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December 09, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-09

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l l / Ij~jD O THE FOOTBALL MANAGER. wort by Mliss Aie Brown 'bfb of Ihe THINK WVE HAVE ENOUGH.
- i rrofy of Mliei'.
JT~dnn ol VWard W. Hughes Re-elected at on College Stang Farmers' Clubs Against Increased
IJ.i UJ J I at Ng t's Meeting. Ii view of the (.ollecion of coo'ge Appropriation.
- -DIM OR1R,011l ."11110' i(o11fCor 1Q01 by Prof.
lVai'd11( uIlnfe, I'lii M 'Psi.of 5(011 01sfi t stfo t he ff' ffoilom i. il' an111a11Sessi1o11of the staf 'is-
Oak frt.1Ill..A 1, re-eeteifVal 'Oil fn t '1 e 10 11 }- P~ Altowill e e s sHel f011of farmler's 'fiubo is 1now be-
FULL DHLSS SUITS A SPECIALTY. fotai 100f10g11'for 1seat010, o a HIin 'est: i-f feld a11n f0the ivie-rft is reeiv-
0 t ,iht s 1ec'tigH of 1 fie Al 1111* 1i it s 110111sf1010 if atten1ti0n.
ffh1e 11 l eo au I frioe--t S iier v
If011 if Mr. Hughefos elite 1ed Uff100 l il5.1 Is s--0tlr 'if u-l(, Yheselsfoo-Prof. 'slllpfsoll f fthe
NO. 2 E. WASHING~TON ST.. NEAR MAIN. I Iis ii ill 'iff11(1Its se*01ff)110 11s . air flrlri rlt Oiffrosef f10f lll
i fof 5 heil l' 1111 111'51 ii'osiithe11 1' Illwifarm~t r esl theil f11 -11-
()'101111), 111l1 f ?is f lmiafeolf :ig \erf
Is0one of ten etile itt is fiamilfndhsleeo in N11 If ire lfte bjet ifof11'e 111-
11 ncoss. Ave favoriflt'5fI. sbo lo ll s1101. liifhs 1'efs iiiii"offce -'' g
0 and in several very n eat fpack- ( 11noel sowih ff11' 1111ff, i lfifpoilf'lf.notiI t sify fwas lto troii no 'o e tlr ff11
We hlav e a cot ifoea ine of ! 11f'11 l' 111. 1ffo 'fi''fl'
pl'ralarv mailse 1y Slon Pl le n o ior eamob1111111r}cue rb l fil he i l f1'11'iflls l''al iil l'i''oli ffs' lsfiis.Ollfg
of~ew~rk. tith w out le hasbeen cnne(:edfar'ii isn Hill'v ff11't foffad se-
P.ALM~ERS PHA.RMhAC'Y. Ain~; ff of Iflithiu: 1 rrsfL woe if'Sih( fii ''flf'lHsi'-~ h.filg fi
46 S. STATE ST. 11)11 IS il lUse h rongiiiil fo ei o il
ovffr thei'Alhfl i .L soliiil f1, 1but1at sta1e1shoiuldfif 'fl'lisl shllefu atio
_________________________________ lot Ilglfs ii ',. ifrli'enileu rfri-e f 111o f cost bee lse till'sericelie ith
extle5 ifif5 liif.l iiiatpa t fisl coii
O G O INP1G O@ 111111 itlullyfur w'it-iff1 l-th 1 is 1111110 lii 11of ro(1lsiilo ffilrishlhis
11GO INfGsfi-i o'IiI i iI s.i111 O-l'f ilii-Iliifi~l.1
be cleaed befoe tilt1fl"itffi I'i-!lmore.ugel5 ufficshanipriatfill
'd h olw11 or,11r t)il"Ot o u i e s tt )1 111'n 111(r )liii's.u(lii f ilillth'e 1111ill il ior lliillf li-i' ~eof'wril
lit in ll 11' toiI'wl i ch thflu-l offc1 ue,
O u t ofp flsibf 0 iI f'osiii ss fa5l'no1nr't: fisf-ici.til(. i il e fllflifs tote restedf..ll
Our entire Stock to be Iblias 11 o s-ilin l ilf l pif f-fl 1 -ieacis 11111., li ff1 ii'oilfor iu le s''
sold. at a a n11f ifourse' flill lif'iif lo l feisfil elufip e lfiffef iifisi-fo111)11 1111 111 i il 1-
GREAT REDUCTION .... If thereI Illiifi 1111s1'w ho :1 n oll ' 11) -sifoses iieufiuaf d l l ioofi o rlii
fillaill If 1'pan}if fiififi'iii Off lii' lififiiiftfifll il
members. thfirfcilildlin fet sheiopiosition f
J C,4'OBS 6 R L L1Y[AN D' I (ft)ifaifllllli ii slili'1sfiill.hI'1st1 l1fIUfili. 11111 fu' Iiliiro
XOsf i Aol 111 V Mf ilflOS Iiiv' fur-ls'fi 0' of f '-ii' f11 iu ~f 114fii, 'iflifl'l'll ose liii' f'hi iufif',
1110i ll fall 101' ili hef- i-fill f sfilesf l
s-hrrtn ltIDE shn'r'ff 1011 i i' flre ba h t l' ifue s f'ts Itr ifalf I'le Il-'d 1101 ifchildren hav thtleat 5.
E E Y S LD Eug I - vn ale I( !o (I s eil i llfl to; I lf(, auf '. sfi'I 011 .lf'f
SHOUe-l~S11110 L riln ('ER I sis 0 l'uuusi llsA 1-ll'l'i i m' slo i-conT inus os-farnlu Ibi 1111 11 ff l. I
t u l i- t te s ell' sif-- i so-fi
-A -sl'f-rf'f l e 1,s 15 d . 1'f- f 114l 1s11( f -- t if aOf. ser ivcs ll f511 Ollf''if
'oiSs D u g S o e.Ae l fulfAv'ifs 115-sI poiU l_____ edillsltoIiiffelii I1fil0it-l fe
Babylon Goal ispe YTar.EwBEST.f An__r ___i
Allcos 1saio i otig. Doadn of et t Gl. re 0he rizen Are t o fe1.1 red Afjnaf Li bs Bare . il'lt100, let il l('s.1111'Irui.1111' ill
filfn' sif'1-l'li l'1fa f5 111 ff1'ke il 1 0111 I 11111toI 111 iff'ii1101i. so110 fll' .51'oc
K Babylon lt111 Ill1111 li Coaliilf'l 111Isf11100THiEI WifflBEfST.ffIl '11 101-t ifi -
27 T om sn Stree t. 1utfs 1evltinha ofr d 1suscd1aghersoff111r n h
pr'ii silver o110 I ss1 o thll ri nt 511 1 1'rff5 i rtou 1ffr'dec isi sa's-if o IIIct il IrrA(r iy e ~
arifcil im s.ee o e er ite i i f l si 1111 r( fThl oms osaid I
Oporstoes.a w e have 11$500ilargee r o > th lyaI ens htippiy~ ha tte culAtut fth n
of sc n a d U av rt e t hif Pf e hleI'f ff1111 I or i n tIhll iec1t1yff f~fel'1'I5thefilne-lsltghIIf110' lsunI
Boos o l ssntite d eate t. IWiIll 'o ff ilu 5iel' 3 ffoo bal 111. 111'OhafdlRcfv f Ifl is '~l l'Illlirict'ngftof101 f1 101o
Law ~1 d edicl Boks. erma fir-fI ~lof ibI-ul'f 111111111111 IlfiliiOOi
e sl he bs tu e t N t e lis lle s111111' iflI01 ll b(' 0' he ft team ff1-ill sf11' m l l 11111('lill
BokT0cnthahe1'51' 1 11'f~i tl'I lo tsfy SIS111 hcu I stael ha.n
Th e t i e a peT2- n s er 01n 0 idelt ~ns ll' of t he0-f i ll' e' il ff1a0mem eoof 1 al e I '1 1 l' f'o o ' ~ gl~ 1-ls 1 1I0 O g
Agents for the Waterman Fou~~~~~~in no0 (It1h11a11aof (ill rOlf'011 If Allo rl lll~i~lo h lrll I10
tam Pen 111I0yea.1hav 14) el 'l1t1 'I1, , lle h tn
Wea t eati ealyIstu enttos itan d l lus~edya0110 of Allhefran (eitoys i rt11 alo1e1 ter .rielo f ly 11- rIlolfot
Duraftingesupplesaealg supyecn hnd U i rity.'Te tlfhatfo to lal .11110, eeei
Thebethrics ooverbey.i ti'o1111 11-allr lI i to t eb a ft 0'laers l f11115, 1(ow ing ttelosfll i to jIll rtb- l d the f ne(f ed illf 11a
BokW ora lhearHRmeBO O K sT O R tEuv ersy f011 eor ebe or heC l. I uexer- tn.laf y te 11ar t voniallever Ty are. ticlt f Ill n'o fftrd ce tthby
a n FrDech Tlassifnes 110 stcontin notuess ta. f<u ;all oxbedisep ul r tle lerr. u I l l(,11 igu lr o dy srflilg tl
BookstActs e peni1$e.0Genre n Buns,'d
Thebes LnenPa er2 cets' t. I1In hintbey e t wcotstthe cm mit l ews 1t on"to.the ballge fhoyallaiingliestele

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