Iilsiiti i xxii.xoi' xilxiin tI'll o
yetrdy i'i''lin .i character'iic'ixi xlitxxiixi. Po. I.. A. hiixx'iix, xiof xx alxixi'1i-i
iidio'ilcx hPro('. 1Iiixlli xi. 'I'(iilo xi n xiil '. (xvrsty ihs bexxiiiaddedlto (txei111:111-
iccxxxxixx'xuig lii l~icxx''s'1 'x~o cii x (i110' ci'llxix x11'anxiii rofi. J.. 1.


{ j i~

wins the jnry of slice buyers and it's
ours by a heavy mlajority. Footwear
shoonld be lop qunality. Th'le feet can't'
bland anything else. Priceo should he
low, cc 05 10 keep the shoe laxtxwitim-x
bounido. You xvo't feel our slice
prices, hut lhcy xilimakxe 7011feel
pleased. There ore n corn growcrs
like bail shoe. tiiC on xti s and gel
somxethinog that y011 caii xvar youirself,
insteacd of thxe slice xxearing yotir foot.i

Those reprulin' $18.00 Suits, in the
neowest Oxerlaidis anti lPlaids--
('Treen-lirown; Brown anld Fancy
Mnixiuetecohe ftd~e in tlie fabshioni1of thce11110
Not a iletail slig~htoxi except the


Clearing Price--

liii 'nb i siil '1i1ix thelix 'lxxii-'ixtil ii ii
lxi. 'Theii'hriw'd'xx i xxci ofi' the'l ar ii(ill'
1s;u1101 ixx houiirlxxii'fx Su'h lxxiii'. Blyxax
il-iiiiiiiox's vole1'tit' fixinnier coni xeliixo
x'otedtocom me'ndii toi'i theiil'ii''xlxi'x'
oxf it iililxxbexxxitediforxi' lii'1 'ii i'xt
xx'hich'is ju1101 ghatlthit'shrow'dx Pro-x
fessor' Bradlley 71. 't'ixxxilxxo xx'xiixnx'.II
Ie didinot xisk forixi' ull iions.
The ocie-xixthi ofi'axmiiilxiax wiillxxixw
ri'uuxiiiia xi ii ix''cil'fixtuiri'-for tw0.1

S''' i iti, xI' . tii i'' ( I '11". (xais xac
(11 yeari' i xit ilxx' clxxii11' iir. II.
W. Smi~i. ofxi 17Maw Clxx' 'xleg'ex. Drx.
ii 11117 inx Nei li1101W thei onihi'
history x(fartxfor'xt17'x'xxixlxii (7
xIm xliilx'x( ii 'xi'(ii work done l111 -

PRNEKNSCK, Nolbh's Star ClothiRn FHouse
NOV. 23 TO DEC.. 5.

7e t 'xii' thei ii' ldec i ei'rig 117' llexillO ccf
xx liii oiii xxi ii ' x'xxxh cacr'x xl xiiA S H IT R T S A L E
Those Nobby $1i.50 TIStsare now 98 Cents. Don't fail'

years at Ixeast." .i c110i-l ilaix 1011 1S .) )15ebe aw o toI. 1". 5eo, iof 1tt - to look over the pa
'atIh at t'hei o u e-sii17 ixth m i'llixiOlta '' ixx 1 ~i r i'lxo'xi iiiI.Il x'l 'xId (xc hill'
wxady hiual it' 1111',xi'xhi xi itx wasx r111 1.117 ixxi 7 1C a ratenotie iit wsse.i'fhaiigIxiloin al rprtPrf e-x_4OfxninyHttinteI'tT
'ourse51' 1117'll'gislltu'r' xxiii nnul txlhe x m 'oue i'gx l bx' the i'n'c'ssityvo Ix i er naii- cIllled.
grni ydelic,,btteei otetedwln frtesho.e remiote'st probailityi' Iha~t thits xiii Junior Promenade Committee, D A B R
hi'r be1do'. 'fhxat 'rofessoir 'fhoixiiix E A B R
six took lii'hie lltr'oub l'iiiepa l'l'li li' i'illiiie iihiil'i 17'1'xic
alei addres's'x bea'xiniig xoiinc'ri'xssd'i) 11lxxiii 'l'ni'llx''t' lcon'iiitlit'he111' lhilir THEANNUAL.A.N'O
lll' i'tillnl. 1a111 lo ti'ra 'el toIc l.' iiig P'roimienaxde, is xis fxxloxs':
0 F~.t
that1 hei' uighit dlivier it simuply to1atIll eor1x'xxi'c'Sins, Ahhihixi taIxi 'iii. .I 91n~en
raknnesin'ady otyo uop etDlaTuDla efttiox. I". I'. iydei.
The lUniversity ieess pecixi l)- .('"has. 7W'xllii, DeltIxiloli. Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra.
pri'tiloni lullnuedis iitixaxly, aldOif .1. AA'. SenettlI iiappaisii o. Charles A..Dana-----------
theedtorof7'li''I'iiioohnxxv lll~iA. 1>..ix'ksoxiiSigix..iihAlihx llpsilxii. Ex-President Harrison-----------
I".Leife'. Luther Lain Mills, (Chicagoo Alumni T
xv.iix'. hile xis rexThistaolDeelt.a11'J"i0', .' Imperial Quartet_
wxill heartily second all effoirt toi ob- ID. 1I. Ti'xsxvriilg'i.--------------
tall a grant freo the legislature in- 'T'homaxxs Wooldrowv.Seta 'Thetxx P'. Oratorical Contest----------
steadi of ridiculing t1111.10 v a rie'Thie frxaternities ixot retpresentedon1f uis er il
workning fs'itthis-in iiiiiiti'e havie nt shu y57et choxse'isl John Kendrick Bangs--------
The fri.prosp~erity ofAnnXrtilr ide- terrpesnaie.GENERAL AI)MISSION TI H .'RAWY EEVDSA IK
pends upon thIii'xntenane anti ie'-(lxhranssClass uof '18. iSINGOLE AD~IISSION
v'elopmnit at the Unsiversity; sod, nECrPT
pot~el'elei7ofAi.0rloe- ITAhLIAN ORt)i'IEST'RxA. Harrison Number .
Itxslixnn Orchestra at Unsiver'ssity'OaeeslCus
uarods the existencee of The Tlimes. School of Dansing, Saturday, Dec',12. TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved tiehete an
Ev'en leaving ant of the question the t'rogs'am party, single adimissions5(}c dreg stare, State street, and Wahr's bank starr, Main st
improvement of intellectual and moral a coupxe. JAMES H. PIIIIT.

e.Popular Brands irs

--- --- --- --- --D ec. 11 ,
--- - -- -- -- --Jan. 21
------------------ Feb. 1
-March 12
----------April 2
----------April 13,
ICKETS x"2.00
iS '2.50
sale Thurnday,0Oct. 8th, at Xahuer'
T, Correspondinag Secretary.

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