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November 23, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-23

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VOL. vii. NO. \ y,'


Leading Tailor
will disappear if you try0
or Syr. of Tar and Wild0
Cherry. It comes in lac0
o bottles and tastes good. 0
Worth Your
Gent's Nullifier Slippers very choice.
Gent's French Enameled Shoes for
Winter-Razor and;Opera Toes.
The Perfection of Shoe mnaking-
Correct in Style-Right in Price.
Will he pleased to have yon see

W ITTENBERG OUTCLASSED Recital of King Lear. i Coliseum Will Be Ready.
-Prof. S. H. Clarke. of the t.'niver- Yesterday's Chicago Times-Hterald
Michigan' Wins Again in a Field sily of ('hiesgo. was greeted Satorday gave the foloocing details of the swork
Of Mud. evening at his readtng of "King Lear" Whtich has so far be(en (lone tn the
-Itby an andienve of about GO t) iudents teCliseono
Michigan wonI her last home gamneandnstitzens. Ini opentng lie exprscesed Ma1nager LuntterNA'orth inspected the
of the season Saturday to a good stiff hts thaniks for the reception ass's eded I 'Colis.eumi yestecrlay and, miade the final
(oiniest with Wt'ttenlberg. Contrary to hit, inot so msucti on Ihis pesoiil sIc- !aransgements for the 'Thanksgiving
exlsectattossthe Ohio leanm put sip a, couit is fosr Itle tUniversitv wiis iise'ihay gamse. W'hsaths otrouled tse
good cleanisgoose all(] gave oar teemi repreesent:,,sait beois ose of thie bondi isanagisnent the miost hs been to per-
jusot the kinistof israsctice neesdesdfor' of fellowosips sche xisto s'i scveen thei, feet sccosssnodlationo for the press.
the' viissiing goose with Chlicssgo. e 'hlietsvo g.,east:ssiisvcosi es of Micliig'ssss sssi Ss'vcsal schemes hmvi tissuggested,
hfest in ilay'ssol's' covseresd wilsth ' CIlcsst's.Isut sill live e en fousdiimaticalbl.
ississi, buit little' fssilsllissg wasstonse, T1iss' I s iys's a-ssstakesn ts by acts. .Ssvingissg litformssstpendled froon1
anss irs ct class exhilsitissis '' litsandtlssos' of tie sceesotuur'isd, weres'thse tirdserasvwee proposedl. If the
upi. ieltedisi.so ilisi liii'usieince'Avis aslt' ssillirisiv of thn s ssallossetdinsisde
ASistessiseeg kickedt off ito llsie'ig' (is fsollowsvthis'plo1 ols'ssly. Prof. Iih' rops. it 'vissfearediithey woulsd
aiuu )lis'yllog st srthe hail fiur offsie5Ii ( ki"..sgreastI siillitNass aShakes'sea- intserfse r vitIs he' Iit'of tile oces-
sissy. lsut ri' neiuduhi si ss'i s d«n. hiss- isi(1,111 eade555' liiily shiown ibIy lihi'liiiitO of liiie titxi's. Ye'lsstray-a
gi.es' isiisli' si's)lssng'russn usfss ad '11". sissly illAIiili hliehltu atet ii'uison ofshesiss's it uponi thatrpmay solve'
shortibraess's s' ' -islsl''gnuitgsi iis Ilis auidinc's '. o'lt'e sish'our itnd the probsllemn. Prov'iding thiii' 'sliositnl
thei issil otis'rsif'his'hesir islst cdowii. hlidstpll-'isonni exceptislfoIsbe liIi'is- liebullstisis lihegirdlers suporting the
Als's' a l iakl i lu fl' lisi ii .l'iiis i 'oi uus. sil iosisst' i uh's iuiioiss',sos s sl
nissl ossii rgsss'ssilm id esh iss 1_he Illnilsci'ssin te ii Ci os losi''' 5li's's A sss... . to i.. iio th

os's's'ssts'sl libllockinge tlasik. 'Thien
Cae 'si eny 'isthsisissgis icentlrian si cor'e'di''
sflss'sE i'ts isckig go.sil. Siors' 10
to 0I.
Csili'25' sso iilsig11) a gr'e'stlgssuss
suit sissis1s' ss ss'usosstissisi eiu of 50

. soiieossfeel ('isy giat'fiul toui i''ss'.
Isis' (lfor sie ai. le 'liar'.givensini
1Niii'ilig'i'ii (s thiss' i . siles'. The
OOitlistsiisisl iii' she issileisofistues' eii
tictasiniissts osisSntuls'sssnight.,liie

A C O Q A T T M A N D , yssisis los' ssusssslses' I ssslslsso'ss. 5 (_z a 1 s iusussisisi is i is i s oiitens assto d 'l' j
3J SU V3 a s l isisd. tl ssos'lisssif Wsigo shWsigtns. Pllut.l hent ou~~oi
WasingonBikXXaslsolou s t'is'rsi'((sil' lii set ssss'ssls'is -' Letsro on Japan.
BVBRYS'I'TUDEN'P sfte aIsrillississ 1'isis, guasrdeds'-slsy-s
S1I'OUL.D -REGISPER iiss ie. ('si1'r' ainsi('sie. (S 'si li (slos od.'isizoed's ssssis'ssse iloti'Oto i
_ AT ied g-ss11. 'T'e 11s11f ssend stissIsd ii'lisii 'she1 '11 . '. I. 'i'siiiisii i i s teopti onll'ss
B3ro"!w.a's IDriu. Store. oii W ittls'sslss's10liiysr inehis. Sor l i (s's'nii'isssss i. Ssai(((sisy s'os'siss
i cost. you snothing. Lo sot ine et usit. 1 sto . ii ' sclos'ccc Iil. I~,traiu to
to rats of (lassisn andHrss I
5fii'i' liii'kii'k sil'I'iiittci'i' adessi-is heis. lississ 5'O' ( sis osol Ihiit lisos' oils
Fowler Comsbinatioin.Lady Sits ositandi , w 1e hsi'' heered.ss''sl livessofithis'pisstib' of '''hs'e ihnsift' i
Behind. tFor tResit By ii ssl lsseslssis ii. sisss i 0 ho((lt in. ~ lo eiis'ii''ti itsh'
TUCKER & CO., PTF'TH AVE. I ili sifters's' s ,~<- ,b nealyl5 Iinais 5 13 sis'asissositsig iso e
ifetc y moan on this'teaiii. tissi was Ot'5555'(11ithl' ii ofsite'r')if is'Ion siuid
UNIVERSITY SCHOL05. ss( aifts's'tis fo1 ir li'S es11s
('1 I)F DA fIN' andiinsipsut lby 'sit hi'sihsi'i'g e sswa 'iiIii((s 1Mlnai iiii 'r s'ssuAlbsioni
oppsiste bassBuildiig.'$500( assemester lors ilit i l I i iithe 1),1si t hise ssssim i ll ".5'11 ' 'iatt (iuie. tssak iiIisn .5. h -.ii
tio es sones ak.
the fictl..;Tee. ii' s i us ow' ts''uu'i t cits e
27IPAThompson Street. lit'e iieuttifolw:.ol t nbl il t eur oe
- A - No SNit'Issiis's Isir' isisiss netst 'iiissv tu
-'T ICIuNW'rTENnERG tnisuh', lilit'of si Mthlostisil sshnr tit
W AHRS BOO STO E. 5'his:'a~sti.FreshumanasMandohin Chub.
We invite every studesst to visit Ietes -----_.--_rErbsueS
ossr stores. We have a large sulpple leeinsoes s---- i f----------ithle
of second hand Usiversity Text (Ateasileef-ngshelT. ilithe" ti s nigetti
Drtumellter--- .--_q -- u-'suca t)I Dinle g hsltlbs iiis sgs
Books for all thse departments. Pisugreu' Gordons ---_ ------Towes "
Law and 'Medical Books. Germass Caley__........___r.-e__-_---__ -O i I soussus,23.io usuuiuss'aslictes ors
and French Classics. Ho'g..... --1-- 0- -- .fb___ .--- .-.__lackhs r~na aj cuol ee
We sell thse best stuidenst Note Touschdownes-Os'eeslenst, Cssey I3), 'iseehs'fstssssssssshu.isl-ss'ss
Boks20ceterl.)5. Goasofromesuchdsowss-- Villatissh " Islepesensteds' levs o h x
Bok 0cnsec.Umpre-J. eR it. h~ards, of ilicheas Iteh- i i~ss'v' srus
'rhe best Linen Paper 20 cents~per eree-McNl'Ilas, if lDartmouuth. Liseessen- sulitisili, andt six if*thses'sors' all
poend 5leSemons 'sod Smith is.Tee of halves-SO asnd
We bny and exchange second lsinse._________ liss lsslyers. It u-as thseefore'
hand books. Saturday's Games. thusugilt'bssitoiiformis ssfs'edtiusis Sllsss-
Agents for floe Waterman Foun- Boliss insthead ositbsanjsoelisb. Sevural
tain Pen.,Pince'stons24, TaleEii. smore' guitssrs soill ibe neestest aniteven'
)Mathematical Instruments and Pesiisylvsasisi8S Harvsarst G. soeSliillliosyrovllss''a
Drafting Supplies a specialty.moe anlipayrwllhva
'rho best prices to everybody. Wislesissin t6, Minnkesota 0.'chansse lio get ossthse celsb.'Alothser
Give us a trial Lafisyette 15, Wesleyasns0. exsamsination ovill lie seldutoirtly after
W AHB'S BO K STO E Dasrtsmouths 10, wsilialim 0. rhankisgiv'ing. tse timue an lt ie Iso
Utp Town Dews Tes Ifyuhromtowrntnderbe announuced W'o he ' tiIlletin hoard
20 S. Saeo. Opst or os,
Ann AorSt. 0 le et.HouetIrouhein thle Da iyly. toret thur-ad in the Daily."i

het''o isusMoul rchie's wtill his'coveredl
Avisth planksingse'. 11sh sill hie'lsarge
ussiusue1tos s ols's'usuussihste sit least '0i
tperoso. '1lst' epo'ter, Wi'us sill bhis' lsts-
ticusuletuueof sill hisuu'usnees slush ths
t-ieti' of this'fiehldto behis ashfromusthsat
s'ins '':l huus pillssisu'x'ellenst.
" n.'eiuu''iiitisi'. fundsuthatsthss
alr'ssui'uiui'slofth sesats vssfaus1ts'
ill ,oous'e sebut Ihis the ilsOlliso-
usseut hIss rmisussedutolii orr'set. Tsesteu'-
Ili, otil le osht ito«-u ushndat tee ul-
t'sity sit 'hic'sgo, anushit 15 11000' bei-
levtist 1 liai usjoruietuf sstrill hut'ri'-
s tshe. anlushatus batusu lIi'gene'rsahluld-
u1s iois tr oillhe ii s lush.
''Ildils' iuh .1-i'iutal osts' slun-th'
OiShape' otluici toINill hayso's' usual Thins'-
uhsi'. "ifty- ussus touts tussuNv(eeast
(uswurk insside'te'bllutisug; ys'atei'us
'illT'e'u'-1illu'u \ sill bu'se abo isu e fotluoteri
shasu llu'e listr'iusths' bosx'esulsusse'ths
Slits's. 'Thii'gussussus fisisithss ibsxes
till grausuislle ships'estsar'utheiis'u''tu'i'
soifitosandutoits hedetuisof tlo fev't
fis bingse' (lumpedil 150 ous'e is'eslits'
tills's. 'i'ishsill maksliti' i siuiusi Isi-
I posssiles'fuss' astplsyesr to bhis' ususss
agsai isifle tisollof li'he boxe's w'he'n
tsackledi nesai'ths'edugs'of sutheistd. ,
ulsesinspcisi ioouls11 sussuhs' if this sils-
tus i' fromuus hss'ro''suuli ots hei'g
susuhs's.incut there ~is smausll pr'oability-
plufisig toil1 is' lunts'rSfere'i itoth. Tise
llh.ls:i000'u'o''. s'iteriusgfiunius sisuss-
'ersables' io'wsoooanskylighuts it is le-
lieve's l l i 5555555fer5 with"!-ilhse eatciis
of lsiuts. Nosthing of lisscaselhoe as-
eseusisest.iWsfor'eVthe stay of thle 'eacsue,
as0 neltlssr teususs is allowredh to prac'tie'
in the husthiuse'i.".
$2.00 gets The Daily from now till
the end of the college year.

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