THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN D)AILY. HOT DR~INKSf0 5 Cents. 0 Hot Coffee Hot Chocolate 0 Beef Bouillion Beef and Celery Tomato Boulion Hot Oyster taice0 ttot Ginger ttot Lemon ! 0 10 Cents. 0 Hot Egg Phosphate Hot Lemonade arnnnd you will acknowledge we have too Q A L-e SEAIR INflfW man Guitars, Mandolints. and Banjos. Babylon Coat to TOE BEST. Yo LLUw an Km-e o'.Afe olr Allgreader of hard andsoeft Coat. You antthe--Wedont. fewdolars Camel Coal and Cots. will make us hoth happiy. Some odd U. M. STAEBLER, of M. and Wasburn Guitars at hargains. Telephone No. 8. One does East of Ameri- can House, PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY 1ANIN .kF IBE3 F 1 \oM USIC 0(. and get thte host service. 21 AND 23 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. Hot Egg Lemonade Hot time Juice Flip Hot Malted Milk Hot Clam Broth S 10 SCALKINS'-- PHARMACY, WOTZKE MAKES TO ORDHER WOMEN and MEN'S Easy Fitting Shoes in all thte Latest Styles. Bent Place for Repairing ® willsenduonreceipt ® any uddress..Prices: 1 ro-puid Ctague Fee IUCOOCG, 159 Fulton lireei,BNiw iok. Only 41zn. Office and Stable, 32 Forest .Ave. Telephone 106. Branch Office at Palmere' Pharmnacy THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS R Capital Stock, $50.00. Sorpies,$5000m 1. Rlesource,. $1,100,000. Organizedunder the Genertaleaking Law of this Stale. Rleceives deposits, buys and sells exchange en the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed uon proper Identification. Safety deposit boxes to reel. OrruCES:o Christian Stlack Pres.; W. 0. Hlarriman, Vice-Pes.; Cboe E. Hiscock, Cuashier: li. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. 43 S. 1Main St. - Upstairs. THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, Cin foros-h yooui teist-cluss Fountalis Pen. eo and kisgrepairin,aspecialty. --GIVE HIMT A CALL. PHOTOGRAPHS ---Special eatee to Seniors at B3erryman 's E. Huron Street. .Anton 0feufel, Trunks, Valises, Dres Suit Cases- AND TELESCOPES. Trunks and Valises Repiried Neatly and Cheaplp. No. 57S. Main st Your Tailor ! Have you seen those nobby Snits Miltward is turning, out. 'MILWARD 40 State St. EENTSCHLEE, ANN ARBOR. MICH. M4ILLARD PRi NT-ER 20 S. Inglls si.-One single reom lighted, 75c. + y ~~FIRST NATIONAL BAHK o n ro 0 ~R W~fl W~ .p-otat 5$100,0. Surplus and Prcots, 5450,000 Trensacts a geneal basking bustness F A N C Y S lI+'~~~~foisig es-cexi.change bought and sold. Furnish S I. 1) I. KINNE, Preu. HARRIISON SOtULF, You B a I o' Vice Pres. atud von CanHhave the choice of tiver S ,CAKO.Csir V5 0 Ties for 2' fl I- nI~l n. Cr. STesn andl liroStreets. Caspital $50,000. Surpius -30100.Iransacts W AG R & 00., 21 5. Main Street, ienrabainbunesI. E1P±, PeatG R>:\: Vc rs Ann Arbor. PiRED . 1Oress ,Cashier. This olier good for thisseekl. f Buy Your Ticketn. AT THlE GRIAND OPErillA 110U1SE. r.I1 f[l Otti hitiredcce 1efifty ugilt k-s1 1iThe Jotsonis Com edyC. lice--e-ohel I L I i tickets 'hiebeticso etcliiinthe lite-ce itthettttifitt colleey "Polly Paretitcr" C~I RU OPODI T. ltrs of t-e athletic Asscitiioniielsiect t t10 -0 01,11,c I le asctedt itliincc. Miss-I icrsiotccc lfsO lllit ti l lss livsley esiloleliytdesetres lue- of Jacsns lick tehs opesned an office at to dicrc-tilt1fatc tie-cIciistyst1c01-0itoslit- No. 1St, Main St.,next door to limes As s iecittg el heteeeset r11 te-iteelertec illsfor ery s-levew rke- tistte chels office, seetie is prepareel to tret all foot AS a leetilg of te 1u~i'cl wll beheld crtainy a ve;Y teoubis er-irercand, tcoele tii c Alt Aopera-a tonrightl foic es titlistlirpti evy