THE UNIViERSITY OF MICHIGAN l)MLY. IEverything ,;_ A LO I C Jfor the. Gym Istyle, Quality and Fit Guaranteed. I Hatters, Fine Furnishers and Trailors. Sole Agents, Royal Tailor,- IBig Turkish Bath Tow- Youman's Hats, Rulop Hats and Waterhouse Neckwear. Sels, Sponges, Soap, Rub- No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann .Arbor, Mich. Sber Caps, Flesh Brushes, V:t - - ado:;~p / Etc / * any adres. Prnic5' ICALKINS' --PHARMACY. Stretly ark ANSTERFER'S THOSE ox efotionexy, T iK O 26 -TWO STORES- NEW Standard 26South State Street and -Cor. Fourth and Washington Sts. 1 H A T S Ul., 91nu World. "Telephone Both Stores. -.Anlton Teufel, Irenks, Valises, ress Suit Cases AND) TELESCOPES. Trunks and Valises Repaired Neatly and Cheaply. No. 5'S. MH in st. STATE STREET TAILOR, A full line of-- Scotch and English Suitings and Trosuserings.. The Name the Guarantee A, 0. SPALDING & BROS. The largest manufacturers and dealers in the world. Cornplete Catalogue Fall and WVVinter Sots Mailed Firee. Offiial Football Guide. edited by;Walter CamsU, 10 cents. FOOTBALL SUPPLIES EVERYTHING FOR THE PLAYER Canvass and Moleskin lace front Trousers and Jadkets, Shoes, Stockings,I erseys, Shin Guards, Abdomen Supporters, Head Protec- torn and Mrrill's Nose Mask, MUM'SRIIOFFICIAL ITENIFATIONAL Fill RALI Offially adopted by. the Intercollegiate Fool Btall Associaslon for the fifth consecu- tive year (1155). A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Mew York, Chicago, Piladelphia, MSDETING OF GRAND LODGE, F. & A. 1I., CINCINNATI, OttlO, OCTOBER 2(-22. Agents of Ohio Central Lin~es will sell tickets October 1i9 and 2(0 at one fare for round trip fronm all pointo in Ohio, good returning until October 23. The Ohi Central Linen are runnling solid vestibuled trains from Detroit and Toledo to Cincinnati, without chsnge. 17 ANNUAL CONVENTION BRtOTHtEt- HOOD OF ST. ANDREW, PITTS- BURG, PA., OCT. 14-13. Agents of Ohio Central Lines will tell tickets at one fare for round trip Ocetober 12, 13 and 14, good returning until October 20. 161 Subscribe for the Daily. GOOIDSPEE-D'S, SOL.E AGENTrS. U, OF M. CALENDAR. Thtrsla. (ci 5 8 is, 11.,Es i Mlelloristl Hall-l'aelllly GColteelI. Fr-iday, (Oet. 9,Sp.1)1. .-FoolleslI 111s0simeeltig in lllivetl'iy Hall. Saturday, 'Oet. 30,I3 p. 51., Athletic Fieldl. Football gametI with lillssldlle1 College. Saturday, Ost. 1t0, 8 p. ill., univers- isy 1-1ax11 Lecture in Ihe S. IL. A. course by Ghlauncey 1l. Deipew.. UNIVERSITY NOTES. L. t'.«Walkisy, last years b~siiess mtatsager of lt'e Diy, 'is ints oil, Presisdent Angell wsill slot bse abls' to meet Ibis class it Internatlional Law- tomlorrowY. Rlegent Barbsour, of Detroit, camle clown to Alnn Arbor yesterday 011 I'M- veesity business. The facade of t'llis-crsity 111sh11sas been undergoinlg sesue very miuittte scrutiny lately for Hteraly Ipairbos ss from lueltbers of one of ttehEnglish classes. Thso meetinlg of eollege wvomlenlan- nounced for loot Sitnuy ,at wichi Dr. M10s11r and Mt's. Wood-Allen w-crc to have given addresses, has besn set for next Sunday. T1he Engineering Society u-ill hold ;a sueeting for tile election of a presi- (lent on Friday evening, Oct. 9, illI tile Engineering Building. 0111'y55me1- bernsu-bose dues are plad s itre en- titled to vote. There 'sill be a meeting of the ot!- cern nnd cxeceutive cosusuittee of the Republican Club today (Wednesday), at 4 o'clock, at 9 Thompson st. Thse I lctling is 01inlillsrldt 0115'neasid a ftill attesldanlce is; vlesirsti. Asssolllcestlesstis maOde of a.pos- pe'th-ecirsiouto ('antonl on ()(-to- be T-'1, ins ullicoil slltgt suenllsrsu;lh- ou1t lhe l'ount5ry- s-illpar'ticilmte. Ar- rallgc'll'sts ass'tbsissg suasit'for a Stsc-- 1511a traiss for tUniversitv studsesnts, at .1 s-cry loss- sate. Massosnic studcsmts as-c reqll'stc'clt1 sssedt the tollmiftee of tic' I. of \t. Ma sonic ('lubsaohI.l-cllay evensinlg. Oct. Itat 7:3(), illtile MasolicT'eulhle. The110MAlsolie Clubictlcfu-ill bold as llsecstislg on Saurday3, (C, 10, as Ike same l'hou~r and lac 5ce. Mr. Johnlston desires that stu- cleuts elccissg ltistory 3t uill fusrnishl tll'seiseo e with Osustus "Ilistosy Iof England" for ready s'cfereuee, anld tse "Englis-h blisloricol1Iteprtts,' N's. 1. for 'uT nt- tea exercises. Coturse 51will lelde leo miles and. tlsOelsiie,011the eousti- tustion of Ike umark, ralonster'ly, lviWil- ollip. Iparishl,suanos', andl smonic'ipa~lity, asd on thelecxcutis-e, llldicias, asnc leg- ilbltilve branches of sihe cntral gov- erunment in mletdiaeal Enugh-il. Cotsrse 27 will beginuwit.sith111 discus- ,;!oi of Itritisi libeari's, of miaterias, anld of histories of general sittsttoI t ie student of Elnglish History. Per- cons wishing to consult wvithltOe in- structor will fsid him in 1100111 F, at 9 a. um., IAtendays. Wednesdays and Fridays. U. of Al. Dining t1all, (12 H. Liberty st We alkn to please; if not, please tell us wily; if we do, please tell your friends. $2.50 per weep. 25 kSubscribe for the Daily. GRAND OPENING OF COL[EGE 1EXT BOOKS ATTHEE STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE, STATE STREET. We have a large stock of New and Secondhand Law, Medical, L. french, German, Greek and Latin Text Books, which we wiil sell to students at lower prices than ever. Note Book and Lctut Paper by the pound 15c, 2Wc and 25c. Watermnans Ideal Fountain Pes Every one warranted or money refunded. Drawing Instru- snts and Drawisg Boards, Sheehan S&-Co., PROPRIETORS. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR. LAW BOOKS! Buy nll you cais afford for present and future uso at our Lowest Prices 1 We shall be hee for a few days only .. - .. Callaghan & Co., LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO At scleede's, 50 south State st. ALARM CLOCKS! o Good ones that are warranted $1.OO $1.00 WM. ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. FREDERICK J. SCHLEEDE UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY. inds Books from 25 cents upwards. Sells Soid Gold otal ens for $1.00, and 3lbu of Linen Paper for 55 ents. 50 S. STATE' ST. MUSIC STUDIO. PIANO AND COMPOSITION. R. H. KBIVIP From Stttfart Conservatory, Germany, 22 S. DIVISION ST. GRLAND 0C11MANDBRYEItRNIGHITS TEMIPLAEt, DAYTON, 014t0., OCTOBER 11-1. Agents of Ohio Central Lines will sell tickets October 1:3 and 14 at one fare f or round trip, good returning until October 17. The Ohio Central Lines are running solid trains from Detroit and Toledo to Dayton and Cin- cinnath without change. 12 Dewey. Of the course offered, two Delivery Free Today. 'J f S That have perfect combustion and do not soeor smell: The New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfec- tion Student, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, all nickel plated, with lalest improvements. We sell what we ad- vertise and guarantee quality of goods and are never undersold, DEBAN 8& COMPANY. 44 South Mfain Street.