TIE UNIVERSITY OF MICIHIGAN DAILY.j c °rrElOURlWINDlOW and ou will acknowledge we have too H L~R 1 ITSAOCOMMON maUnIyIU G(uitars Mandolins, and -Banjos. JE E R U 91 ( You want them--We don't. A few dollars OCCURREE euutaur will make ns both hapy. Some odd Ui'. TORE of M. and Wasburn Guitars at bargains. 40 s. Sain Street. e for a tomer t.o dtet.a lentkpienedoda titerho'I PATRONIZE HOLES' LI VERY "Give mteaneother la."Ion' A s Ar'raen i. kINL A B7..I JSC C and get the best service. I tem to teen dispeased Office and Stable, 82 Forest a weshllioevebthhotttd p 21AND 23 EST WAOOIi. ANDt COMPOlSI TION W . final tjlt t il t1. i n ae ti l h(°. ii _ OS ii'' t'.,1\ it' ite' t los t i t thic sdaLre tttEeutt 42. S.i Mainntliof Striteeftrt.tn.ti t i e 'o 48 S. Pta es i ClepiYy\ y ) 075. Otatit introm.isnot AI \O ;I l tl!.1I~ tI 1 I1R0EMJO LY& O. i 'tu"'uti erii .iltur ' ii ii 'itI ii'tts-htt'h tist'. lliiui hthi'tti ii ie r~t i s s 5111 iU ttht Itiitt l11!tvi' Vttftt. t TH O A H O USE10iELtfi b leititi, liry11etttl L'tiiiiti.111 To n i,: lltt. cid ri N'i nrt.lure~ L C re , r ''ti va nS os withwafr s tis nn ain i. 'tt'ieeiuuu oehi..sih Ii teirItoit ma t Itl 1!ait'. uehor tl an al kndsfSatNS ttRINS.t Slae S. mbh ln t willd iiit s jetiili i ..CSijlilhtt i n w i re " ond i , nit i S ir ~ t aib ..fio inth1tac.ad .s PHOTOGRAI .H ~ L i .ohu.Ni Nt. ili ititht'~ lu'Sluii L HP HO TU DO.E A N A . B P M C itt t ot c ('li ti a,' tt ti i i t . 1 I t i 1 tun y - _________________ 'Irat, I n .1 1ashoinglon Block.,Is oam Itutl'' nnt tiotosI'l itlri'. f Io i tt It too t l'us' utg" 1 to' ait 11c.1'n hAN hNutO PO TtONAbr Initt ot' nes'tthi t t i se. tot'te.' ' this t'i't uuill t'h.l i tw o y i ll ohi ts' E. ' I t nr..tHuronttls ut lStreet.'o iitit inSiit uts J'ub.At'npstttos etetis nnni IVi( bsr 7-;aw Ira Las 2 t1u .andoi tutc i 2 . IIIO T n Oilrr @L1 el, li tlc eatc41the Tn !.so InMg11OIchOTIN. LFntwielatt tiiyreltstsbandtiath 116Anao Arrr~s FO 'IhnI 'flue Ne(Jy, vb :tocurseor4I. . te t ie he New oyal.t's~ uesec uF s t receiOttoaStae ntilorg a nt Trunsn Stisedentss S'rhosesPrincessa tbStud n t t Empress ti 1dru l, 1 tit.ierto doN eInside es Ied a d i s es"E d d e " s ii el k _ ' u , 1 ., w .t s ie ee t h u 'thFl otnj o y atoo d10 eg hlittta n. oC h a tse tug.t al pho u s . iten t PRI EESOES, N Ttt BsEonEieOter!en' ii wrnyertso.tnoc llesadr it ereredo.' nruk n aie eare etyadls ekaickewotl p lt it,, ltest ipovmrts. W nl wua yea - ardeono n ths.etee' 'ssitnnt d s d by hegvers asI ua onee s ,at fo ds Lildia 'i .(re n eu d rod. wreiopetse 55StuO Sivl, ie Advrtieyi TE DILYo44o th ainStretoSuscrbeforte Dail