THE UNIVERSITY GOF MIGAN DAILY. U 0tm.~se +~' ;ooaaa~a N RN PNN SEverything 0ECA T-TIOZ'!GMDOEI~ /$25.00 Suit for 15.00 O Sfor the Gym $ Style, Quality and Fit Guaranteed. j[[[[TBOK or Bath d D, A. TINKER &SO ATI / ATTH m Hatters, Fine Furnishers and Tailors. Sole Agents, Royal Tailoa - FrBig Turkish Bath Tow- Youian's HatsRalop Hats and Waterhouse Neckwear. ISTUDENTS5 BOOKSTORE, STATE STREETr s els, Spongess, Soap, Rub-; No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann Arbor, Mich.1 i I ber Caps, Flesh Brushes, SEtc. 0U I ALKINS' -:-PHARMACY, ny MAKES TO ORDER~ WOMEN and MEN'S Easy Fitting Shoes ini all the NFXV Latest ,Steles. Beat Piec 3 - Repairing OO L {. 1 U, OF M. CALENDAR. We hare; a large stock of Newv 10 iidcamep. and Seconh n aMedical, an~ieflO . orichan- Law P pound, Voi d saP.r- i'nch, German, Greek and Latin IIRy Pnteoeacoscecrem lxt Books. Which we will sell to S t e t 0 Y o k . e t u xe n t s a t l o w e r p r i c e s t h at n e v e r . _______________ tota Hoek a, da tr Pap K N O X l y the pound 1c e, 20c and 25c. Standard of fthe World. ODE AGEN'TS. I tirtall Ideal fountain Pall Evry otne warranted or mocney refndhd. Dra cin° In-troc- mten s and 1)rowing Board. SIheelap&Co.,. te ROPRIETrORS, . I,.( v od -I, )I I th t, I 14 it 1 hc m atc c-lcccs Ac1-c-w mii' , y1,1. (1-1of il''sDw-tr rllwt Scctccrclcy. 00c. 1, .))ll.ccl..Ac 10 I c cc-d cetclt tit(1c13 catl:,( cc -cthe Biy all you can afford for Filic. IFooetbllt ga1 cc -1cctic Ilicl-iac- Itctt icl o Mrs. Dc it .t; i iil 1 11c-c- presettsod fuitesreelse at our ac~trllcy. O>ct. 10. lccll., 1 icc 1tocc' lrs'secsc. L a ~r i ityc he'll. 1's-ilr theS.I -1lr-Ielchcr ltcsc rllc~c'cl cc '.to I ezt We shall heeltere for a few c-curse'by ('hlcccy 'It C oItt St ni ll ccc lc giccl c'ccclc-c-loy ccsc days only . . . . . . . . ?Scicccrlccs-s. lprof-ilc-cIa cccchciecct 111111t UNIVERSITY NOTES. 'ccfl cclenlll'li5istoarccilc-tD 1! vs- iCalla; g ian & Co., orccatcry scoRkcc ill Dbe inc hccrco(,- 1Tcc lcl-ccscr ill-b( se- t iil ccc ic cc cc Ic'ITlcdlcccc1, r. lccic'cri'-oic taccc LAW PUBLISHERS_ CHICAGO. clcie. adncilI l llccp hetlcriliccce ciesciAt Schianede's, 50 South State at.. a prs t~- e lclc is ltc'in." forc'cccl ccitlo t ernoonc- ofc l ccel cl c'iciicrcl c. tscic-c-rsil(1iiy:_ Q CKSof 1Cliforccicc.'171cc'Iciciitr 111 l l tctcclsc LR KS1, T1 TB. I'cciictiet', l.)() lhs; cccl l bIceicci- ccOle 'cc llii cc-cc-S cf tiis s e1 pro )(,rtcy lulofll ccl 11ccAltc cA--(t-c h r1 'I 'll( c-- ccill blitwc sc-tin-cciGood ones that are tlt' 111' 111-cc-i ccl cl Sc' I ci 1111' arraisted. 1 tcsc'cy iIlfccccnc -'917, Iit-s-c-c cIc ccn lor lll'llitlg,11cclthc'iother fccc- ill-ic--$1.0Q $1.00, el lclcnllgc'c of tli lt l-Icc li1tlll fooit- 1,11115 c-ill'. 'c lll rt c' lcly icc Mlltoic-.l tr(ll.accilcist: gea'oi cl S'iccclcy if WM. ARN OLD, LEADING JEWELER. lclccr S. iccicBctt erorth. te l'clllcll"c clsir'cd by t11111'01 c liicc tc. vcce lc'icl bckcRis c-cclcicc 1cctcciro- Te'innlArborl Il' 11 N11u e-il FRIED~SEICK Ja. SCHLE E 1)111c'-iccl lcc'coi-thI'e-niversity ccofl'ccc'clcc UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY. formacicsili f 111. IcliS '''lfc ci I-ls Ilieds..Bosfr-om 125cets opwarcs. A re'clci i'cipi frntce- ciiccllts eil tchic c i-cc ttcccillllS ells Solid GoldcIFoustcc eccefor Si1.0,sOd Arbo it.i . tt. Run~ trp 'stc'. 75 5 I1asc-Linen taper fccc505conds. be clc c Nc'cc-at cc'c'c-Ly I l ii ::i 7c115 '-Ils. T'11ccrIc ra cincs l'ces'c 'Icic-do50 BS"STATrEST. cy e-enicng. A Ic'ccgcccccs ccill ic'e l it. 811 t l. ccc. 'P c' 11c-cci'ccl ai ll 11-- iic-ca -tiS c''ltcc-S litls arc' "lclcscc'c o' ce i tcccc-cli'' ~!cci Ih'nc-r'icccecocc c:cif 5Sic--f'i'M US IC ST JDI0. 11cc'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~NN ll'clllIcccSlscl1c''ciccs 1ccIcci1Illcclledcl'lfcccic PAOAND COMPOSITION, , ci(lici thi ccceaccill 111' cecccly ccc iccc'gc ccl' blockR f~cto I'ccccisc. Fccrcscce' a. IJ. 1iEiI\[ IF.._ irceiccs cf is-ec siiclesicis 1111 Ocsl~~lgeillci.22 S. DIVISION ST. A dceec-lddiclpetlu'ile'Ot cwcce Ilcne UT.of A.L Diing l~ccl 11 E. Liberty ic clurisig 11ec'catico icthlow1c(c'"let'- si. We a ini to please; if not1 pleas' IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A tics- iroccitof 1cthecteic-cal ciillin1it5 tellItee cc-S; if cw'sdo, leaectelleyocur STUDENT'S ROOM, 'Ilse iccr-e slictlicc doocsc lcce e e''111 i- fricts. $250 leer ceeks. 25 It iscgeccec-cely cceded thcat a striccoed ice- stcsscccct is aleost an absolute necessity.Toc c-ecs6e dccgreatcestejoymncct cfcom ill That have perfect combustion and .do not pecics e k es oecsehciislcd D i Msmoke or smell: Ex-pert judgmient prnues thlie "Bay Stcate" insetruments the fcest is the cworld, An excellenttlcstumnt stl the Thse New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, Thee Perfec- .c'- BAY STATE $10.00 tinSuet h rnesSuet h mrs tdnal YTT i11 A J.nickel plated, with latest improvements. We sell what w e ad- we Save Is stock ceaeper banjss than this, lent for a subcstatical, servicable instrument, vertise and guarantee quality of goods and are never undersold, at s low price, no ether isstromcatmsnofsc. Cred cans compare with it, COMP NY. Seasfcer ilusitrated 8esctelogoe, DEAN & O PA Y JOHN' C. SAX-NES & CO, 44 South Main Street. 453-463eaye-Ilagion Qtreri. B, sins. ,i