A AAL of DAY, DECEMBER 8, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. Vol,. VII. No. 5 3. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUES 0® LD L D , @p FERBERT IS '97 CAPTAIN.iTh Lecture o Tuberculosis. LTRR OK RQIE lescn ftie seris of lectures L -AYWOKRQIE Leading Tailor The Popular "Dutch" Elected at on "Nu-lei andl Nclein 'Therap" In the Six Year Combined Liter- Yesterday's Aeeting. wl dlierd m0t vni y ary-ILaw Course. AND i±YrUL.L t t tihe Varsity foobll lueting last of thle nmdical bildinilg. Before tit INnerono reuets hae beenre- [ 1'1t7 - SPEIAeT. eing (. IH. 1 erberi w11a s naniuloos- Ithot' or' iligiiiiiiig of there Iti- tre (i-ricedby the ctntittee on the ren- F ULL UI SS SUITS A SP 1,ATY ,Iseleel cii triiliof net yar . at crilirhe tr oluiris h ic( .etif It 1-ined literary and law ourse regard- ____________________No tmalis ietttrt' known inifotaltil lirlty cintiesili we1 e tipp itter aid ik thie work that sould b)0trkniin NO. 2 E WASHIGTON ST NEAR aINll Aiciti gririthantitie fartiots )ti " oter chrss gent of telireslial depit tilt lierary departmienti. Iniew of NO,___2__E.__WASHINGTON_____ST____NE__R__MAIto lelearrnedlthe gitie iii tie AtnnAr- irett. The tn arose I1(51litpt issollt this factetthe esirirlittee hars fortmt- + titi1 br tHigh Sehooiliarlldie ihas labyi teofthliis 'lilas ard junirscderrartltigatei theltilowtin'rg concrete strte- orinte 1Vrrr'ily -serI-sitie iis isit- flei rotitti os it h i eliitor oart (trill o R~ob Roy 0mran year. Alswrys soriitg rnd re- theiitru1it tbeing dirtied rnd esioed ( itt order11111tI-ie wrathin tie liter- sone oftherrnewlteefa sttatrIs litble,'hre irs gitted aittpoplaity r l rysorn' l t ner i'irssrriis. IoIrrsty atn lttis'dpatrtmertsa ay tie sti- a srricess. iwe havreeit in bulk ard isevral o r y eneat pac- e V 'yy eror. r l l iii'e siiisttti a itt' iras restoried irririrtbittlilyon tere-ive'ssuly 'ortbitir ,iet isto ecesay agrs Its ucnits air sincer. We liol eryr ept r tothre-rotitectfo)iliseum whci aV( i of Ne tork. fir student'rbttii' Irbti Iisil irrrfi 'o tortuirrrttr tan t aplin t I' ty I l ioise of his fitirri ityerur tielotl' I -ng -- -te ndneo vr radi I~esa i ubnca, als ort PALIPERS1PHARMlACY. ii'lirit't'ifit-'lirl.iniiitsirIrsrtilnr-'t,'Itlscir-e: 46 T iurrneusr"able trig::nt arit-rtirun- 5tnitrir-tadlit-thc"." 1 Ittrrrrtiorl Lawtcitorrsel). lv;lt" uc"caln. Thei' Ioric ts ratrcir ivoidoti-l h eh C onstttinarl Lawrnst liti cal tn- 0 i 7I .Ul~ 11I@ n citt -run'. cuhtl tlrl,-of D ring l e iii ' riili-o rilois t) lk I 'trlrrls -in rs l f iiid sold at ia orbly. ease."' Iler i-id 'cass Iilt-liovet-c ht jstdy fl ane:rt ,,,GREAT REDUCTION... liThe 'Varrsity iciirr sill beIalnirthe dii'ilisi is ,ntimi-iiriiuslongs 115 in I istry-Tie l'rrstintllrrtistir- I itt ,30 Srtur'rday ttot'ttin. i-il l aiiat tilt );inirs alln rrirrisd inflei-tin. lily f titigirtt it'rtourse I 3 1and 4; Te i JCOBS & tJ..L A LLANDIJ. tn nts lrs oc il theliii' g it--ir I iritaird rnstritrtiorrrl tHistory'lof N slingtorrBik, Washlington s sit.ittitt Irdiitrl'ilsri11of l tntthtieSrli-Kinrgsr.-I"iot i EV RERY EI t5I tiirssr Wnrttut-irr'D'rc-. h - i it Ihr Iliiilrlt lroili I'rlsiirtrrrieitr rrnis SHOUJLD REGISTER riretlaher,Catai Nil Vitmirt i 1% t'lutr-rI c IV. . ihes-itered-1211 trCompra'raiie 5 'rirtlrl irrirtLass -AT--I-arn'nirunt Sr'nrt-r' lltiiil s een- tiri Ihr lsxiii ofi hr I lih- Clu'l tu'-tir W toure 221. O" crDu S~e tI. -h-lilrt'i.o-nunu-nI"ies. Ilsubjecr'-ltinas''irririr silts itPlilicl Ino-uly Ii Iistort-of tile It costs yu rirotrbirr o not negect it. l-rbritt I'rlty litgre. D tt1 - le i dy ll otsnlIhr Isin.' I tvri itirti' -it' if I Irrit rl ;srciety Corerof cSale arrd Haurn ts qMrittrtgr-i' litl5'isiasdr (I'-tht rnrt, h -I'- l-s nllmt ii'r7rl'r t'rrrs i: lr'nlr itsitt olitin-iletcon- 11 ' Iir' t r'srn'rpictuIlr isillbe hr t fIli rls. let l - lto(:ixhtit Ill detiti t -onlyriC o'unsi- :1: Princriples rf fltr Babyon Gar is 'tiFF BlSieT.I tI ii rl rtrl.i r ii i i r i ll-t I n I iiiiiiSiri t eo ir nit ceilr (t'r Iolirse 4; IMoey- All grades olharand rid t ol ifllowis i en ilIbtiing "dctohitirepor1' 1 111111solut tilli. l el thIeun eih ted li 11111 irirtsir(Cotrsr II). Xv. STAEBLIR, Savait,1hpe11. 1 ttirlritg-altrtthlt-ilIli-111'ilrtiissl 11IIrtil tntilisltt i'hrllrftrg- Telone Ne. 0. Or door ast cf Awed I- I01tin, trl uit '. l-Fletrt- niSnot-.lytrs. upon t 1heriurtiotu c l ititg i tin ' II 'iii(Course I turi )Eln r l i r s y-1a ean Huer Iirestolil'tird t'raspr.' nLib, ni-itni grin-s. M lrly aI berutifuil poem,. ie chulo~ris Wtrns 1it ntil211. U IVERSI.IY SCHOOL Ihm eladTonu. Isd a ensoldb1a~ f hs lb lil~v teTh at- r suirsat fris lnnbtth leaniis will Ie alit "ri y I c snu slllt ntilourgtfri lu OF DANCING bthihooreaderr( TseIitnavi]rill tnitsnutltiemet-fo OppolstteLaw Bilding. 5.00 a smestr frreute Icec it atgr- lefrs.tteti ea h ~lg tue irs cnisarorik. 'unty inn rulnnrariI-I" In- dru ylr 's tt't it- rhhg." IrnI erini 1h n sttl 'ibr r is t p, ,iii lint aEictn 27' 1 Thomnpson Street. Will Give a Junior prom. Art"hur' tils ruied hitsoulorthingThenluts iinittl' ca lled to elct oth- -A -' l jn - d m nti he lplManttusltu 11rid ;Iir''n llt heun'osl ni'f in-ble iiba thuhug sunf es malr l tin 'rteon- -AT- I SP RE, etedaynitrnnand lit-Iltti-rIhesrt p-retsentr-aleithri ithur hrssin fr01utr i ins.hibecausr f stine!t' snnnilrittet WAH~ BO K STORE KstntafconirlelertIht a' l !Hoch lthll'l'otr t ttin ti' uia fol i s of fheini ii te ntittitheelni t 01rontsitwastit life invite every student to visit sonpcosonoteponed-Isihi lndtotlummlru hu htosniis ntl rilroi tnt inheinulisiitithe lnec clubrntsit our stores. Whbave a targe suppy ditcsoni ecided -ttutoInn gis-a junne ssuuorhnt 'its annttr'n curnl'niedihintt itIti enrn i liurstt sunn hn it of second bend University Text tnnontrnldO.rt Vi si-its -i-nl lirtss trgh till-12 centoshnuofrtheiip1111111 siillsetueagIini ntther entiter'ing Books for silthtie departments.lirrat7:4pin Law' and IrMedica Books. Germnan (hantiman Trtleardway-nlshoulnnd apponint a grpitnctandtit tinri'rirnns-r' anrnr.litae't7111. end Frencb Ciassics. andntthns i-hss serertary notrify toe Atouit 173 prsiosiwerlrst'lIlttnd A Paper on "' Conscience We sel tbe best student NoteI Books 20 cents each. ptltronatde-tcommittter-. swhich-h lounlall wsi-n-elstli tlsedr withi tieleu'rner- pound.et ienPa 2'cnt-erI' lillsthl trSrcity' srill hldor The est inenPer 2 cetse ontsist of ve.nir mcfront 'at of il(nn apptlauderdl nthimtliralyhsrx rgnnrnii'igw-tnslI We buy and exchange second ltill-ary fratetrnities, andu foureirde- Agents for tins lWatermoan Foun- tNewis il etia lnciatt c sarlleun'tNoal Shorolrintea r'ogramtiiit onis2 t oS .ipeir 1vin ban en o.beeetdb th omt.Te Mathematical Instrumsnts and eacasolta ta ie ntttimbirs te ii c0thiganninterll--elsgiatetisAnnie Louise F3at-eecon (rn Thebet riessot veybdy.seosd tto evatyerybetonndtyr.pteshouldlltstltsTtaynr--e-aullyl-fdtefnecit. Ant ttnursatrtemptni o prices nnationnl' folorwed b ly a general Gaive us a trial will betue nnto holidi te IlrrnOntade erultinsix gamnil tndttthis-I. ofIrtRrlensir tos nrtsr at!nsn W AHR'17 BOOK STOREbtetween semesters. serer the only ones hr srrrn' against wiut also te disposed of All studet Up Town nown Town Statistics on the use of the general them hy ores-u 116 points~ to thereinterested aree cordially initted o be 2 S. state St OppoieCor Hoseltbary e hein aem hswe, opnn;1.peet Ann Arbor Main et. n~~a ae li ek pol-iO1 r-el