THE UNIVERI TY 01? MICHIGAN DAILY. WAIDH-AVI, YAN &RUB ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR tlack Buil Un terwear, Ypilani Unfli i ii for Men .ANeD Y-PSIL.ANTI CELEBRATED RSWE ATERS Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann .Arbor. Gall and examne before buying. 28 and 30 South M~ain st . IqGHIGAN GENT ALj line titlble(evisedi"clot."'W16 Mal nE x-Fe -34r N Y.S cl_-- c- N. Y. Spca -4,8 M l -_ -- 54; A.l M.o t I ' tci d 1 4f Atlantic F__ Id(ie e i> 1tO D. NN.Eepie~sclli---- 1l5i G.R.Ex ret --1If5 C i.0N tt ioEx--- 41 GI'.&&Tr Agt.,lCicago. A L 0cAnn rbo RAILROAD. 'Timie.Taibiii, Oil.27j, 0101. NORTH. I SOT . ii 7:0a 0l. . - 7:;l010 Fa.. it W. H. BENNETT 0. F. A. Toledo O. THE KINDERIGARDEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS The I IC' 101' UREofth G4EO. S I Orat 11 X 0~7 10 l I I v 1 1 11 ; 0 1,. ^-Ir Y 1 .i ly i I _I J. C.FREUD, 99, 47 . University Ave. Whlesoale Cigars, Tobaccos aii oket Book or 2 etsU ('izaees.~c 4J ' Ul V L CL D. Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. No Some is Realty Complete Without a sew 1897 Model td i '1Guitar, Mandolin, cai S IIUUIIIBanjo or Zither. Wa 55 illiiii i enrou pplaitey o that n o o iii From $ig.oo Upw~ard. The iiew l iieico 01~icliis aicldpa1r frmf ciersyles. It . iste inew3e, diiiii i estad li iiiies iiandoiini'cll.eieiinditdoiappr00ch1: Nkn librseeth Ce oekieeli'lged standar'd ef the world. iii he:y ae used eicliely by he lead:'linge ,aricle, Tec ersandGlee Cilb. O1cr new00 i. anc fl~l informait.'ioncpics,doee nts, tc .,e wllcbe' A Washburn improeso with age and makes a CoiC hat iacreases ialuae as the years go by. Iti 'ralyceworthiemaytimesits ost. WALYON & HEA LY, t. B AASHl AVE. & ADAMS ST., CHICAGO. I XcW11h100e(quite a1n1 l ortm)ttllttof good oc 111ket Books WIhiChi 010 11110 j1111 it tth111 isi(oF. W 1131e 0 F01111' 1llt 01FF 1 ortt 1 11111'. ] / C1)T ' l7 F_. Washicgtoin. IvJullllfleryS .3+)_ up "tore, Cor. 4th Ave. Thet OnilgSittienii3Gar Line 1100100 To-a ildo and Columbuhs. File Onig Sleepiotg or Draigsoo SeemOarx Finsehbtween Toledoe, t'ielumiic and f Maritta. the Onlti Drawing Soots For Line Iiitweo3. Totledo, Coleumbus an11 tharleiso,~ W. Ita. Ilictes nSleees betwesn tolumbuc s,!n Chicago. TH TNONLY L~INccih 4 traiensce csraycdlly betwecn Tcledc asd Coluimbus. THE ON3LY LINE w~ith 0trinschilwacyon SundaycobiteenroTleoan ol 11111 jTHN ONLY LINiii cicto 5 traise c wy dailyc between Tclcdc, Blolin~g Gicco snd THlE ONLY LINE wcith 2 irain s ei way dlI beween Toetieo adliChu-lesonW.Via, TONE ONL.Y DIREC1T LONE betweecn Tiileao 100d the Vliincias THuE Pt'ULeu LINE ',teee Toledo, Fcito. ria, Buciyrus,Grnilci'le and Newark. Foll iniformaioncorelativco rese, tinilo cf trinso, etc.,cwilileiheerfully furied byc anys Agestiof tle 0110 Ceniral Lice'. MOULTON HIOUKC, 0. P. A. TOLEDO, 0OHIO C_-and Opera House. A. J. SAWYER, MNgr. Toight, Dec- , THE-I.E MRRY (OMTAIE "Doctor Bill" F cciii the (warden Tlcoime, Nocw YorIk. C[4I[11S) AS NMRS, ORIONI Prices - 35c, 50c and 75e. 4 THE NEW COLLARS, .IllinoisStudents. A lwo sido,11ol is i t t s1 held111 il ci oolld: c1111 Lii ciii 1111 1111 ic'51 oi l -I1' 11l iii'' 11>11t ,M 1 liii ^ 11 00:0 cl iiil:'iiic 11101 esec. l iii pulooof theiO i131 loiii' wl:,lwoc3 S t 1 . 111 i 11;- o 1 111 1 'i li':oi3' 11 forit' li ll i ii' n1ctoil 'c iii 1,11'ir or- iii111lelio il t~ztiliiiiii111ooe ol lilo' col.ic :1 G.1,1 11ol ii ici'li' 111 1 liii ii r c~i h ' i- o1,1c loci hoc11.10 Rch iii' od 11101 co'i 0 c11 'Icl hi s i 'acci11111 ieo i t- * ~-,1s:. II'1111' Sil'l io oril I liii Seichill(o' oail- ro, is 11 c'i'1A oite I itter lt I~tt111, cilii'10'In li' Art"i l who i w th il;', ol iii' lbiore Deci. I0, 1111 reporit'illi'iint u o 1 cwihcl i :e iir'cc A1. L.. 0 i 1101 1, D at (I\1 1111 .'10111 Ii' i 'Il" in Icci01 ii ii 1'iciide artm nt iA i Ie Illi 00I i c ll i ee. i l, ii t:10 11i . ill, Roomi iel c c c i11' 011 m (.10.1.. 1Oi 11l.11i1 olt Weli i ii e(i)'i' I cc i' i I )IIc'1 01cc ii cfall L~ l AA .I r ii iiii 1 0111 11111 111( 1 O '' ;d1 . 1 1I I T AND N M A I tool 0"ulliilcl'c. IFe"'iii- el c i ri- ______________________________ ccli I o cc i 1 iii c a e relot .I new10 Ind l.11--e .isoil liof ci'c.0'e'lii.,c i lull to II B e S u re. ill 1the' licio l 'clors a11110 ill ccl lo~iili I'11 1i 11110. to 118 doIcourIii ou're R cig t '". ...a. 1A 1' .... . . . . ccicici 1111IcitO li'O' ho' ilelio. Al 'c~c ~t I' ' l~l'. ii'. "ilil.ici'I 'ilt 1'.1 0 il It Thieectlots of trickc in the trade stnd, [chesed wid 5111ellier 'nllnte'I'5 of t 0 (1111l) o iii' lic'I'c the' l iii 1'113'"Iem111 t ihei'niIl- Ctieyre practiccd010re'thano you thinsh FOO BALSU PLI S_________ire ___ied _______ Ilt. tilillli'h Ib tis esoliig. E-I'O' 111one but sot here. ooBAILS PP ES I otlieiilclldliltt1'i. I' This store miaklesouesusre you're eight. Everythlinghigtor the player - Jackects, Smbcribe for the Daily. i scoldttenid.llit Thistre gaasteasyouasafe invest- Shoes, Stockines,IJeseys, Shio Guards, t aeent ofevrdolryuptioshs etc. Soaldiog's official tstercollegiateTe c rs ce dla'o otae Foot Ball, officially adopted by the Ier-. ' Ai we soll.t is a good Shoe Store, fult , collegiate Associatids. Complete Cats- ichig n o e he M no genc l ood 5thoes atprices way down. togae Fall sod OWinter 'Sports free. "The GodRubesto, fiolgatthm Same the GCaseantee'0pliito date 1n its business nmethods. Vide awake to tleiersts ocf ill patrons Go olr oi e attoi SPAL INC & ROS Reasoable Is is lerms.All thocsei'enteeoelatis rteatching ad.osilCe desios of A.G. SA DIG&BO., advaocement is their profecsioosare cordialy isvitecd all and see as.i if New York~.:Vhicagp, Fhlladetpbeia. 28 SOUTH STATE STREET. W IG G : eifllarU 14 Subscribe frethe Daily. Room 1 and 2. - Ann Arbor, Micb. 42 S. Main Street.