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November 21, 1896 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-21

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5 Cents.
i it Coffee ot Chocolate
s Bef Boilliinn eef and Celery
it Tomato lonillon not Oyster Juce
Mt intgerBt Lesmon
10 10 Cents.
A lHt fgg Phsphate ot Lemonade
00 o 74,-,Lemonade
IfHt Line uice Pflp
y Itoh Sitsled Milk ot Clam Broth
Be Sure
You're Right
On Footwear.
Therestots of tricks in ~he rasleanet
they're paciced mre than yoo think
bu nth1) Ci.
This store atre you sure you're right
Thistorrgnrantees you a safe inest-
mentf enery dollar you pet iala shoes
we anl. tOi a good She Store, fll of
godSoesat prices way dosn
Bad hRuber,'le, if you swaol them.
W. C. Reinhardt,
42 S& Man Street.
Served in Every Style
Anton 'Teufel,
Trude, Vaiss, Dress Suit Cases
Trunks and Valls Rpaired Neatly and
Cheaply. No 5iS Plinst.
'Your Tailor!
Have you senl those noby
Suits Miward is turning out.
MILWARD 40 State St.
28 SInglls st.-One sige urom

o - uI~'"'.iam S 4IDTBaylon Coal in TBE BEST.
G R A SH IRT SA LE All grades of hard ad soft Coal.'
0 Camel Coal ad Coke.
TlpoeNo. 8. One door EastofAei
BgReduction Sale on all White and Colored Shirts. can House,
Look for Prices. You will find some big bargains. PATRONIZE HOLMES' LI VERY
and gt the bet servie.
D. A TI K ER & O N, Office and Stable, 32 Forest
®No. 8 South Main Street, - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. Av.Tepoe16
______________________________ Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmay
a a a a trsendo-re-am0-A THE ANN ARDOR SAVNS BANK
i , of 1O ~~~~etan. aOsmpe to CapitaSok$00,Sup s$1,4?
0anadde1Stok. . .SuplueilPAi '
P j Pounad, p nR . kesoucer.$1,100,00.
t.,y te.ni 40 et.. Organized under the General Bnking Lawse
Siitlu , raarzee of this State. tReceves deposits, Pys and
p Stet, Neyaoitlco sells eehan ge on the principal cities of the
I Unied States. Drafts cashed upon proper
0 01d n O e 1i dentixat:n Safety deposit oes to rent.
,6 ___ Oenos Chrstan Mack re. W. 0.
arriman, Vice-Per. lChs E. isock,
CahersM.J.Fritz Asstan Cashier.
cpital, $100,000, Surplus and Prfits, $0,000
G Y M N A SIUJ IM Ognsrgsgetugtanizod Fnsh
Trnsacts a general tanking tuainess.
L1 1 Vice Pre.
SW EATERS. ,r~nrf~n
capial $5000. Sucilsos $000. Tranact
G O O D SPEED 'S C general bhauing buinears.
SIt. KMPF, Per. C. E. Caeen., Vice Pres.
P15 South Xain Street. Putrnt I. ii rs~a, Cshier.
iii'stssl sithl li i l'ivheloi,.les 1ei Ph i th 1ite'05'l'is lun i s thel55lii
ilecteid preisliiiidnof rolioiels II i 1kivisiuis'of h li'e lpsaiiet 01'olsuiss Q. Cl-IIIO P0 DI ST.
lI t su i o i~re sili511bl l I 1iinii Isle ll of0JaIcsn ilih s I ensed an oiler at
'Niiscls-eiglsl wi lsll a usd lir; i v' 'Iles f Mii itsi 111No 1S.SMusn St,net fbr to Times
the ihaupil \01iisi ls o otis l11. a o I ii il. A ilti' G I 'sl ler L ousel i iie ' to - office, where h 'eiissresared to ts at l foot
iiisiy e'eing111,'.Nssvclills' °.is. is troe lesiein ascienificmnnsser. All opera-
ilisios'ofiil llisiliss' vill ii' i liltsli' ionsseusssic'y pisles. li. ifford comes
anisi r 15 1tilint vs'ri' ne 05e'rsl iof Ii 1'i''"ssi i'Iisisi. leliss i i ere highly reomuseded. ty te memer
eel s bi'pisent'il. lIt('sc~ni lnslls both i nil ilhis 'vi- of the medical ssrofesion of Jacskon, City
;s'il's lsly s sI' 11(I1in10 ll s lilis' sdsdses's'isi- a d oilssie etc. Pices'eacsonasble. Cossula-
Ills ishbsoss Is'gs'x.'vlaIosir Isis iss'ol- tioss and eamination free. Ofice Iours, 85
ics'e, scill lslI le reli 'soilssr i .Sl I, ssshSp ms
0:157. Air. liRo"'rssis1erns sti'epssiieive''l-scIcsuis lllIlLowney's Chocolates.
wil ishhef. orIle'hn '.rgeHot Lunches.
fie 'Ce'i' _li sidssslilsi- lii r ti sills I - ,
pri -e 11 i s'he 1 u i' lso slilnss 1 TN t EI I'S 'lil'' oNS IN4
rom , i. Wiley.'07 2Iis ne li" I hIIE1ATI('S. TU3VyTTLE'S, 48 . State St.
sf Ilhs'0s-1llasd.-sisl S. l i l '91 -I r, 1 'cilislsIlls, condiionesd in solid. sand UA DSHE
lstds'r. 'Ill('s-(.s111) s hs'sll sl aresI -y15 Utet ie o ie t l AING I SHES
sisi. is 'l iiiIlls'heswork is theus' Aisi Al ssn / TABLE KETTLES.
r[ ig tts i lsssorll i r lc is s : isiics's
T1tAN 0050 11NI. Ifor ushat 11111Ises'in ths' I llic'esi'. 0 hanldsome line ad
'115'he llU iiver ily'Ssl fool o i i 11-lly ilsls'Its slivil Ii.si ;jiii lisle 'Iisa C'leapl
lst1illlls's'nextr11 ora1 nfrI 0 trv~ll ci l mes-I 'Ii i.I odts~sldI i ct l
I'sansruingi0- 111C111. l i s-la 5 a' ' Nos.e°I t at"1sf2 7.1silok. to ISWMARNOLO, LEADING JEWELER.
not adiisitltoi ills. ut1 au ll lilillern oIa . 51 1 1 stisl ' iiriof 'i'l ltly. A fe's'
711 seia1 1111 Ils'cchill ibse- Iiii t 1. f $.00 1.1t' c i ss's ois M V I C S UD O
Musici'y01' Il ~lisi I Irel-issa ofte'l Is~Sss. \. "-lfilsi111'e .MuS 7 ST D O
thillsnilsI''sily Schoosl litDanisisgN 11C PIANO AND COMPOS TION~
cciii p-isi'>1proivi tvilipallyel y Ssslli iss .01 115'iioli' the1sf i' (: '.a. shoo 1111 . FT X 1EI v4F
lceit o N 51' 55t5''31. '111e 55111551li s . lit vs's-ei' Ills'(,Notscs'llsis 1vtinf b5iy- roussSltutart Conersstoy,Germanuy.
or I'l iv w cill filiel slat m ssl' s-i' 's l i lii'illay' n iht, 11od1,alssthisses'in1 111022 . DIVISION ST.
ailhtllssou i cnt'511.t lillillsi.clily tis ss'lls Bulilt tis' re 55' illl'l 55' _______________tyre_____________
Lost-Diamodl l u~sll t lael'stilck pun t sil l's's 151 t leave il ell is i nes and'11111d- ('
gyuustil riayeclllg.l~tlleli't1 ii ii'11111 ls 150.Nss~s'v Groceries, --Provisions
witl reeive wr d b't'i y ls-lvig srts le lsh at ws se ily erefters lliply- and all kiods of Saiitariumi
at 3 MUoroe st. IiiIfs.I Foods for sale y
Randlla d a v stsoi 'ioi t sal iiiilitlI' .adlIssi proliisving roerty- aI dwi'Iii'ls- 24 . STATE ST.
ruas Wahhils'a5 t les-k ..n. noniac ,r, ..,.

D A M S hat have perfect combustion and do not
'rho New Rocheoster, The Yale, The Nosw Royal, The Perfec-
tion Student, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, all
nickel plated, with latest improvemensts. We sell whsat we ad-
vertise and guarantee quality of goods anid are never undersold.

Just Receieed a Large and Elegant
Line of New :Pipes!
Het and Cold Llsnehes at aillhoser. Agents
far iliyter's sasd Williams ansd ternece Co.'s
Chsocolate Ban tBons.
R. B. JOLLY & CO).
205S. State St., Sager Block.
F. P.GLE~Nn, tise Slate Street Tatter. Latest
Styles. Bent Goods. Inside Prices. We do
every thing in oar line, Cleaning, pressing
and reparing at lowceat prices consistent wih
cuod werk. Coeds culled gee and delivered.
weseek to please. 20 5. State Street. Give
us agcall.


448o uth Main Street.

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