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December 05, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-05

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tublished Daily (Suadays excpted) during
the (Cllege vear, at
ttFItt'tt'Ting'[es building, UT Sitlain St. lbe-
tee Lbertty 'ad illiam tst.
0. 11. C I ,'U"
&,L.Gtlt ism 'U~i I'9sL .S.a41taa'U
B. B. MU) ttme+ , '9.. .i). S . ta ta, '9S L
F. D1. Itatat, '!).t .1. L C OI tIN, '99,.
W,. W. 11n, hc'. f S C. WU.USmit,'97.
W. 1?. Ut taO)!,"9. atler Ltab, 1C0t..
A. 91Salt U. C'bi ) U.
fortheceeaa yetttarMha llrdtv
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tt'ee l-needs')'t17 'thili"ti li)) tll

Echoes from U. of C. Weeky.
Uc<tulif ''itiag C ttiU t i'" i t
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))'il( ~ ca )lit u t 'l law ttolit
1it i a1 ( 1% l

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itlorsty Ua.i'avy iajority. FItelar
'U Cshouldl ibo tp UCliuil'. 'liii'fa lt an'I
I a' laow, st ito Ckleep lt'eiIUshotaxt. ~iia
NCbolt~ltund. Youaa a't tlfee1 leurlihoe
prt~ licest, biil iiie'y UCill Iitilit you'telai
lilae litd shoii'. C'omttei to utuFindet
It s ' t'tti tth t iyucn w a o rf ,,f
14'intead ofteso corhi yourMaloot.


" 4t ti

WERE $18.00
Filti t f'lC ill Blltckan l i1 B' o.
U ira IC)1 mad1e't.'ith"'thi so ae
ililtol CCork.
CIV, aC hilaper 70) 'olsify.

s l dhbes tar WthiBn Fksg
N VRO V, 23HOuEO,5
Thorke Nobby $1. 50 Shirts are now 98 Cents. 1)01S't f'ail
" to look over the patterns.
1-4 0f on any Mlat in the More. Popular Brands i

a)31Cf' Ilit),idefea lld tI ii rrt' 1a:'t}it' (li)1. olit li' lt iiif cier' ft'ii l tt'TME ANNUAL A.A% 0 U NCEMMENT
5etli Ctt l iatt fa l' a ll~tl a ve iiiI Cia ClIt) afne ii it') Uatithehlt'it' l'.i" ilai til- j___________m ~
>t gamnt' bettet'en Chicagtoti1a11n N'Aiscait a red lih'U'l t lieii' l-U U')'thC' tttihi hand
dui. So te him Ilih~uti~iIU tltt'tioias h thse hluu'OhU 1-lo ithl've ftift'og'e it Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra--------- Dec. 11
itill op~en. If itithi afg-ui'Ctls asthlii'lted ul a niCUU itli' Oiteli'olvt s Charles A,. Danla . - .Jan. 21
tl~itae toU" a i' illttfi, ll liat <t de th Uas ) it li'i'liii ''IthenUi. 'I'iu tI'Ex-FresidentHarsn- -------- - Feb. 1
Iete tittaICICC till itaiveIatoldo, IC in theCC1illbte rtaity-fur pltc~wt ional soniicaiiLuther Laflin. Mills, (Cllieatit oaXluCililNitln~tel)---- ---Feb. 12
future, twill ba to wCulnIt)111iiafet t)ill~~ ia) t'Ut. c. Imperial Qatt---------------March 12
goodi mlCCI eatrw a'n id eniterliiefllranks "I )- Oratorical Contest----------------------------- Marchl19
If until1 all t[CiagodCmeCofC thettf e r-n ndBhairff e \.Lucius Perry Hills----------------------------- __ _ _ _April 2
iltalsdie,.flTen[ttUo or rebet her lift ittof Ule<il ult1111i-1111'heliltTvnJh 1C~IkArl
"C01011sCcan be defeated Iad ite laa [1CC
17=YT'ea" i 11CC ubjElCJ)t folt' (NERAL AI)t1ISSlt)NtiTICKET S aif
sel t p tftisa victori111s10.tefmoishanoal IESE'RVaEP)SEtAUTICKE LTS ;diii
Co'ti< t prItise',"1istproposaedlby theu SIN tLE ADMIISSIO)N tall
Ct' smhe as the 011CCthalt taat )tftioll- qFC
Beurlin Afatdtely of scifencsthe', 'FiIt-eae
17' difeatted., Chifcgo'sarIgumeniftsOdo Harrison ueember .51.00
lpfr 11iay be 131I ICtliC,(t till, Cl'11 i lig;laI, Ora'eriel Content .2t5
itut itltIwatr. fr.iu' orl~ili~CICl~ti eitbi it et' TICKETS NOWV ON SALE-Reserved tickets on sale rhusay,,Oct. tlb, it rI'er~e '
$2.0 gts he ail frm nw tllsentedbefore January lii, 1[599 Thea dreg tore, state street, and Wahrs book stone, lainlestreet."
the end of the college year. itrize is of tile valoe of 2,100 marks. JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.

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