'THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DIAtLY. - -------------------- ---------- . ____ , + a~~asaaaaaaasaseaa aaffaaa~m W E HAVE. The Best -133WALOO.BANmO "s quality ask Meltl(Gillespie or Mr. Present Steirsbaoer. STHESE ARE O:NE 1PRICED GOODS. saPoktKdk Ittk s but we will shade a little to close 0 good pictures and is easy to before Jun. tst. M S C d Swork. Full instructions -ANN -AiYiBOR. \/0J0CC .9 0cme with it. If you bave s 21 AND 23 EAST WASHINTGTON STREET. afriend who don't want one, . if's because he hasn't seen it. 1-offWe ilstens arm piepst i, . nycaddress. Prices:s1 a0 PotpidCaao4ea ' ~.7 ~'~L 'Straet, w ork CALKINS -,-PHARMACY1 ___Only5y5 Be Sure Made of Outing Flannel. HALL.,ER'S JEWEL.RY STORE 46 S. Mlain Street. PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY and get the best service. Office and Stable, 32 Forest Ave. Telephone 106. Branch Office at Paliners' Pharmacy THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stash, 50000. Surplus, $150,000. Rtesource. $1,l100,000S. Orgasized under the Geseral Banking Laws uf this State. Receives deposits, buys ssd sells eschange os the principal cities of ihe fCelled Stastes. Crafts cashed uon peeper 1identification. Safety depesit boxes te rest, OFFICERS: Chsristias Mack Peu.; W. D5. Hariman, Vice-Pres.: Chus E. ilicuck, Cashier: M. J. ritz AssistauetCashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK raaAd b Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $40,000 Transects a general husking business. Soreigs exchsange bought and sold. Fuesish lettees of ':relit. E. t). KINNE, Pres. liARbIStN SOULE, sice Pies. S. . Ci.ARKtSON, Ca shier. Cor. Muse sail Iluon eStreets. Capital 510,50. Surpuos Fw30,000lTrasact generalbaking bsines. RIiEM h Psres.Pic E C F iues Vice lre. Fii.11.IBLSEuRt.Cishir. Lowney's Chocolates. H~ot Luinches. # Cut Ftill Size. iYou're ijght NIGHT ROBES Jsit the tinisigfur wlnter. 65 . -OWSCentS . 'm m V f s Aatf+ nII~P UO W Cki* TAA« ~Made M AslnisfOuttinseFlan.el Thes alitaf lcksIn iic ise iu ~A spleiidid Sleeping (barusenl icey'r pctsiced mse an iyois tinki This stosetlmoke you sure you re rit. This store gurantees yoii, safi invSt- CO ~ 021 S.Miain ret spent ofleeey dollar you pitiiitiisliaes I00 Street, we sell. It ia ugood Slier StoeIda 4. o " 9 Ann Arbor. ooShepit pricecsnay idon. ___________________________________ ood Rusbbers tuii, if yeu wani them i " Nl/ t IsA I C . 1. ....F,.. -..- ._ i~.a a i JNIVERbITY NOTES. .1(1(1 re s", the iticeti11"'. Whit tic i'" ino"t nil rill' ! olli tiisith'ti here ilte 1ltI c ~f.c.Ienh r toDil 0. 'ithe psill of tl I us 1ilci li~i ii'ss'ss {1 llaTIJTTILE'S 48 S. State St. 42 S. Xain Street.acitt ia's'. illTshe Ili slrsiontilI i ii her nis'' lio A E11AEON S l ii lilsl en air ls lss las til ~na T. 11 ulib-ie iiit I ii' iAniii ''f ls'' u t l l l lt lllolti + li c l Ela ilili lii P il i THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, ill hI It u~irlitl a ii'theretninllsor'i , ' ai 'osiiiiiiaslin; siasulsesterday. "" SPOFN O PNS anfurnssh youwithafst- assiii ,eii llO,\ "1 'l'i luhol'aurntisle a n laseclch"I'u~ P O SO IS Ps ii. isrand i nisi rea~iri ng siss lt. im I'. terlisa.t 'l~I. 'IFs I ' o' f lLEAaD'aIN'liis. hils'WaolElls, --GIVE HiTf) A GA.L,10l gtasilr''lrllstsl's 'ciledl sill thes' iiil ii utan istihnn jWM ARNOLD IrLEADING JEWELER.lrnit tll t 711:11.Si iiiiaaPHsis Slce: i lst s,, ________________s______________________________ 'P lO'' G .A.P S ii 5''tltIaiss 5:X, tl 5 :li live.'e. l1(:' tii l' ii 'eli 1 toi5 1is ' 4I1 '(' uD I l'i l cissil sissisiit. kYIl1 Jk --Specilrastes iii Senuiosaat iIsis ii i(f tliii' ilrissii v;. ' iss'. 'T'itlossd.l sill appelarl' lt'ltWit' PIANO AND COMPOSITION. B I~)e-iI7'I'y1'Il. It.I.Sil'i'all si of '\la'tjssii 5 rtrris"eil f T'Ti I { ll5Nl) (511 ,5. Itt)tL ".h ZB 1\ hF F B. Huron Street. A'siissoitin at MSisti t itSss1 ltt5' iss IO' issalitiii 'sa sloI(iis.cso' ''Juliusa 'asts'. lilCr1 't'euu'l'sss'sssss s It's'islts'ts tel~ o 22 S. DIVISION ST, Asciunlsir s's~iltiiI'li lil lueIi 1i Pi~S is sislisil ia asst ''' I lls ti'.iiitthe G lt'ipera stho 'se lx ust IReceived aiLareiandsElegant I uks, vaiiseS, Dress Suit ases Ilsisss'Il'Iit u' ll e Itsiil r igi ifir lt' Ississliltiof lt'e Iino of NewPipes ! Tr N D c il 'iaesI ' 'd I lou's' 1,11411"" the'1Ir etaL-IChocolaite Boss Ioins. Cheeaply. Na 'C M l]S t. tnsi 'ir lisisiss's i. lyiEi':i'Ii'Ie 1tls h e eietit1.6'serllt o\11e : .R ' Q L o l f iii olier' tlet'iil ii itslii iaiossl'R .J LL O dr tl iclt' erftrm nce ll'' is S oi AS. State St., Sager Black. elvorT io ! s. a ' 1 llias' \\'sulks'i' till sit' Ess tilos' s its Is'tili s ( «tills ass oii r ro e l Have you seen thru, no f by jtoewohr o oes os(ue!rcre Stilts isilsv rrd is estit. > 1 i 'ssl~ifssll. hg'la lsi sI i it.'lse so i ss" and all binds of sanitariuns 1 s Iii s 1 hallsavills'liis's' usher if listItit'Foods ifir sale by XMIL'WARD 40 State St. 05T is' thl ti eliillotouols "Ittlsillshs 't, j____________________o ilIiii IWls eweslry :tosreStlinor. & C ., 111d1Ilis Fie.i knit,' Isith'se ti f Itsis1I 11 NTHE EQUIPMENT OF A l hsrasbis enttu lsslsgeultoIsl'. 22, ol I irlais''osrsg lue11 '45 T'' T I tae st., at1 sIietl cs ,eai ts 1iii1ii'(. STUDENT'S OOM i, oru'isuiital ilsis'of Mrs. Wuisil' Is'"aolersret iisain I ANDALL THE PI0TOORAPHER, 'Itis renerally conceded sisat a stringed Is- Wliigto Boc strumnss is almost an absalufencsiyt aI5511 el.lits'ss ~ 'ahntnBok e s rart nemn ris ie ext SlIuslsy' eriling 51t ths'1flu Ann Arbor. seeth.edgraetpr'eny ent rthe ,So' tuelsii eiiIoydlfol, Dutsaie W\ ii't, Chliss. Sinions, Exprhast thegen rnysne senrwllayed rias iKearneiyt'.lNelleIls iingay 'it OF S. SHIAVING PARLOR and Bath- 'Satate" instruments the issSest iinne allpgd vra"WiterodeS Pra," n kr ieau'yU'.roons. All appointmenis first class. An excellent instrument £; the neusiil i 0st res he. usg _______ Imparted and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- -- llnriia f hegratpot.Jusetair JreItiTreandbshing 0 arlStalest BAY STATE $10.00 a Miiriadls.Sundsei lsi wsill Subscribe for thle Daily, staird.Ressing and bi30SSathig ssr, B3A NJO. LT 10 DO SYOUR LAMP S O E? *adMealcCakesan 1e.o lt We Sinve intstnoneSchesaper banjosCollns. FEmbalming a Specialty. Ne. 17 S. than thisbut deasbstantiasai reis TRY RED STAR OL-N SMOKE, erk ae otntabl ntsanatueca F. J. GtEN, the State Street Tailler. Lats 1 comare wit it. No Chand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of (Chimneys- Styles. Best Goods. Inside Prices. We do pesn Sierec fer illustrated sainingar.. ' W.hite LgtBrsfel to the last srpuf oil in the every thig Inseloe lase precsc siswinh JOHN C. I ~ A igt-urn feey ro lapondrearngatletres eieewit 453-463 Wasbington ret., Boto. -Clear as spring water-l-1s per gallon--Delivered in our cans, Gooe~i. eds celdgeadeier, please,.15 S. State street. rOd, *00gtTeDalfompromptly--Sold only by as asiall, iteenslof the colleges ye. *44 1outhN & COMPANY. Subscribe for the Daily