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December 07, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-07

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VOL. VII. No. 52.




O (D 1JL S.D , UNION LEAGUE ORATOR.I University Chess Club Engineering Society.
Thie chess club will meet tonight, for Prof. C. E. Greene reatiia valuable
Leading' aifor Michigan's Representative ChOs- the first time lhis year, at 7 pt. u. in paper before the Enlginering Soiety
j~j 1 en by the Faculty. te Engineerinsg library. The object at its lat meeting on "Comparative
AND I PORT R,01 the meeting to to elect officers for Esonosy." Ie developed several
& .J IM OR ER frh Union League Club, of Chicago. the ensuing year 00(1 arrange a ched- Inmattematical formsuilae by mseans of
has ett its annual invitation to Tes- ttiat will give the msemsbers oppor- Iwiich the relative ots of diferet
FULL DJHESS SUITS A SPECIALTY, isistt Angll to select at student to tinity to mnet for regular pactice. pricesd and different linedi structurs
___________________ represent te University at its assssual Tils is rielot's seosnd year anti asd mahines can be accurately' si-
clir atioss of Wsslshingtsssss Birthday. it is to ibe hotesthsialtlshere will ibe s tersnined. Some of the resslts o-
NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.- NEAR MAIN. In answoet to fise following coissuun-materital increase its ie simberolip. taimed it eamtses workei Out hr
u1 d aioss thss'factulty ave commttunicatedl All lovrs of the gameshuldts join, P'rof. Greene wee qiuite vauable is
- ~ ~ ~ ~ t tie leaguif ie slectioss of Mr. B-. asd no unessroslssds be deterred by the sggesting te 'dffereurs' between
R 1ob R<oy I.Ais t96, as the relnscs'tsatise feathta he "ansno play well atual fatcts and poputlar belief 'in r-
fs sof thesew petfames that is omtt A ichigas: enosgh." For those wvho wish to ii- gardi to the relative coos of diferest
asuccess. We have it in huh.,
sandis several very s eat pact-Chiciago, Ill., Dec. 2, 15t96. iprove so better op~ortnity could be I ipried esgineeissg structures.
W aveIt a oensanoasce.
W aeaits o0lent neof P'sd's aie ~ tgl, desiredtasttdsmay smay findsltat they After' the reading of the paipes'con-
perfames made y Solon Palsser Univer~ity of Alichigall, casgvabelsacost'ftsts-idrbetsis'swstassts.
of New Yors. Osear'Sir, Ftr Ssveral yeasrsthesle thasn Itey sposeod. 51he' pay- S. Vsltit sas eletedh corespousi'
$ PALME'S PHARMACY. wenisitcau Cus of ili~g, sossst fee of 25 cents will adssit isg secretary; E. Al. Ilisuortis was
46 S.STATE ST. clsbrated Waslsisgtsss's Bisthdsy y trany sudsent to sesstersii. A totur'un-es-ctest registras; It. . Gsrsos,.I.t
__________________________________ au"sn t num ssssber of pusblic sssdsrssesswent51will be heist later !iss tlseyear Leansud Hsri. B. Mesricis u-r s-
ss be ldlsvc'cd isfor' ie Cic~ago isi sit an fsrt svll besmsade'stosig ipoinedi sn te riesogamsscommtittes'
G OI G ® g beisdscofsth ie psdub iicschbfrolsfi (l iss
by ers'entatives selected by the absout a mseting withs onts or ssore of ad F. E. Sects' was mass'iatmessber
ti f Bu i e s tain"grslls'gesof lt'counry ront tss' western-sscolleg'ss. of thie libssrarvsommittee At s'sssssit
sssssg thssn stutdenti,.FnlAtinlcssr. tet' wasssalso appiointed to has-e 20K)
Teproeof these celebrastionssc-opies of the contitutiisss printedt.
Our entire Stock to be ts itcultit h aliger'tapplreciations sstAnoster smeetig sf te jsttior class Tie nstxl ectre befssre the sscit
this'v'alue sandssaresdotligtions o vitss'hissdsi Iis asftertnoonssat :15 ittwl esei-selhyD.Ctleo
sold at a wAllebirasiveredibycr.sLasies.
..GREAT REDUCTION.... te uisenssslcsreats'embssters oftst' lsss '.Ssss is so ssg.te "letririsy frostssoal" 'le lsctrc
two pses°sradge'slssof ts tte l schols otis ('Ottt repres'' sntt'5 insg tse itsslsr'isw-ill be givensit is tepysisal labot-
J1A.COBS && I1LMANiD, ofChIiscsgo sanssthirt'invitesd frtcis.O'tsha les nf'5't155ltsthIls'frastesrttiess y antd will be 'ilusssts'ltsate by xet'-
Washington Bik.. Washington s.at nsd Itise sxrcsessconsis sf a shorsst Iits ssutinsc sf tesiss onst sssf tcs's sostmets.
hivroduesto resrss biy ss.sn'essbsr osItf ae.'' ivsisis s t s'etes'os-st-
EVERY' STUDEN r thss'UnissntLesagues'Club athe ovaiseAdephi Preliminaries.
SHOULD REGISTER issnsof ue sisy t be' d'iiveredl by fle iss tiise5 isin ' ss fts' juntlirtiparty
-AT- represe'ntative, ogetsr is'stillsesles'- contsis. asu sstg' be'fosths ofssonet ti'I'list',sme'etitgtof ist' Aolih!Socty~
3r ro ~ sD u tr.tsiof ittistiis' isusic. ssmsansfromss e'achl5ftttecstiy andstfout'Sturdasly night opened' with aper
it costsyou rttohtlsgont s t it.bn
Crser of Mais atid Huron ts ls itthe in League (t'111hb havsitg te s alsssly t'tspittsihls'fsr aypssts soo-by Sr. aistuf.who is at native sf
ceslsbrtins ltssisCharstge,. s h sas isd'ed t tls hlsi. si 'slstsr-t so h a'-i tttcoutsry. 'T'he rgtular sebtste att
O A~~~~~ am , esx u stnlie invsitations to twle leah'dntttr ibt epwrd ocie
slelltgradettsaoffhasd hal s'ucollegishs'sth il tstst's, s-dsoh if(t' otti needetdtl'csls'sl the5sir osst on Otthi s' ht'titn tatit sthirst taty esan
Bahylos Cua s Tug nEST. tnetts',snts'v-r bs scs'sful ii lte Ituti~s of
Algaeofhdasof olleafoffra omtee1:Udrce
Camel Coal and Cute. - to extendshto ABis-htigtitt ticty 5"',In his'frtt i ,s'wsilliprobabsily 1st-s. t' stinedStstes. Messr. 1. fBsosw-n
X. S'I'AEBL.ER, invsitatissnstsois's-Ict ar rsrs'stshi st the sir aswuoer this f1ern'n,'ndsttttusasns I.iB. V'alls' srgueshfr le itirnis-
Teehn o .One door Rss of Amei- ftoti its Siississts ts ds'liv'sr sitsd-
TepocN can House. s ress uothta 1:1t r 55015. it twoill be theclast opotutstity for sis'asite ndH-.(. ('sshlou _anisiL..
NNI E S Y This'trasoelissg e n e, sitdshtl a.sttlemen'st fthe atessites'severy Dsisi fsr thetngsti-e. This'debat
U ~ 1 bIVE ST 'S H O ills ofthess'peroin sls'stesdowill hisesms'mber's'of '98 is sexpec'steds titb- ises- 05vas ton tshe 11'ng'stives'by sa teis-
0OF DANCING omne y tis'esclub. eit ts vst' ottthe flsd seisiofthesitit otof5500ot otis.
Oppote Law Suldssg. tO 00 a omester for Phescessle'brstionusts's'e benscesstsi-scis. 'liesoctityis ssaking g''atrittetret'
trn lessoss a wen. dusts of grest intre'ostisd stetftlness - -ti thi'esssmig debate;ithilsChicago.
27 Thompson Street. atish vi' trust tsat you uill slct t Jeffersonian.
__________________________ sitabsle trprt'sentstliv-e'of yort ut- - Thirtncnteushstsnts enstredite tres-
-AT- ttiin ho vioit is asisidslivr sitsora- A goodsizstesdaudienre s'icmlthrtie lis"isiasy ,osteot ho lke 1p1sac iet
AHRS B OK lonupn thsocaton.meting ofsthlist' tsroosian Scity atsrshssyDes. 12sant SAlonday etsr-
W AUWeB O SO E h llibi' gisidIts ansoor tasny in- Sstrsaysight. This' pr'og'insi in5 s t'this- es'iseastvig this'high-
We wihmyb aeb ou-rnee f, invite every student to visit siiiso-ss-issytctatsui bt-r'ssess oiihlish'l l ist'110 Daily. its Its: sssrks eschevenisntg sill te hosess
our stores. We have a large supply self or your reprersentsative in relatison this' tegtlar debate ot t hhe iuestiosnssthto. le t h~~t lhiolyeeig
of second hand University Test to the smsstter.Itome udbtThrayvnig
Books for all thse departments. Rpn o aoal el n neaklpnsiln hudb bls-Dv 7 rmteesx he e
LaL ndMdiawBos.Gran SopndfraMaoaedircayalda cBtooks.shssss hsuilb ll GermDan 7 Foi tee i hrr is
and French (,lassics. early atisouncemnlt of the name an eel Atesrs. (rassitoss asisiCadiurts wilb' sletd to representh the o-
We seli the best student Note address of yotr tepresesstative, w-c s-- argtued for thie afirmnative, and Jacob- irly.
Books 20 cents each. iaii Very truly yours, stil and Shanahan for ue tegative. rThe -sicsanst art: C. B. Hurrey
The best Linen Paper 20 cents-per AZEL F. HATCH, Viejde, esr.OhyO-t .S.ahesCV.rot I.BTu.
pound.Th jugs esr.OtbOe T.SLahrC .TroRB.Vl,
We boy and exchange second For the Commsittee on Politial Actiois
band books. of the Union rcigeagC lub. anth Disk, decided in favor of te negsr- W. B. ItarrisotsAlass P. Cox, W. B.
Agents for the Waterman Foun- -ttve. Eleven tmembers have entered Pikin, M. J. Site, F: D. Rssman, J.1.t"
talc Pen. Te second lectuse of tsr special the socily debate its wvictihe timen tint.I.tuseB..Josn
Mathematical Instruments and 5Ria, .Rsel .B ono
Drafting Supplies a specisity. corse beinsg givess by Dr. VaughanthtoeoapargintisWhstrtuI.j.M ray.
The best prices to everybody, will be delivered tnigt at 8 o'clockSoitwllbchsn
A Give us a trials Socitywilbe _hosen
W D. BOOK sOR I the lower lect-ure tooms of the sed- Aiss Gracie Toight. '9. died at her
W. S OR chal building. It will be a continusa- The '98 football 'testi had a group one In 'tira, oih.. Weneday
Op Town Down Town tion of the previous lecture on the sub- picture taken Saturday on tie steps night.Sie left the University in O-
10. tate at. Oppoite court Soase. -fte nstrntbr
Ass. Abor. Mats at. I je, Nulein and uclein Therapy. f hegysusm.ter

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