THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN DAILY. The Best $5.00 Christmas$I Present 0 is s'a Pocket Kodak. It takes r g ood pictures and is easy to0 0 work. JiFol instructions e0 come with it. If you have a, friend wsho don't waot one, 0 it'shecause he hasn't seen it. 1 CALKINS' PHARMAOY$ a Yogre Right n Footwear. ' T~wr' lts o triks i the trade and a 0 0 r t t ti I! tell t t I I ' I 7 I I I i I I i I i ; i I W AE HAVE HLE' ~6 ALO JO .~ JWELR that are heanties. It you douht their 'OTE quality ask MAelt Gillespie or Mr.S OR Steirhbaoer. 46 S. Masin Street. THESE ARE ONE PRICEBD GOODS. LVR hot we will shade a little to close1 PATRONIZE HOLMES'LVR hefore Jats. tst. and get the hest service. AN N AR:I3OIR IAMU SIC co0Office and Stable, 32 Forest 2t AND 23 B bST WNASH tNctTt)N StR;ET. Ave. Telephone e106. _______________________________________________Branch Office at Palmers'-, Pharmacy iPo9 is0 p f EAN ABO AVI P BANK of'oTH* n is ssta o. esasi CapitaltSteeck, V50.000. Surplso, 00. so ... od, * i~i . ', ita . esources. at,it0t,0t0. OIU 1~I'u3,1 151os iii iki f this State.tteceietsedeposits,buytsod sworkl. Bells exchsaoge oelse principal ities of the }+ AL CI AD, 1111 Utted States. Irafts sashed easn preper 3tT(,, -!idetification Saftiy deposit boets to rett 1__ __OFrcsee as Chistiatnso lack Prea.: v.D Hoed mt-an, ice-Pres;Chas E. tissek r r r; a ri('ifT FIRST NATIONAL. BANK O ni 16 S S L U ~Ui~Upit.l,$100,00.a uplat ndssPretts, $40,000 U IFor eieh soe bougist aso lds. Fisih lettersaofs'esit,. Beogininiig Novelidsr 2S linsTeointii isato'10 i sweSC 0ill E. 1). iSINNE, tees. tiAtISttNSOIULF, )ascaeats sade s', sii nMen's Fancy Shirts. TRite' gstnds . 0W. tLAitti(5N. CasieriePrs itCe perlett i 'tO sit 11( 1,isse, StitC ai veisxo tw o i s I tsotne - pstir cnu s letta etl,aSatne tncollars ansits t io fs letsie'liesl. 7' .'itI x Staitie with enlsar' sle'taclte'st siisslufstalsttltt1el. tliTdt.l VTWIl dl f ?2UU" e " nm, . a ,r. NOM rrw . e M sm eu a efts ,e m - w® ew w ere w w e nw s s) tstI "erey > as! k ' Itiss assil ii tests treets. Tissstorimti'es tsstsyo Ssur( sst'er H E A E T E P IES A 0 I i5. 5>t l i U0{oc ur Pstiu5OsCJ'1 55.Easoat mtaofseerydoal~ear upatilitisshoes it I.. stit 1 Itrs. C F 1 i;.ns isets es.~e me ell ils teisr3 Ssas'Statesslte wstlels al stlt sisyod1S. M ul(tI ! yAnbSree, ii.ti etsCssc odSr EsA lesatist0\4 i."' ' AnnXArbor. own 1 ey's4AChocolates. JNIVEWiSTY NOTES. 'flute stilt etstillteitll Ilovitheis01- Hot Lunches. C in a d ,!- ce list!a\- i's' l n 55stliie's ,v I'l sIlt ilsii 'O)rill stl 1, lU TLE 4Sb . State fSt. 42 S. bMain Street. i' 'il Wsill Ite'illtasrsili .t ~sl( "ily B 'lit I olsisoftwtsti1.i1siroollisli:111(t' 15(555eeti t' THt ,E OPERA HOUSE JEW ELER 1;is sit it ts il's'. 11 it'Ii. gl . . -is!'Faculty Concert I LI OF M. Itil(it' SP ONlitPNS _ -GIVE HIM115A CGALL. is it'' tiasi stfis\I bttstt'