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December 03, 1896 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-12-03

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sw ww®c aasaeaa oa®'svaEO nae 1 ..sue -v- --

01 OCCURRENCE.......[ ot: s tO ltoelot's Hale,,sew --- --- ---- $.5
fos 2tots tilt tats,no- - - - - - $.9
glasts of our soda water, g $4.00 Fedo)ra11oos, now - - - - - - - - $3
lool, pleased, saud then say, 0 1$3.00) Fed oera Ilot-, iniow ------ ------$1.98
0 "Glive e canother glass." 81$1-50 Feedora 1Slats, siowv--- --- --- --$1.00
It's ausers rare this' for K
these to look displeased. 0 i
f We shall seebothhut and 9 A 0
cold soda all wiuter. No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann Arbor, Mich.
0 6 os id-io u
lmiesis drugs Do)ofWYe e sluudonreteipt
st tin e are anyr:sa a ayo s ample t
v fol aboutor princi- onIo poun~ed, *1-. sur.
pal business tlot about 0IA 1 itsr -pu;ClT.S e .
a sidelise' I rosssessn oooFree

46 S. Mlain Street.
atnd get the beet service.
Office and Stable, 32 Forest
Ave. Telephone 106.
Branch 0ffsee at Paltmers' Pharmnaoy
Capital Stock, &.00,000. Surplus, $150,000.
itesource-s. $1,10,000.
tlrastled usdorthe teseral Bouklsot Laws
of this State. tReeeives deposits, buyt aud
s ells exchange on she priteipal cities of the
CUited States. Drafts cashed upon proper
Ident! i cation. Safrty deposit boors to sees.
jOFFrCESti: Christian lack Pros.; W. D.
Harriman, Vise-Pes.: Chas5E. Hiscocks,
' aes:M.J.lFitz AtssisttCshier.
'colaital, $100,000. Surplus asd Prefito, $0,000
'Trausacts a -eneral banking business.
IForeigo oehaneobou-htand sold. Purnish
letters of 'sod is.
E. 1). 101555, Pros. HlARRISON SOULIF,
Viee Pits
S. SW. CLARKSON, Cashir.

'01 Se 01 TO OltDE-
Laay Fitting shoes itt all tli
Latest Styles.
Best Place
-. r j

H ere yoreolmay tuy
eel ieoul and ev'erythiegoin thisline
hal seedsmay needs. -tier sisoclis
bought frlo es:1v0 ety 1: ees lOle
Ifoe:'c 'ndsone so:: a:l1loes' oytcs
arfow'sand frollesh-o squaoliyilon

~t taO dVortlhO'Ot'O IIofs the, ftiso
to S e so lre e0:i v: 'on-eeo 0: Ihin l lees Coos.Main: andollui s treetos.
isn'so ther st1o re quite 0::'so: good as :i ait<oi e 0,M4i. 'sos n 0os 1010. Transact
It. Kl11s1" P's. C'.e T 5 P l e , Vise Prs.
O 3 -e( 's ney11 Chocolates.
Hot Lunches.

J)NIVEOMTY NOTiES+. ! :t .1s '.:s It, I.bilus - -'('I C
rrWo1ir50(t)5l5o0l0l55l' s( 1,11oso l01o' .1 .5 a t(3JI TI, 'Se 4 S .S State St.
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SvediEvr y Syl Iso'oJo Iss: 5 1~ ' '' ' 5 op lSPOONS OR PINS
- 5 0505,5:0 S1 t o e'tl;'s' ns e is'''t':()r! a a' 5 11'51 ,1 ~~10 11 l M A N L LEADING JEWELER,
i so s' olk ti' ostI' 'ch1 il:11ll
I (r1 ( iyul- u si as '.
''i. o's 1. u 1 so:.o', SC is. No': to''soi lo' 11:1 PIANO AND COMPOSITION,
OR. FO R H AND VA IiNOTON ' r. lsol 's'-55), :t 5 5: I' 5 olsl'15t111ty t it' -'so l hll il0 1 ('\Y
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Cleolo i tS hio-sttss1 ' st00'1i'' ss 05.5'' 011:x ' i'lost' lo Zlos. i ' soou sii:'. : is' otioSta e w P,, i pk
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Chel y.MiNio Sttsin t tt ithe ls1and: 1. iooIC:01110 f 411'1 .5:5 Tisses o 11 "t sos0 FodStaefo. Sr a loy
]Y I VV R 0 tte S 11 1Jlossr',s' (lsos s ti I : olobe > Coo ua 01101 is (sr~ssl s i. l ol aisslos ' -C ji .SortiSt, &ge o
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o ur_______________________________of i' i Io'un.is o' 1010 ltsl t atlsos, ilsollsosot wlo olst n es in-o' . T '51o ''
o u r tit'l it.014110'11) 110 tsy' tI (oeleiltlo,11 :1 rllis l ' 1lt515011 witht ill ' 11( Ni: I ,oini n tlto GI. THE P o sOA HE
P T PHave Oo en teen by ill Iletheldoa soossilog los 5, at eol'slit :' 5.Iso iangl that i cst'0 'he0 sosois.' alknd f aitru
ANisNM A RO tR iCH;o. ~ . oill. iit oor ltI1.. biltl te lt is solytoeeheos 1:1to rt hemoos frslan lnIe k
I ol 1t:' 1,11:'Ssiososso' t o t oilhso. I to:' les T is 111':' .11111:'C o .,
M ItY R 0:aeS. A')1toew ow to o dert Iolsi(ss, l isesy 501: 'otlIlss I'
Ott oil sonnOS 'll soto.s and k 'e's thOe ' _51. S A0TEA LOTa. 55
l' (':lrrieeMo':luaersl, I larro C. )nl;oleS', $...l inectosl taAll ,plo-etter10rSest1cl't.
1AXX 1 RIBI IC.41 i s lles s . 1: soltltlr5:5 ' tfnd echs tn'all xce lefi os thrsWashington1:ti1t at
.. 4Iid c~~~110 l ii, o 1a(ote, I lo cmpn 1e71i AntetArbor.
P- l(I.:V, I~eo 71, th S("h 51.re IAR) ,tingseuseralonilCrronter, llutDi
a ,l ) iven it t.[ er .' hat hae erec cmbstonanTd .Ot lis 1 1N to AROs as d lue hO
' f's, or sm e~od"M rs . oell:,Ctiu.r EsbAls piug tS e t iat laso.17.
znr~i. 1.II .ll luets re ell smoler t e Fr~t13atl jlllteH nltro mortae. tn o etccgr.Lde'ats
e'leNeIolsse, h al,'lo e oyl hePreed.I.to, bitS atheet alors,aes
l'o ioe v n t udhefe t le Prieess StuGadenohemrs s tuen, all iyro. JbeIt. oaotwside30 S, e s
That hae perfct com ustienrny dolot lg i s eIt FueraClDea o, presin
ARN E ~ nce ltd ihlts ioromerit W sllfhatwead-auEmbtgatlowg esproscsitestNow17th
P RIN T E RIgood week, Gouds called foe and delivered.
vertlee a td guarantee quality p of goods and are never unesod e . sk to pleas. 20 S. Stats Street, tire

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