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December 08, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-08

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Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring
the College rear, at
'OFF'IE Times building, 759S. Male St. be-
tween Liberty and WXilliam Sts.
J. F. THOMAS, 97.
O. H. HANS,'9Sn
E. L. Geisi te, '9b L. F. S. SMONS, '9s.
B. B. M4EotHE,'99, ..H. B. SKITenosus, '93 L.
F. MI. Looitts, '55. H. H. CoSiSweN, '919.
C. SM. Darns, 99, Athletic Eiditor.
W. W. lloghes, 'Ss. S. W. SmitlE '57.
F. A. Facit, '9sE. Louise Dodge, '995.
W. P. Morrill, '98. Butler Lamb, 1l000.
A. .Smith, '917. '. tell, ir., Ill111.
The subscriptisn price ol the Daily isS;
gee the college year, swithia regularst'livery
befritooea chibday. Notices. commicaii~-
tions, al ohie mattlerintciided lor pubilicss-
tionsistlielandld is atthie Daily olbcels1)
foie p. m~., ioissmas ileto Olieeditoir' sifoie 3
p. so., of the day priosoti thaitsinwhc'
thengore esoci'ts'd ISotj~ear
subscriptions.may be lftas Thes' Daily
Oficer, leycros or Slisflet". Newstand, or
with Bsinss M~anager. Subcribers will cons-
fer a fseor biy repoetitic Sompi~ly at thi
isfficeay failure of carriersiiosdelsivrperi~i.

Sixty-Four Contestants.
The elstsiCes IItI is'e ,oietircslississ
is vie, fore i'Ch'icasgo id(Amiste' haiie n1o9
iloe sc andsi 164 resitestosilsh basenclii's-
sid the Society sesbate,. l111il l iiio
Siotles great isslis's't is IssitoWkcnkinii
Il'e' sls'lsts', sisd Ill' e'trori'nasry
lssrge' iistss's' sif s'slls's lts sisaid ls'
11ww9'sysililsof hoilldingthe lpreilimins-
sries pintss Iostlii'eleion osfsSi trongss.
soin Is t 's'isri'sslli lthe Unsiveritly.
l'Tet't's'lss s ocSssis'iy ill hlsitheii
lissist lshp sl'ltiilisl, 20''imsmsber, Iii' '
S1., sissl lssid lihe (c ll 'liii Thoy'Nii'
hosil theirsprliisnilryislisisy,es 1
ranksiings'lstlii sit'i'w'ill lwic olir t
hiss Soiss il
L.1 i'fli''rsssssliaiiSoc5iist1, tsis ie:
sceyill hlIa i'ir l''psiiissesl, Imsa15
slissi isid ill holils 11-l(is ar
'l'lsisssli c. 1s. iT heliii ur-soci'5.
prcimm Isiletsecl 5lii se' taco ls i'

/ i

wills (lie ttry of shelrbuyers ad it's
outs by a Issavy nmajority.1Footwsetr
shsould Cse topliuity.Tse feet coo't
sandttan thling else.(Pcice s solduibe
111o',5ss t10 keep the shelictaxewithain
bouns. You wntt feel ourshaoe
lies, istthIey will msake yotu feel
psleased. There are uo corn growsers
like Coalshsoes. Cmues to ls s aud get
sething ths't you scan we'ar yosrelf,
snsteadsifatheissheeseai'rinsg yoturfool.
L. CGRUNERY, Nst . MaonSt,

V. i


Thouset' l'tifllli $13.00Stilts, inathe
newlest Overplaisi sndPlsaids-
Green-lBrotwn, Bruown end Fancy
Nlixtllfus, the clthtles of today
maein l the fasionl of the dav.
Not at detail slighatedl except the

7, i:Dth t sl( n tlctc s A' i t t i l i 5 isit l 'l.''iii Ilii'iro i'ii i ' s i'ii 51 99/ i's_____
''. llss i''l sl'sl'l s ii' sl ii iri so sl'. l ii i',9s{,x' 5
-_li 7is/ta '- sIl i--liii s----iisisi-ii-' jliIll'lliii Clearing P rice--
aI blls lcsolltesi'i~~ , . ?I
Ini l li, is isisis ls5lisi 155t111o'iiii'i'r
Heas'o uld's. beirsis riously con'sideedic~t 0
o liu s lti wis' liers h'iII - n l iii5ss RN EO A I
Iteeded, certilyie. U t e<recoI 'soil 'igll isi-litaii cmi ih.'si'
to. asitile sso i llili wis's a1,1 to i:isil the p1.. llii liil \ hll o ey w l
Ii wiisi'l ssuslsyllslsldl rlimi nary11 to151'l'sesleciy. lis.T oeN byei.5 hrsaeD W 8 C n s ntfi
'luresi l 'shiexite111'iis'b i'tll 's'- 1 1''Ii .\sli'l sll i's' y Ills. I e j M i o lo v r t p ttr s
a i t o fS t itlt s's. l oitie i l5li' e Ai h l .a5 l l r e i ~ a t t l h e ; . 2' O 5
's'ives byatI l i e -lsle 11'st lculi ii it s~le I saly'115i s ill h~dssillil pose Isss'a'../.. ' i'
ubsrtit ohs''sf tses'sss-s' si 'is'siy ' 557iss ta =d liSoiety. b llse. threes' hiii'-. 1 f'o n a n te Soe o ua rn s i
(ocrif is s ll fs' hi s ' l i tt~ 1115 Wil 1 11 ol il i-tilsl sDe.Is'. ) .O
ill s's' t h l il 'hs ' s l ' ' i u h I l - i t ' ' s l . 5 . 1 1 1 h s ' 1 1 l s s s s
wtsh i f, bi t heii' l t'h1 5"s o11 l ztinhh slI s tis's- .'111dssh eyill l i ll d'ist i d e thsi 99111 1 . S ~ w
tihen. C"asc s-i'ns'rtes sil' i vs. IIrs'is'h i t' n hld sis l s oi l the'I si s Ie 5 his'
abusdanrelofits eisarl.Isir~lls Di7 Iyi i'lhlhhhthe'alTHE AuN''I'll ne-o - f n ay H ti t ole .A . ~~opulaCE Bran dsI'
lh o bess'il's515lev h 5' ll -ful i(i lssdebaie955 115551 hes s-l sshss Niiluded.
Dl'.: o .ts'i'h'lw l is sy'e l'o'i'51515155 I.IIs l hs's' il he ihls'll hs' ssi irdA '1y
sthe thni ob s's-r of otsifh'-le lw lst, M e OliebfreIt desibater~5,Bot ais ' SnoponO rchsr----------e.1
andfitlhiC 11 Its ba ing iontes~i 111595's l 'thu ''hos irtis :o1 li i''st. sIN- il :p sil'sc o
towrdsit betertldettCharles prliinA.. DEAN----------------------Ja.2
lto is h'ailc ommendhss s'sesd st. I susti ihs t:eticbI enht'ocsits w-h, 1 hsses x P e ie t H ris n--I- - - - -- - - - - F b
Dr I ur iclsS.tsby crresond- lls'ivr stish telshir, ihelidi. L te aln N il,(liig llll uuir- -..- e .1
fioa rtsuwil tesuti jehti ll tthe nosti((y dramhi's-s inlu'd'h ' us t'iiurssiifo~rithys~e. O atrca onet------------------ ach1
sf ltethe s offi rrsers isssofisthssstat'- ord"i l dlassests rirl osi.L cisPer Hls-----------------Api
lhitabIlea'td's-enrl-. tort-in s ssy' td cou; a~i ''c \~tnee'
- lllItIE i' t'I11i'h~i/ bE~/il Chnrlen .Dc an gs-------------------------- _--aril13
and isitotol sl:Iisls eve horlsl is is td ihtisS Iss " Ih ttrLein'ste ,' ites', .dS~XED S-A K T
eoe! asExticies.'le hi ''s. tssls'11s.N 1 211 oss - Pr sid n IFADMISIO
ois sbjertsyndat Cor ltitle ft bst N-ll T-avet11otite, $2 s too l 1 oiaellt IKT O NSL-eevd iht nsl iasnO ta Ple'
setd u t iiste.bc ibEE forVth DlF( ~ly. ,IJA E .PRITTJhnKedCorresponding-------------- e-Arlr13

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