ff.f c itl Communications.
EdolitorttI .of A1. L.illy:
Published Dmlly (Susdaysexetped) during
the College vear, at 1li0'"i 111n11.iltitii13(1(.'11' Ve 1 1111il +
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. XCAiIthe11001 ittt ive 10so iwcocly
erased 1th'it 111,111v of the li t' Iii t'ic litt
Cemeet r:Timesobuildietg, 111 S. IlloleS. be-
tweeenLibterty ted Ivilliotrtoi t. ,iof tie' tloe' 110 11110tito t o t Ill tit,
j ligh hcs It A o (sr - te
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FI .1.Loti.I, S.II INt'ttt ttti 1 oi L 111ltttt e ttttt'ti
B.B. 1. ti ',0 1.B.SPlo '9 . Athletic lolilwul Itiodd I l1ii tio1,11 . ',1
W. W. Illlco J, S. IV. Smto h I, 'it. '
F.A. ill Stilt,'lio1. I'Lo llse tod'., . _1 , itd -l I lii lot sIC 11i.l t ill iolt-
W. P, Millrillti'IS.lPButterP1-i'iotl 1,0C
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J0S/ 01 N~ o
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in 1.0 oyill 111lack mliol 81l,
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ThseNbL . 23 Sirt ae Ow 8CS . Do't ai
to look over the patterns.
'Then'o'o ,-;l ;1*git l l011001i101 1i0l ill
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olitltwold I, lticiltllP l10001liv0(to!
"' 1"00 Mlt t to l'lti('oto'o'oet' 't'lhllostnto
1-4 0ff' on any Hat in
the Store. Popular Brandis ill
l'llo a".11;i1loll hos Ilooll corried so woo,
1'<lr 111,11 il. illt t Till, Ilan lu f 11 c <111F +1 for IL 'a
Li'EA FRO' ONE&) RN (6*41m;wc- "C1040" a
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1letl; all o tlltll iot ti'~ ()tl'' oil' ( ill tIt(lltt'l. llit or theilr l'Iii00001 01 !~ .AN.NUAL .A.NNOU'NCEIEN T4 I r-L
11111k-tlois to t'e I)lii, 10111 totrlyp Women's League Receptions. ,
aSlt hithf1 o ut ' l ' b Ib tl le ottiP ll '~ll'' l le 11111 olliog lei t bo ' 'llo ito llo ill '0 l
ilv t101 oh' fotuto hundtitohot'i othltot a0 'lot ito Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra ------------------Dec. 11
thot "tleb i toitto presidinbhg t-l' the it tl1i110 ot101'gitothtltriltEX-President Ilarri'son0 0 00 ,, 00000000 0000 ,, 00--_ Feb. 1
btsliioft ottur11 tll'b't'Oihp' 111lef ot- 'p ' Luther Lain Mills, (Cieitg ,o .Alflahhi iN'uilter) 000 ooFeb. 12
hoto; 111 o doer Oheio' an o fhlootohto oil Mrs. Imperial QureM00000000 0000000Warch I2
Poitlilf. of a11hlO mandoth Pcle. ox-o itt Oratorical Contest_ _oo 0000 0000 0000000 March1l9
Laetiot~oit ioooioll' boot "Oioe sphbh' tof ~t 'ohhioiioti otlt Lucius Perry Hls0000000000 00000April 2
hoaronylo" lb otto oo vatiotnl. Lot; thueolatlhC John Kendrick Bag00000000 00000.April ia-
ohool l th tlhthtO't'O ()I to hoe leo'tgtot 11-111
fl o'sltto' Ito 1latb 00111 thu tolltto- GEiu e 'oor'ol111 ltit ht'pct t INERAL ADI1SSt(PN TICKEIT.S 150.1111
ianlthyar lohn fr il evlo liedduin heyer tRESERV-ED SEAT1 TIC7IiE'h.Te i
htothlY10'leoioto til o''htt het u1sual retilotlt foo th1e0 tety-p- SING(LE ADi'111'SlON.5
111 de ea0111'o'tttObe EX~CEPT
______e___. Harrison Numbier $1I.00
Thte PenslvanpI1iabi mtotsoeum ratnks Te Unitv1ersity' sciool of Danlcing Oratorical Cothest .25
next ho the Biihl museumt a1110 the wi111 give its first Decemtber progr'amo TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved ticket: on sae Thursdooy,:Oct. 8th, at olTalmer'r;
t.oouvrt', owing to tht researtches'oft patty Saturday evenling, Dec. 5. iMudi dreg store, State street, toed Wabr's book store, Mole street.;
Pr1of. lHlpreclit iii Turkey. by the Mandolin orcheobro. JAMES H. PRUJITT, Corresponding Secretary.