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November 23, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-23

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Black 'Bull Underwear, Ypsilanti Union Suits for Mene

Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann Arbor.

Call and examine before buying.

28 and 30 South Mist.

Time labea((heesedSep.27 89.IAT.WET i'4i'^
speciali 4 5 MNil _ S__ di
1 ten E- i-- 017 N.S Limited 55f^.9 00~I ci i
Atlantic Ec 'Sd PasteiiFx__ M,----1.i - Ii f e
G, R Epress i .115i i (iNi------- x-- -9 1(1wi
G.1. AT At.(lieago.At. An Ar .sx F oo
RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS j ® ' / ®C ouav¢ ews °la a
Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos aviid ie a Linbtwe-o
Cilgarettes. 1anlda Clmbs
I The Oly Sseping or Drawng Roam ar
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. U I Linlistwsen Tedod, Clmus and
'\. Marietta.
_________ ..-----ce .~Tie Onl Drawin Rsom Car Line bewen
4_11 __Toledo, Clmbusn nd OChrlson,
^ e W. Ia.
4 , A dARKeRLUFK)ntai'VEPellIl'ellman llapora between Colanmbus and
TE ONLY LN ith i4 taisacehlwy dily
,: n ^ t~ t 9 J y "'.e THE ONLY LIN with S trains echiwayan
I d SedeyTs betwee Toedand Clmia.
9 ~THE ONLY LINE wiil triech elay dilir
iha taii lBeall ns arectiii iicycei Aceiete iniwrranedby thePrker etwea Tled, BewligGreenanned
1 P' le Com ayJaesv~il, Vls.Fida.
ase Ie, t ' p y3J.CFREUlD 99 47 SUniversity Ave. THE ONLY LINE ill ltanseal wy daly
y I etwee TicledanCretena, W.V. s
"only wenel "'it_______________________________ THE ONLY DIRECT LINE beweTledo
iiihyt-dayou iay?" Set eiiiali." aned the Vigiia-
Y . nTHEI POUILAR LINE 'aes Tetdio, Foo.o
Nie ome is Really Complete ®7r u( i .Pe rtumes! ria, Bucrus, Gaie iaddNewrk.
Without a new 191' M~odl nry Fii isteeti' c aeive toetime iseof
Washburn Guitar, Mandolin, We have a very fine line of Perfumes which trns.,,Oibeherly yfnsedan
l ah rnBanjo or Zther. we will be glad to show you. MgOULTtiiOHOUKe Gia. P.5A
Peec ic bat aeiel eeci ,e ct citueTOLEDO, OHIO
Sddai'eeiciecponsieiy othtiintwiyicyeiiisiii IN/Iiuinimner 1y'5 Store,17 E. Washington.
beyaeaiiiie Weeiai cub heratees cct deigii (. ..71. s _ 1I StoreAv. / r udO ~ya+ u
From $5.ea Upward. CrM4tiCanO7.Ho e
Thie nti<s bdibe andiiiniiii a edicldearturc
Sei ciieaiie iatenetxicdiia ii olge Education. itiheii'Svclcqiiii'iiiof ourii~ i caolsal One Scuid Weei, cmmncitg
igiiiet Madlinimagnaclie, uiiiictr e pecee
f-e eecifi Eee i Cece 'cie te-'sc toolIn oi (urP ((dii uii aliii'S'iiii'iiS, ]Monday, November .23
biinaiicec c teidiba nd ceiicae picec b atcirbet- lccciieurt hi-rlu'. 1. uin-jg. ii of e1epiec aliv e a bad i noi be______
cas usic deereerwereuiee.
Wsb arnsre theee c knocwluicedged staiidareiiocite W 'oii l iii iiii0 . ic i((i ii i li(s, e c o i
macid. Yihey aeecsed exceuieleybytheileadiiia . TH1I(.i 1C 11 .IF1,v l( ~l((It1171Y 711glle 011e il- i JHNO (;{
Artists,Tecciies cd Giee (Ciibs. 0 ttah elili il litii,. :iiiihipromoting li. T E O ED-O
an fllmraeciiscisiiciaeedocceeetc' will iulic I'cleiibaeiil' i(n i l.ue is, penedout.iiin ud prolEONSN DbEYyD
sentfSect iier ce fapseeeiiiiieeciieiiileis.ccilie r 1)e iiitiiii 'Srha nei(a1 n tppecing te liiliesnt Star, Dasy'
cano u~ie ippiy yonu we cwil eiii SWabuire,,iC. . D.niiPsoc utV S l[Is '"ici-is a l eill S. I Beiverley andthe wo derul cil
mitii piii iege e inicitio, dircdfrmieiiii ctoiey. ''lufluut assof utit( ('ll es il Arlie.i'(ii ______________I ace ise, Littie Pany. This Nioneecof
A Wacshburn improves with age and makes a i O(tI ~( N E1l'. teplarbet cmaniesnoacmtaeiiig a
Git that inreases in vleas hs years go by.,ie"TeAcsiu olg seic $ IS ~I'li)ADIEllN eex ecc
It is really worth many times its cst. i( iei'e as" A tle o ne ate Thursday Matinee at 2:30 pc. m
LYON & IIEALY, a.Aie fccrie Thei 1 of Mfot cuball (sesi ciine-ne
COR. WABASH AVE. & ADAMS ST., CHICAGO. (hanua.tnuse of sci-entistos," for ihas (uncit of thiiir Thianksegiving gauine at POPULAR PRICES, 10 AND 20 CENTS.
u-i'uuuu'uu'd a sr vice' f go'a (istvalueii < (iuiiagoi still raniai c chucci u srio secra yurseat ary Adne, slae
trai'uiinein iithanLiiii i ioui (lg su'iiiifu'iuuu Annc Abr' proviinllg 20 tickes at te U. S. Epessofie.
arclips iire siil at 55 eahu.Sel t rain cion-
--Theliiiiuicu-e suuslls tel urgst po-(itingoiirt. s ochsaddn- RIAULL THE PHOTOGRAPHER
pohirtionliof solsgeiggiaduireis. 'rhe W csillae ui itc -cte* easingon Block,.
. Ilauge miajori-iy of ti' l11}as-''io' f the Mihigan tiiral atu 9 a. II. Weeosl Ann Arbor.
Ci iueh stes ariieunot i'cleige-lui-s uh,~ tby, ov. 25. arrisving at Chic.g, 3:5
p. 11. Tesetickts ill erod t OFM. SAVIG PALO ad Bal-
F O B L SU PLIES (usry t(ilhf SusfUs of thei' liliusl1.iie 1id ikue5 l e odS .rom;.All'tpolutntsfiaBetclac.
F)ttuiexnIatia. la SuP :1Coleg ireurniric e i tli igail (sti 11 rgular Imprted and desitcisciars. Ldie' arti-
p-(aiseilioliiunSsis,- tic hale dessin and athing prlcrs, p
Everythinag fee the paye - at, g'uhit uiu ur'lau tuuuu' l p to aniii ld hiuhiiugNov. 30h. stairs. J. R. Teeancasil, IS S. State t.
Stc tcig,ereys, Sin G~uards'rdutan moehntw h1dj
et.sbace tilga, ffciiial Itroigae of lth' asoiaus juidgus f lii uiprsicsIlgistr 3'Ouu lunaml'at (le Michsiga MR N aea tletr ~c
Fet Bal, effiially adped by the lter- (Central tisb~t afies ci'withl iiemubsre Lb et 4ea li unrlDrctr lt
colleglite Asoctiti. Complete Ceta- Seourt, cud about twso-thirds f the O-t andIltii Cakets and Fine Grade
,agat Fall acd Witter Sprseet " Teoftare _thleic ______ Fa.Coll. ave. Seilt.N. 7S
Name tha Guarantee" peer'T e risenut Cirscl 'uui ot nlila'shas's haul f_ eFourtithecciaiv ell. ElligaSeily o ~S
A. G. SP.ALIDING' & BROS., the benefit ulr-dilfronitua uleghub' seurseatwyour photoit inuigsat
SYcYDTsoIitlteb iorse.lanallhsantI asoidlthe usual lItoliday
man class and scle of jillset M ichigan © Teachers' © Agency
aphply at31 S.lTher trest (Seitthi Up to date in isabusineres mtluds tWide awale io te interets ofaits patrcnse Newv Lin-k Cuff,
side). A good chause fr lhustleresvbho etsaelt in it terms. Aulectos cntamplntuec teaching and toen deiousat
want t hake oney.advancement in their pofecso ae cordially lavited tocaad e atuc. I N O
want o ocke mney.28 SOUTH STATE STREET.CEN O
Advertise in THE DAILY. ( Room 1 and 2.- Ann Arbor, Mich.I PA rEN-rAP-PI ED FOR.
Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed.
WAT:ER.MAN'S, ID1EAL at the'
7T C (ranetlfne St ationery fo!olAte correnp nence. Best linen papers
STUDENTS BOOKS-TORE J. sod byhepond. Calig Cads nr


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