THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Coilege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, OFFIE:~ Times building, 79 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. FItANAfOING EDITORS J. F. THOMAS, 7. BUSINESS IANAGER 0. 1H. HAOO, .98. EDITORS E. L. DEIsont, '98 L. F. S. SIMONS, '98. B. B. MTHorEANY, '99. iH. B. Ssosstwso, '08 L. F. Mi. Loom, '98. IH. H. CosswoN, '99. 1C. 71.GsREN, 9. Athletic Editor. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. Hughses, '9s. S. W. Smith, '97. F. A. Fucit. '98SE. Louise Dodge, '99. Communication. Editor of U. of M1.Daily: The Women's Leagtie Gymiiasiiii ecommcittee, of which MINrs. Ileigliard is nowchiairmianlieltd a meetinig of sti- teiits representinig tilesUnilversity Diiiioia Schioolosii lappais 711011Fri. daty afternooni. Tuis coiimittee earin- etly desire all tuidenitswiio are go- ing iioiiie for the Tiianklsgiviiigr'cress 0o tell tiie story of the Womoeii's Blid- ing to the old Uniiversity studetls anid 11he High School stutdentsii hire re- sp'ctiv'e looms aid 1tostart an cuter- loinineot to b' be--Oeliduriiig iio 'Christ- ioos holidays ini aid of tihe' liltiig fuind. At tic' iletfilig 1-idoay seer- JASJ'f$ 1NSTEP CO. THERE'S. NOTHING LIKE LEATHER, WHEN WELL PUT TOGETHER. OB WINJEB H'SHOES! -IN- Russia. Enamel, Boxt and Ameri- can Calf are World Beaters. DEAL'S SHOE STORE, 6 N. MAIN,, OPP. COURT HOUSE. AIR to AFM I" Au a MTD W. P.1Ilorrill, '00. Botler Lomb, 1100. !Cr111siuggestionisowere 'to (lie 'Men woaingone of or A. A1. OSith, '5. 1. Lull, jr., 99 l. ,naturie of itiese henefits. It will lie I renienihereil hy those interested thit IM .P'~ .~.1k L. _________________________-_ th____ le peole of Adrlin inspirted by (lie Selomigow by a mirr oithiot The subscription price of the Doily is 072.30 tlnoiae leaeiiing ini their ih School smlc10ieiss-. srtb for the college yeor, with a regular deliveysmln-tth sevsorte before siog eaih day. Notices, communsica- "'isi' .a "Dislriel_ 'kil"' 'iitiiiiiil S 0ti s lions, and other matter lntended lor publica- ,,l ~letranet 5,0te ae- tion muot be handed in at the Diliy office be- list Miilwihtep')rnn lr lose s p. in., or mailed tii the edlitor befiire 3~'.-tblio'iil ii'l~~ili l iii p. mi., of the day previout to that on wih 1141nd o-oiieii of _iiiiaiiw'i' ci' ori'. rc)M30 they are expeted to appear. sibscriptions may ie left ot The Dily Thi nhlisni seondAih-- - Office, Mleyer's or Stofflet's Nenstond, or i'iitllii5'l tiii'l0(1 with iBuoiness IMasoger,. boriber"still cor- l 4s Te'''t T1 fee a favor by reporting promptly ahst Tiysiltt'25 ati' officr 157 failure of corritrs to droiver paper. t hlii' illsh a ..S.ili' At thu loot Horvard-Princeton come we werertold out of theists5 students, 1,50wote the YALE SHAPE HATS We bavr them. $1.00, $1.50 AND 'k2.0lW All ShadmesindColors. All inicattionis poontlot(thle miost siic'e'ssfuil- gaiie at Chieago oh ''hancsgis'ing Day Itiot toe et:Ilbzs e'ovtr seen. Indeetd, inlpsoiint othi if fair to rival even liii';;realtgigames of the i-ast. Mote short, catchv yt'lls are neit'ed for the Yellow' anti Blue editioii. It is alonsg this hune that C'hicago is lest prepared 'andi we mt botle ready (o ntel thienm. A choice coliectiosn ef soongs is alreatdy assnred our "rootero," hut all that are still sent in will he gl-eli fair conlsideration 'in iliakilig tliii final ecioice. Presiideiit Tho-ing's asse'rtionl chat thio college has gieater iiifluenice onl American life in training iieii than iii pro'oing sc-holasip~ is I. genetraliza- tioni hard eiier to prooe or dispro've.l Btit it funuishies. fooil for thought oii the part of ev-ery college student. If line, it eniphasizes the imlportance of molking a college conrse not a mer e abscoiptiolo of hook-know-ledge. hntarii all-rountd development in eovery possi- Dir line that a great university offers. The follooving io the chiorno to one of the songs Chicago oill iiig at the Thlianksgiving Day game. It is 10 he sung 10 tho tnne of "Tramp, Tramp, Tranmp, the Boys are Ntarthitig;" "Riut! hoom'i. hang'. our hoys go honop- ing, Dow-n toward Michigan's oid goai; And beneath the old Maroon, we wiii sing our happy tune As we put the Miehiganders in a hsole!" The facto of past yearn do not co- incide withs thr poet's fancy, and Cii rage wili prohahly need that hole her- self to fail into after the game. $2.00 gets The Daily from now till the end of the college,,.year~. wili regrets thait it v-os not 50., Something now in a lowe crown soft Haut. Ask If ev'ery dipoiia hiighischli '1iii' 1 to eeit. senteid here tis mreirwuldIdo is woeli,9 001 elioldil eiediily liii SC 0u1rliiilhiii work. Some townls (lave imatelriall for I iii ''Dliibouk's 1'o1-(rl," others enjoy c "Livlig Picture's,," or "«-ixa'iWorkso." Il 1111y plit' ai''fL'ap Yelar 1ar1y"' nwiglt 1ea1slise 11e11, wills ticksits atT WW EmLmKC)N L Y onie dollor a conple. i-or such a gloi- . 5NQ V. 23 rr0O DIE C. . icing a laige 111111should hi' tngaged 1 ml sano the, bilsi. decorationls lintiri- frsmnsdonateid. ___SHIFRT r SAI.eSiT 'hue Gyminasiuiiil oiiiiitti'e wishies to eiipiiasize this requlest through th hose Nobby $150 Shirtsar now 98 Cents. Don't fail colunyi of the Dsaily.Tpy me11nlDlt to look over the patterns. of $35000, is contingent uiioii 011 raliig $15,0010. (Oftiat 51101 ifter H A T S A L E I the efforts of a yeah'aiid a.liolf, wI' 1_4 Off' on any Hat in the Store. Popular Brands in- still lack nearly $7,1100. Will 1n01 every oluded. stndenit conside li iiisi'f 01rheiself mer ndlconyirerliteietMCtoDcoO ndDi tlii litatliC atinttend 11111111 at iii I A D D 'e I ,,., #% COM I'ft-TlE Thanksgioving night aii exirsi pro- gni par'ty'osill lie gi-eli, the Italiain orchestra.,oowil furnish imusit'. tniidlass tickcets ooill not admnit,'T'ickets for the 'fhaxnksgvimtg llarts-oct11 he 50 tents a conple. To Rent-20 S. Ighalieat. near -N. ITniversity ave., oiie suite of rooii at $2, also 0110 sutle at $3. 'su'naceiheati, light and bath. IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A STUDENT'S ROOM, It is generally conceded that a stringed in- strument is almost an absolute necrssity. To secure the greatest enjoyment from the purchase fret the best your money will afford. Expert judgmrnt pronounces the "Bay State" instruments the finest in the world An excellent instrumnt is the BAY STATE $10.00 - We have In stuck cheaper banjos than thin, but for a substantial, servic- able instrnment, at a low price, no other Jutrument manufactured can compare with it, Bend fur iutrated catalogue, XVDHX -C."HAYNES & C0., 463-4e3 ashingtonsgieStreet Boston. THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT Leland T. Powers--------------------------------- Nov. 30- Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra--------Dec. 11. Charles A. Dana------------.-------------------_-- Jan. 21 Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1, Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Alumni Number)-----Feb. 12, Imperial Quartet-------------------------------- March 12 Oratorical Contest-----------------------March19 Lucius Perry Hills------------------------------- April 2 John Kendrick Bag-------------April li, GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS $9.00 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS 2.590 SINGLE ADMISSION .0 Harrison Number $'1.00 Oratorical Centest .2a i TICEETS, NOW ON SALE-Renamved tickets on sale Thurnday,;Oct. 8th, at #Palmere-r drug store,, State street, and Wahe's book store, Main street. JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary. A