THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WE HAVE HALER'S The Best ......6 WALIDO 3AN3OS_-I.J JEWI[ELR2Y $5S.00 Christmass that are beauties. If you doubt their STORE 0quality ak Mell Gillespie or Mr. 4 .Mi tet Present Mateinbaeer. Preen Seihaer THESE ARE ONE PRZICED GOODs. PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY is a Pocket Kodak. It takee but we will shade a little to cloee n e h etsrie a good pictures and is easy to before Jan. 1st.angethbsteri. work Ful isitrucioneOffice and Stable, 32 Forest ANN iRI~iR IVIU IC O.. Ave. Telephone 106. I cme with it. If you havei 21 AND 23 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. Bac fiea amr'Pamc friend who don't want one___________ /~~rt~~ H N RDRSVNSDN it's because he hasn't seen it Cnoio at.o.. aa spiets aia tei5e5 apusase .,. a~~~~~ay addes. Pcs a ia. tc ,R 000 S rls 100 -'_-_ ]LID q teU~ (7ir pond 4e. Organied under the enera Basing Laws S.R'rae'1aidca lta eeatthis State Receives tdepsits, bys and ,./suretn5 orU . alt s ells exch.ngg as the pricipal cities f the ri United States. Drafts cashed pn propr CAKIS! PARAC Biidentification Safety deosit baes to rn. r d C..ncCll Capptal, OFFICER.:urlsandckPrefs4W..D. W O Z E LPIIL SALT OF MENS FANCY SIHIIRT el Surat s credit.0 MAKESTO ORER iTransctsa a general basing business. MAKES O ORDraein exchange bught and sld. vrnish WOMEN and M/fter EN'S Beginning Novenmher 28 and continaing for 10 dlays We will E. . INNE, Pes. HARRISONSOL Easy Fitting Shoes in all the place on sale 36 dozen Men's Fancy Shirts. These goots S. W. CLARSON Cashier. Latest Styles. lre perfect in cut anti make. sonae have two colars and one -_" f pair cuffs detached, some no collars and two cuffs detached i nlr 2ll~ll$1in 'Bet Place sonie with collars detached and cuffs attached. fore ER R HEPIES N Si5 . a. and neraoi Streets. CptlM 0. Srlsn i,0 .Transact * gneralaiaghusinss. Repairing _R.________Pres.__.___.RGREasEs',iPeC.res PaE. 1.BtLE, Cshier. jg]p ( 1, E o V& V( o 21 S Main Street, WAGNER & 00., Ann Arbor. Lowney's Chocolates. UNIVERSITY NOTES. AT THlE GRIAND OPERA HOUSE. HtLnhs heiii U. Iihulirateriity11g1avl t1 Thle mrry coedcy, "IDr ill," frm lTUTTLE'S, 48 S. state St. bonhalit ri dalii~~y ecil.i ii ii' he arden teaer, Newl'York city, 43 5. Main St.- UpstairsI. Ilure elisnbnhii. TAKE HOME ONE _________________________________ )1 M~urel'sels lii ha vii is tie' attrationi at te Gnintld05'OUR lit sec tion iil.vhave it il a mitl i oniiOipl thtoisew'Modyiveninjg, Decei- * l Fl ~. l~r I:r on hw diy14r . Ri a :relineid high-iaissica-r THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, IDal I-ia i. Maclhi ' a-i 'inlr' d 111and ll laughter. Every char- SPOONS OR PINS. tufarnish yea with a first-lass Funtain aulie'4in (lrviil REaida for'saea 'l iaicir i the illay is a t'oiiedy ('laac' A NO DLEADING JW LR Pen n Paand isg repaiing a specialty. lv l-lwekqee as nd lehrtatuglier reigna alpi''ie.. e''li('WM -RIVElIMULCALJd le sii irha bin iniiedli'lwith MUSIC STUDI PHOTcY IR.A.PHS (appicleil and liasifollhiwv: l ]Ii.siiacceii'er'matle bieeginniiiig. iOeMI SIuji . j ---Special alte oSeniirs at .Iiis. 'iaiiiiiaii .1. De lau. (ia. f tieii'ehtfiaures ofthiiia erry PIANO AND COMPOSITION. iierr'yr'nal's 0. C'ok. Miss Saic ieies,'i. lixa l'om(li isii tie liaousiKangaroio Jeni 'ilcic'Miss Kidna IHolbtroo. iiii. nc liili 1o11 sillfr "Dr. 1B111' R., 'j. J'l11PIF E. Huron Street. 1AI1a1 ieulrmic ngOf li 'he thle proudntitle of hiin te lay 11.1ttiesom Sttgart Conesrvtory, German. h________________________la a iictae wie hllile wolditl1lauh. I 22 S. DIVISION ST. Ant n eufe ilruililli iei'y. Friday evening, Diic. ppeas parieular l4olades and iiiri 4,'J1.Ji.LAi' .Pro ,at t.S. ('oplelandilgve ):1Highly rcd'ifollks, buliii 1(11a wvholeseic Jst Received a Large and Elegant [ A~~i toss ski iiriiiaii ccl:li iillssia elI Line of New ipesT! AND TELIESCOPES. vstdSiin lBll: nnnc ill" wilii Ogltihe lesoeiey evenlta r Huylers and Wlliamsaand Werers Ce"rp'sie uin h atsme. hclt o os "reels and aValises Repaired Neatly and f lID siasiin, and anyne ho enoy R..E JOLLY &, CO. Cheaply. Na. 17S l Main st. AIalgelielils lile'being nade fr a a go' aiil .niy laugh sholdlinoit fail to lS.Stte BIlSae cIk. lare re'epnt'tll oli itileh e niui'm'sand.ii I ailini. 'Y i~xT ior renso ieaeil.U. OF M. CALENDAR. Groceries, Provisions Have you seen those Bobby The isxth and tarialicture il te) Suit Milard s trnin outsaties of Baldihclt-lires, inow beig Di. 7TRoomi1t i 5p. n).-Meichg itf and all kinds of Sanitarium ielivereid by lihi'1tIt. 1ev. C.-A\Variy footbalilayers fiirthie elec. Foods for sale by -X[ILW'.A.RD 40 State _St. tmllllttie of Vriiivlliegvilen tlex year's cpain Stimlsoni & Co., De.7 nt~r~i cucSpiii - 24 . STATE ST. EENTS(JHLER, in St. Adrlew's ciurich, Tuesday, Dee. Unityl Club ciurse. Lecture li v.e ______________________ -.PHOTOOPAPHER1 S. at S p. m. The sitljet of tiii let'- IV. 1vs. et'n, of (Ilieago Sibiectt AOL H POORPE AN RO.MC .ure will bo, 'Tie Sequel oathe "Tinnnrysau's Idys it te lxiii, DasL HingHTOGBlock, Tenmptaton." Dc ,RsiC :5p iI ls Ann Arbor. mneing. ".rr r 2.00 gets The Daily from now till l'iiyle 1 rna' cdtey. OP S. SAVINp PARLOR and alk- jJ it l -Sophoumre Hlp.U. reams. All appintment fistnias.. the1.I 4L4 R end of the college year., Imprted and destsi cigar. Ladies' atis- . D~ec. 11.-Boston Laiies' Sympoy tie hair dressingĀ¢" and bathing parlors. a Suboribe for the Daily. Orhesra ini S. L. A. course. sairs. J. R. Treanewsi 'is S. Staest. DOES OUR AMP MOKE pOS. MARTIN, Funeral Directr cloth DOES OUR AMP MOKE1) *and Metallic Casets and Fine tGrade -T:~E-Coffins. avEmbalming a Specialty. No. 17IllS Futa. TRYREDSTA OI--N SM KEF.LN, the State Stree Tailor. Latet ___No Chand Wicks, No Offensive Odor, No Fouling of Chimneys- Styles. Bet Goods. Inside Prices, W do U every thing in our line, Cleaning, preeing A White Light-Burns freely to the last drop of oil in the lamp and reparing at lwet prices consistent with P R N E -Clear as spring water-lOc per gallon-Delivered in our cans, c aer. ods called foe and ei ivrd 10ee 5 les . .Stats tret. ive promptlySold only by us acal. DEAN & COMPANY.Sbsrbfrteay d*vertise in THE DAILY. 44 Soath KXain Sioret.Susrb fothDal I