i y i \ ' E ; 1 r 4f VoTi. VII. No. 54. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER -1, 1896. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. i 7 TN IL1.W DY @ tiII[CAGO CONFERENCE. Leading Tailor Rllles Prop)osedl for the Recru1a-j fln f ollo... 5 :1 h-2~ c AND IMYPORTER. BULL OWES SUITS A SPECIALTY. NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN, ~Rob Roy Lstcs.We hae i i lk # oes ' s t50 cents o c.01'' We hav o m plete line of pel'] ooeo made by Solon Palbe of New York. 0 PALMER'S PHARMACY.0 0 46 S. STATE ST. 0 0 GOING @ Out of usiess 1,011 U1 l Ullfj.1C2' tjLI. 1 Pr0of. 1Kiloovltoll 1continjleshi'. p...t '1jo1flof loheirules or100100kG at1 10-li 110 -sols iflow th one 1oftay. I .NI ) '0)1 oill b jjjjjl1 I jlj jjjjroj jllellju j-e 0011 j 000 who jI f'1 ,Iii e r vi eo n he1' 110001 I jie 1111 ljj wiloil < ojjjj)'jjit. It has be1100 m11 01010(1jthatj 11e 1011ter1111ulj11iiit o 11Ha 1rule'is1carried on1 lijd lob, four )ie 0 j'jj)j jjjjt'ijj O~~el RUlLEC Ill. it 01111101iII to111'th110' bot lit ould 1111 ho Work in the Women's Gym, (1o11e 111'l- 101' e -co110ji1ct0 fic1ion1 ,1111 :11 110 III 111' Vill111tllo (12 0an1 '110 l Ge '1110 IljI 11.111tel 'o. .' }0')l, 11w1'o0111110 1;101010 of olly ill1-col 111 olo200 tI I v' l lll , 11 0 ) 11 10 1011i110 lot zIett :tIrig't'l. Hooo'eo'er. it c I'r .'" 00o'.] s1' lo 1101) illy jj (, Cebo '00000 ~ ' j Il'' 1 O I')') '1. 11'11110 111~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~Fl 1111'10II jO11ll' I 1(111111) 1(10 It1'11 tl]1)11111111 Our entire Stock to be bI:presses the1sellso01if thellt'e ...GREAT REDUCTION.. . . e~ irr otl 0t cll e- 011111 li, ". 1011 1' JACOBS & AILDIAND,! ir talfith1011a1111i1l112001 Washlington 1k.Waolington of l1"e 1uness leishll 111\- s't~cll de re, n hic c seh111 1.1\ 11i r o 1 EVERY STUDE7I 1111111l '11r.ll'III'110i1': SHOULD REGISTER; Brown's flrucg ,Store.''l)111'11'tl 10Otlj'010 . ,_, n~e:1 111111 011and 10 i~rs it' lira 112ii~ii 1t c11000 y01 11111111-;. D tl 111 1 1t0111. Cornerll'1'of 1111in 11and 111111olost. 1111j' l '11(1. It 1r1ead 1 as i S1 il 11 f1111 111'w0s 111 3. 11111 lti le ntllof 1,1nk-1111111 w1 jll Ahao d It 1h1e11r011111X, cnal e B a y o n C a i E I S'' ~ l , r ( s11 0 1 1 1 1 h t 1 1 1 1 1 I lt 11 I' l l )'( Al too desof 8 mdoand sofCol UNIVmERSITYlan SCCk OOL 1110110'richin 11110til'.N-lllelfor0 X .oo SL o ill lg 010 Eloooo f l l 1 11 11 011'' f ll' i ll111 5' 11on ol ca11111 Ise. wined to 11.131 for11t111' 01lllil'1ll 011111111 Ve nvite CNGevery SenHoOvisit o f u11101lo 1 lfOIl.Oe 1 1100itlirlho onr stores. 'We luaveth -radlarger sopply, Rook foroil he dpartents 0.011hs 11 e -i'110l 1 ly 111 121' fatmr o an-FechC Acs th'e c1.on0erence 11,11' it vi 111.170 11112 We sell he best ttident ote e1000 11111 idi,'011 l 1011. The1co1fer TeniebetLenPaper 20udent o ervisit i1beallwedfoen11;I.1v1sn ller-coll'. 'r- Worsors ebny aexcanage second haseo an d books.ty Tex 1'le fal' 05lle ilsore, 11 han11 s11101110 l'11 Agets for lthe dWartemn ts n-.ros' insderoe.ho111111' play11our0 Mathema thcalbestrstuents Nof til oelene01 I1('lillt The best picesntoaeerybody.prcnddae oascoddgre h Web ivadexanlge lO sec1ondgle n111101 sot Agnt AHr thBOOKateraoRE-prfor1100iol Por y'1S o-nd emersn Matownati owl Intuetos and'irteonfst~lerrenIt 505linlinged t 20 S. State st, Opposite Court Rouase, Ann Arbor. Main 8t. ( to adopt tile above role inasmuch as I'l eI 111.121 1111 1111wh1".v 01111 ti1tli'tcon)Ilwn iti. 1. 1011 he11. l 1'11le 1 I 'llf 01 111111 1111121 111 bjlllOo'1 0 of 1111'. 'n l ihm Shall Iil to 1 - i'il t Islay on any ten j. This ro l o shll ale 01 10' 111' 1) 1'Ot f. 1 10. Th tl ttllfe ol.Ie 011111 1111121 l la 110,. 011111'' 1 11111')' III .10011n111e Ii)eda is tn r a v~il eii t j to ism1h .5leoctin for Fthall tyiotuin.ly 'I lie .ii 111 111 O al. 1ll1111 ll'a it 'II it o ~ el S alIIM 1 1elt I1{)-1 'If 1'1110 c1,111' 11' 1)10 tken't'hold11of th 0E 1)ie cnl'll 'il~ it°,l1121' Il'lllcon- ,[ "°' 1111' Ifth il' sh rt1 ) r 11121 1 'lltIll'. 11 111' r1) 1 \\-Ill t o c ll 1)1 )0m Ill ' l5.''l1''0 I,]e ,l,,l a 'll t t--l' 01111' 0 111111111 ' 11 ! <1 d i ) tl1'l I 0I' 11110) '' lttli l ll)'21'ow": The1101. o ll i t 1ivid d'intt \\-o f '' l ll1 11 I~ I. l)- 1 a t 4 111 11h ' c oilcd tlt'0111 11111Itc oll !, 1. Il' 110 11Vt 1()10 11' lcll ed' 12't il )10ac . 1)1111 I lt (, II 0ll11leu ithe Fl IlreslrnearcdophtoeI l r other )I11e 'I~le I ( 1 ) , 1111 21111, Nuble j'1o21 Iae N raned tlirelita Nbc' Nit)cvulOwh-ewhc te ,Irelintlwril i t to 11 1110)1 whe do q% andl al l'e 1121 111 ' of he)'ll t-el;?r s Thlob'inu170offhel--ee1a d t. Che Joct ve otf el il tiicl 'i 11 V 1oi i 1rl"010''. 1) 1f1 b1o)01111). 1)1 111' 0111 11112' d'llilp 00P)1orm.lo, Otflt ~wapoo 8111'ar allar 11111)1;,1Iolll'l', ''lIIDelt' '1r 10111)as 11)11111e Soek~'lt 11111,lfsb. It i',1111b1lo'1e'thatgno1t1ingeI'ore