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November 26, 1896 - Image 8

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-26

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i 5Cents.
0 Ilot(let 11 IeHo Chclate
a Beef Bollione Beef and Celery
dTomato Bouill~sioneHotOyster Juice
0 Bot (ineeeHflteLemeon
d 10 Cents.
M 'lot FE0 'hl te Ice loe.temonde
slt ipe Jceoaclip
Ho 1iltei lk lee .la ileroh
1111 IeilI e1 I efe
E,)3zy F ttil '-41oecsis,<11 h
43 S. Main St. - Upstai s,
13erryn ecit11a 7 t iui0 t

r S[flURDIIIflfIA and you will ackowledge we'. have.' too PATRONIZE HOLMES' LI VERY
0 iu hi IIIIIinany Guitars. Mandolins, and Banjos. and get tile best service.
0 You want them--We don't. A few dollars Office and Stable, 32 Forest
0 will mnake us both happy. Some odd U. Ave. Telephone 106.
0 of M. and Wasburn Guitars ai bargains. Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmiacy
r ~Capital Stork, $50,000. Sarplus, Pf150,1110.
Ban . L.. v, Oganie nder the Ocesr eallasking Laws
S)fl this State. Recesivst deposits, bays and
21 A'D 3 EAT -%'ASI (_-xTN SRFET. sells exchange on the prineipal citis of tile
21 AD 2 E~IT V~aHINOTO STFETUnited States. Dcafts catted apes proper
j ildentifieation. Safety depesit boes to seat,
Or~iEses: Christleian Mek Pres.; W. D1
Harriman, Vice-P'res.; Cbas E.H. Blose
M The Gymnasium Work. IlWe expeclt1111111 1111111 i1 1111 1'lilli.'I Cattier: M.J.FrzAssstat tCashier.
0111111 il1i' 111 Ellilicolith' 11i1'. Ii iiF'11 T NATIONIAL BANK if A ttt~ ia r
n_ sllnl ill tie11 1'« ItO IHiereila \0.1 "1 oa~ i ie iTa $0000. u pl usan GProfts el' 01:1i
six 111111 li g<,irl, s. he11' 111 11r g lli eia.51.b. SrptssdFot bb-
the1 directo1rs~ t'1. 011. 1111'to wt' ;TMle :'olo 110 i li'1i l'1111 Trassacts a general Ibankbing bosiness.
tlsl ? s ft he.5tlwl'lily u'1111-Foreign exchenge boaght anstld PFuonilh
iu ?ie: (11"I'loilitheIt'l elide II f'llthi'e lA'u.' letters of eredt.
I t'1). iFilel.'l'clllll atI 1101111 1.111 11''E. it. 10INNE, Pret. IIARISON 011UIF
l vit' ital IIwork10. 111d1 aill "it sa I The Eastern Season. ( 0. sW. CLARKON. tashier.i r s
I 1 fwt*1 001111111of 1l '1. 11111 .1shot 1
1' il otbll s eason111 ill 111t1he 0 9
i closi (W liII i ll t' 111 ' t': 111l11 \i 1 v1 ''1 liiia tM # n
41 ~ ~Whl aepllef tel(11llea'oilllllt"to0.lllil.sTidseno'
1" !(, .7V ei. list S,11a lll ..111li 'i ll' \11g eteral l atliloC llbuies.
.yg } 'llt'l'ilX'111' b .1'(l'llt'tl 1 l11 1tit1K. lNelt'1Y ' 're . NE 01101C, N Ice It
f1" 'FiiED. 11, BELSF11, Ca'hier
11C T( f h :1:111
> 0 11 ioll 1111, n 2; t'ItI"7;1 10~1 11of1211 N W LIIk uf
Development of Football. C E O
11 I telltll ~ ~P A T E N T A P-P L IE D F O P.
15li''itlliillI llhc'l~glic~il . ;1:11CHAFING DISHES,
w 11' -w a Yom. linde11110 tllilt'1e1t''I01111".. lis d'Icve- TABLE KETTLES.
...__ .._._ .__...-. I poll o1111' t't'tifo il l'lt '' 1 11"l
' ' 1111 01111' 111t1e 1111 1111 111'il A s 1.1011,h t
0 e011010.1.111f't111'c W ,AHNOLD, LEADING JEWELER.
'Ii 0I1,T. M 1,11 1 td'i :I '1 1 l n1,S le ird1110111 ______________________________

E.Hu on Stee . 111111 ii t' 01Vtltlltl~l.tlin AlC 111 it-
-. L ' S T O R E 1 Ilgti'l 11111 1 ll1tt1I t'1'l ie
'013 B. 10110 1011001 III lt cl t't\I ll 111 l n clccIO 1111,
46'. M initr et' l ll Y lul'3' 1111 e1111t0'IC~ll l1o 't'l'o.
I Xt~t1 l Iictl t n-i~ 111l 1I t lt1'i ll-
' . 1 1 1.11 1111t e I ; 1'. 1111 11111 Qu11n11 ll
a... tlt111 01 1°on t ld 't'2111111' 111l l'tl ,11
___________ '1 tl t l lol' l al0't l y1. ll s tad ' 11It'.',
Ho omeis ealy Copntlyci $2.10U 11111 Ic'. lO 1 1(lien.1' 111:10111i
W~ot n w 8thtoflino ar ' 1 1cfoit~i~ . )Itthcti ti It
Oustar, andolin t' 11111 I l11111 111111 II ill11.'i11 icct' Itco'lvc
'ta~ I U.II Bnjo oher I aZt ar. 11' ,'nt11.111,11117:' ollonte t-I
Wihota e 19 M d l cf t le l cc I t'. Fi 3.i lal i ''. I ic' oYtotI'tt
FrmS G~ uiwtar, an oln, 1 lc'"t 1.1111 cCn o itilo: 'lltt'ut' 111
'Ilceecce O0'coorlZither.1 111>lclc1telclil I llc'tlctctj
P tccccl ccccccbeen icscald clnas.t rcesut fc hec
bu ageuieWahbrnoftlie. ery laes l itde t' 'Dr.iollclo. (1M. ll' lef,111e Rl'ia 111."t1
Fro cold copw:ccc ci cC, c clecclcc cl1c' '111'i',slit l. 1 1110 rk:11 al Illl'. '1c'
'romic ormer sti' cclIt icc the intiest cald 1'\Ill 11'1 t'ctI o11111111 11111 ls3'. lI n %C.
b r sa ccld teccccdc nfo mprc s y al i1111 11 s 11111111lj)r11at~; 11t V a fi
11l Theytiayr rs gs by j/,.el' by the IZIasmol
han4t LYOn ctNt & I'IEApottThe New oochester1X Tile
Cog freABAoSHeAipt &fappiaon. T.,ouCca O lodeudal,'teer~ine
A Wshbnimpr1oves Nw'ccit'hclIeecntmesCol sikiUlte1wThalst
Gftt'ci n'. I'lclcrssi alueastee cly. ear o.. 'rie niglr snte 101
Iccs ealywott anicmsis ot
Advertise i THEonAItYudenoutheain Street

Own , spromt 111 over. tilt 4-mi11try.
nit, rc -u,:.,1r intovvolit;,-,iato .tnan-l1c',
E 1 t hteil in IST3. wh(I>1 *t conN-c1P-
I iml liotwool1 t'o1n1111 ir1, Prirtc"cloll,
f " C v
{! w D tea f
4 l , I

F'romStttbat ne vat o rytc ey.rmacnyc.
Just Receivdt.ad e It nttlEleat
Linxe of New Pipes!
Blo andCoccccchs t " r. Agents.
- - S' t~at St. aet Bock

Lol Ilineotiti e llister stili 1111 rooks lValises, Cress Suit Caus
n'11111110111111IS ilclcy f'I 111(. Icinder wl.reeie ow.11 y e'0 101m .Trnk;IndV Ok s R etimiel;tlyan
iIt Moro SI~~te'. Cltetly. ot57S ii t
have perfect combustion and do not !YFour~ Tailor !
ie or smellt 11H1ve you seenflltoelInobby)
Yatle, Thie New Royl, The Perfec- Sulits Milwiiccl is tulring lolt.
-Student, Tile Empress Studenit, all MILWARD 40 State St.
imuprovemets. We sell what we ael-__________________
alily of goods anld are never ulndersold. OF M,. SIIAY NO PARLORIdi 0Iatht.
'1tJ.. ro1101. All 'thptitntmelnts first cclast.
H. &z CO M PANY.fImported andtdomesticetc-s. aie rt,
4lciro. J. . R Tr'cianttwa'iri,301S. Stcste at.

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